Never Judge

Chapter 879 - 879

"Do we have any news?" Cedric asked as he paced across the room.

Last they had heard, Louise was now at the police station and the process of deporting her had already begun.

At the end of Lucius Ting's men they were being followed up a mountain, but they didn't seem to know where exactly to go.

"Wait." Alexi suddenly said as he lifted up his hand and picked up a call.

"Dad?" Alexi asked.

"Yes, yes, we have those documents, Katerina has them." Alexi said over the phone as he rushed to get the words out.

"Tell dad I sent everything I have to his assistant. There is nothing more." Katerina said. "Tell him to have his assistant check again."

Alexi nodded and repeated his sister's words to his father.

He was silent for a while as Cedric assumed that his Uncle Jose was speaking to his assistant while on the phone with his son.

"Great! He found it!" Alexi told his father as he grinned. 

"I told you I sent everything." Katerina told her brother as she rolled her eyes. "He should really replace that assistant." She commented on the side.

"We both know he can't." Alexi said with a chuckle as he made sure his speakers were on mute. "This one knows too much. If dad fires him there is a chance all the information he has will get leaked and that may just spell the end for the family."

"Just send him and his family away and give him nothing to want." Katerina said as she rolled her eyes.

"Shush!" Alexi scolded his sister as he unmuted his phone and returned to his call with his father.

"That's perfect timing dad!" Alexi said happily as he nodded, listening to instructions that the President was giving him.

"Thanks dad, we'll get on it." Alexi told his father with a smile as he dropped the call.

Cedric gave him a look and raised his eyebrow, waiting for his friend to give them an update.

"Calm down, dad said everything has been processed and Louise can be sent to the airport for deportation." Alexi told Cedric.

"Where are we on Lucius Ting and his men?" Cedric asked Ian as he wanted to avoid Lucius Ting stopping his sister's deportation. 

"They just arrived at a famous private resort in the mountains." Ian told Cedric as he gave his update. "According to our men, if it weren't for our special phones they wouldn't be able to contact us. I guess we got lucky." 

Cedric nodded as he processed the events.

"If it took them thirty minutes to get there in a rush it should take Lucius Ting more or less the same amount of time to get back." Cedric said. "How soon can they send Louise to the airport?" 

"They should be on their way in five minutes." Alexi told Cedric as he thought of how long the process would take with the President pushing for things to move faster. 

"Five minutes to process, twenty to get to the airport." Cedric said as he thought out loud. "We need to tell Ray to get the airplane ready and we need to get Uncle Jose to give special permission for the plane to jump up in the queue." 

"I'll call Ray." Ian volunteered.

"No, let me do it." Cedric told his former assistant. "I want you, Dave, and Mae to focus on what is going on in that resort. We need to know when Lucius Ting leaves and if you see an opening get Camilla out of there."

Ian nodded as he exited the room, presumably to give instructions to the other assistants. He would have to ask them to go into Cedric's office to work due to the sensitivity of the matter at hand.

"You should inform Guan Ming." Katerina told Cedric. "If he doesn't know that Camilla is in a situation like this he will be furious."

"I don't care if he is furious, that man loses all logic when it comes to Camilla." Cedric hissed as he took out his phone and dialed Ray's number. "If he leaves Kashmere everyone will figure out that his mom isn't in a dire state and Miguel will need to leave. Miguel and your sister, Natalia, are still trying to figure out a cure to wake Julia up."

"He should at least know, Cedric." Katerina warned. "Just think about how you would feel if it were Adrianna in the same position."

Cedric remained silent as he debated in his own mind whether or not to inform Guan Ming. Katerina was right, he should know, but he also knew that Guan Ming would risk everything just to keep Camilla safe.

"Ray." Cedric said as his friend picked up the phone.

"The plane is ready if that's what you were calling to ask." Ray said as he seemingly guessed what Cedric was about to say.

"Good, good." Cedric said he nodded.

"We will need special approval to jump ahead of line and take off as soon as Louise is here. Also you need to update me when she has left the police station and when she arrives at the airport." Ray told Cedric.

"Alexi is already asking Uncle Jose to give special clearance, an order from that high up cannot be rejected." As Cedric spoke Alexi gave him a thumbs up, signaling that his father had already pulled stings to get things done.

"Alexi just told me that Uncle Jose has gotten us the approval we need." Cedric relayed to Ray.

"Perfect!" Ray said. "I'll tell my people."

"Cedric, they are preparing to move Louise Ting." Katerina told Cedric as her contact at the police station sent her a message. "They said it shouldn't take long, but the media is already beginning to swarm around the station. They tried to keep everything under wraps but someone must have spoken."

"It's fine, public opinion will be against her. We just need to make sure there are no delays in getting her to the airport." Cedric told Katerina.

"She'll have an armed escort, both military and police." Alexi told Cedric.

"The airport security will also make sure to keep the media from blocking the road." Ray said, catching Cedric off guard, he had forgotten that his brother-in-law was till on the call. 

"Thank you." Cedric told Ray.

"I'll give Ram a call to see if he can control the news and the news reporters, he should be able to at least get them to stay on the sidelines, I'll have to drop this call Ray." Cedric said.

"Just tell me when she leaves the police station and when she arrives." Ray said as he dropped the call for Cedric.

Cedric quickly dialed Ram's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Cedric?" Ram asked.

"Ram, I need a favor, can you get the media to stay aside when it comes to Louise Ting? We need to get her to the airport as quickly as possible before Lucius Ting arrives in the capital." Cedric told his friend.

"Already on it." Ram told Cedric. "I've already asked them not to block the path. I kind of promised everyone though an interview with some of her victims, do you think you can convince Selina to do it as well. I already convince Francesa."

"I can't make her talk, Ram." Cedric said in a stern tone.

"I'll talk to Selina." Katerina said as she guessed what Cedric and Ram were discussing. "I'm sure she will be more than willing if it means that the woman that hurt her will be put behind bars."

"Thank you." Cedric said with a smile.

"You heard Katerina?" Cedric asked Ram over the phone.

"Yes, this is perfect. I'll get to work then." Ram said as he dropped the call.

Just as Cedric ended the call with Ram, Ian burst into the room.

"Lucius Ting has left the resort. He's driving at full speed towards the capital." Ian reported.

"I doubt the checkpoints will do much to slow him down." Alexi said with a frown.

"Then this news is perfect timing then." Katerina announced. "They just left the police station."

"This will be cutting it close." Cedric said with a frown as he waited anxiously for news. "Do we know if Lucius had Camilla with him?" Cedric asked Ian. 

"We are still trying to figure that out." Ian told him. "Hopefully not."

After twenty minutes Katerina suddenly sat upright.

"They are in the airport." She announced loudly.

Cedric quickly sent a message to Ray, informing him of the latest development.

"Just in time." Ian mumbled. "I just got word that Lucius Ting just arrived in the capital, but he is stuck in traffic. It seems it's caused by the media trying to follow Louise Ting."

"And Camilla?" Cedric asked.

"She wasn't with him in the car." Ian said as he looked worried. He didn't know if it was good or bad news that Camilla was not with Lucius Ting.

"Get her out of there as quickly as you can!" Cedric commanded.

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