New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 1039: An Unusual Coyote

Chapter 1039: An Unusual Coyote

On the other end of the call, a woman’s lips curled into a grin, as she had been expecting this call at some point in the near future.

“Alexander Leduc. I wasn’t expecting your call so soon. I wonder what kind of problem you are in that you call for my help. But my word is my bond, and I shall remain true to it. What can I do for you, friend?” she asked, her last word heavy with intent.

Alex didn’t like how she said friend, but he could hardly do anything about it now. He had already called and even hanging up couldn’t save him from the bed he was about to make.

With a heavy sigh, Alex proceeded with it.

“You told me last time we talked that you could get in anywhere you wanted. Was that all in New Eden, or was that empty talk backed by real-world skill?” he asked, trying to sound conceited.

He figured she would be less likely to refuse his request if he taunted her about her skills. He could tell that the woman was prideful about her abilities, and he was betting on it. freewёbnoν

He heard Kujaku scoff in his head before she replied to his taunt.

“The games are only a medium to practice in an environment with little to no risk. But the skills are the real deal. You would do well not to mock them, gaijin, lest I show you again by breaking into your cozy little home. This time with nefarious intent.”

Alex didn’t like her threatening tone, but knew she’d bit the bait. All that was left was to reel her in.

“In that case, my request should be too hard for you,” Alex nagged.

“Spit it out, Yaro!” the woman spat, starting to lose her temper.

She didn’t like being taken lightly, be it by friends, family, or strangers alike, and Alexander was testing her patience. He may be stronger than her in a one-on-one fight, but she knew that he knew she was damn well more dangerous than he was.

Alex mentally snickered, knowing she was close to blowing a fuse. He didn’t want to push her too far, lest she break into his home to slit his throat in his sleep, but he was confident in his ability to detect her before she could.

‘I might want to try to set up wards around the penthouse, just to be sure,’ he mused before focusing back on the conversation at hand.

He could see the next coastline coming in fast, and he didn’t want to have a split focus as he flew over an obstacle-filled terrain.

“How hard would it be for you to sneak a group of people into China? Ten people,” he asked. The woman scoffed again.

“Are you mocking me, Alexander?” she asked, her tone harsh.

“Not at all. I need to go to China. Business to take care of and all, and I need to go soon. And I’m bringing along people because it might get rough. Can you do it?”

There was a moment of silence as Kujaku understood he wasn’t joking and got to thinking. “How long would I have to prepare?” she asked, her business side kicking in.

Alex thought for a moment, thinking about the flight time and resupplying they would need to do after bringing Aapo home, and did some quick math.

“Half a day, at most. Once we leave Korea, we have a trip to make toward Finland, and then we are back toward China. We have a person who’ll have the legitimacy to re-enter, so we might be locked in a hangar once there.

“But I doubt you’ll have more time than that. Is that enough for you?”

She thought about it for a moment, several pans already flying through her head, when she hooked on the legitimacy of one of their passengers.

“Is your legitimate passenger part of the ten people I have to smuggle in?” she asked, trying to cement a plan in her mind.

“Sadly, no. He refuses to help with this thing we need to do. We are only bringing him home.” Kujaku grinned to herself.

“Then I have a plan. Half a day should be plenty for me to prepare. I’ll have to start making some calls right away, though. Was there anything else you needed me for?”

Alex smiled to himself.

“One last thing, yes. We will need an extraction once we are done. My plane won’t be able to land in China again without a good reason, so leaving the country will be complicated.”

Kujaku huffed.

“As if I would smuggle you in without a plan to get you out. How little do you think of my abilities, Alexander?” she asked mockingly.

“It’s less about your abilities and more about the safety of my friends. If you assure me you’ll be ready, I’ll have my phone ready to call you once we finish. We can talk about payment in person whenever you want to. For now, I have to go, and so do you. See you in China,” Alex said before hanging up.

He grinned as he hung up, knowing it would have ticked her off, taking away some power from her. It wouldn’t be enough for her to cancel his request, but it was enough for him, knowing she would be pissed.

Kary saw him grin and flew beside him as they reached the coast. They were already beginning to slow down again as they flew above the first few trees that came under them.

“You look happy with yourself,” she commented, looking at his dumb grin.

“I am. I got us a way into China. All we have to do now is bring Aapo home and declare Liu Yan to Chinese customs. Once we land there, the rest will be taken care of,” he said confidently. Kary side-eyed him with curiosity but waited to ask about his plan. They needed to focus on their flight for the time being, lest they hit an unforeseen obstacle, like a bird, drone, or a treetop that towered over the others.

‘At least he didn’t go there blind and wing it,’ she thought, smiling internally.

Progress was progress.

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