Never Judge

Chapter 893 - 893

Chapter 893 – 893

"Glad to hear that you are safe, Ming." Cedric said with a chuckle as he shook his head.

"Ming!" Camilla exclaimed as soon as she heard Cedric finish speaking. "Thank God you are safe Ming. Cedric didn't tell me what was happening. I found out through the news and through my contacts."

"Don't worry, love. I'll beat that bastard up as soon as I see him." Guan Ming threatened, making Cedric and Ian laugh even harder. 

"Don't worry, Ming. I'm having you brought here as soon as possible." Cedric said in a more serious tone as he looked up and nodded at Leon. "I've sent a chopper to fetch you, right now I don't trust the people on the streets."

"What do you mean?" Ian asked Cedric. "Clearly the people should be on our side with this! Lucius Ting is a danger to society, they will be clamoring for his deportation soon."

"Yes, every ordinary person in the capital might hate Lucius Ting, but he could still have men lurking around. I don't want to risk things." Cedric said in a stern tone.

"Sir, this way." Cedric heard someone tell Guan Ming in the background.

"They'll get him here soon." Leon said with a nod as he confirmed that it was one of theirs that was escorting Guan Ming to the chopper they had sent.

"I'll see you guys in a bit, and Camilla, after this I am never letting you out of my sight." Guan Ming said with a determined tone.

"Even to take a bath?" Camilla asked as she tried to annoy Cedric and Ian.

"Disgusting Camilla, I'm dropping this call if you insist on this conversation." Ian grumbled. 

Cedric laughed as Ian fell right into Camilla's ploy. He watched as she rolled her eyes and shook her head. Of the two, Ian had always been the more overprotective one.

"I'll see you soon." Ming simply said before dropping the call.

"So will you continue to keep us apart?" Camilla asked Cedric as she raised an eyebrow at him. "Lucius Ting already knows about us, he knows everything. Don't ask how I know, Mae called me." 

"I swear those two are more loyal to you guys than to me." Cedric grumbled, not that it was an issue. He knew that Camilla and Ian in turn were more loyal to him.

"Cedric, she was lost and worried, do not blame her. We have all been in that position." Camilla told Cedric as she glared at him.

He sighed and shook his head as he walked back to sit behind his desk and maybe relax for a little bit.

"I'm not mad at Mae, alright? She's not in any trouble, relax." Cedric told Camilla as he pinched the space between his eyes. "But you are right, we should now assume that Lucius Ting knew everything all along."

"And Wu Jun?" Ian asked as he sat nearby. "You can't brush off his visit, clearly there is something else there."

"I think Wu Jun is desperately trying to distance himself from Lucius Ting, he knows that if his name can still be tied to Lucius Ting then he will sink with the man." Cedric said as he considered the situation.

"What about the bugs he planted in your office? If he wanted you in his corner, why would he spy on you?" Ian questioned.

Cedric was silent for a while as he considered the reason, he was sure that Wu Jun wasn't working on Lucius Ting's command. Wu Jun was richer, better connected, and more influential than Lucius Ting. There was no way he was going to let someone just dictate his actions.

He drummed his fingers on the table as he considered different motives until he was able to think of one.

"Wu Jun is not an honest man." Cedric said as he began to explain. "He is someone that always gets his hands dirty and he is more than willing to do that. As a matter of fact I think he quite enjoys it."

"And what does that have to do with our situation?" Camilla asked through the phone.

"Camilla, think about it.Wu Jun isn't used to going about things the right way or fairly." Cedric said as he repeated the jist of what he had just told them. "Wu Jun is not used to being at a disadvantage, so he does what he knows."

Ian suddenly lifted his head, it was clear with his expression that he knew exactly what Cedric was saying.

"He planted them so he could blackmail you. So he could be assured that you wouldn't throw him under the bus!" Ian said as he realized Wu Jun's possible intentions. 

"I would never betray Guan Ming." Cedric said as he shook his head. "On top of that, if I already have Guan Ming in my corner why would I even consider taking Wu Jun's side or even just having a partnership with him, it doesn't make sense" 

The room was silent for a moment as everyone considered the possibilities. 

The peace was broken when Leon's subordinate let out a cough, clearly Cedric and the others had forgotten that he was still in the room. 

"You may go." Leon said with a wave and a chuckle as the man quickly gathered his things and slipped out of the office.

"You forgot that he was in here, didn't you?" Leon asked Cedric with a grin as he sat down on the couch, relaxing after their tense mission.

"I did, for a while." Cedric told Leon with a grin.

"You can trust that boy. He's like a son to me." Leon told Cedric with a nod. "If he were younger I would have already adopted him."'

Cedric simply nodded, trusting Leon's words.

"Maybe he isn't sure that Guan Ming is working with us." Camilla said as she suddenly thought of what was happening. "What if everything he said were just guesses and he still needed to confirm them." 

"We need people to get into Lucius Ting's or Wu Jun's teams or places to fins out the truth, but for now, let's assume the worst." Cedic said with a nod.

"I'll send people in. I'll make sure they can't be traced back to us." Ian told Cedric as he got up and left.

"Cedric, how long will you keep me and Guan Ming apart?" Camilla asked, taking advantage of Cedric's attention.

"I won't, not anymore." Cedric said as he gave his friend a brotherly smile.. He was wrong to eep them apart.

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