Never Judge

Chapter 875 - 875

Camilla woke up the next day quite annoyed at Cedric, Ian, and Guan Ming. The three men that were most important in her life, and the three men that could really get her pissed off.

It seemed that Cedric and Ian had complained non-stop to Ray about her refusing to back off from Lucius Ting in order to help her plan.

Guan Ming had called her in a panic, threatening to fly back to the capital and pick her up. 

She had told him that if he dared come back to the Capital she would break up with him. 

Guan Ming was helpless when it came to her threat. All he could do was agree to what she wanted and let her do as she asked.

She had just finished getting ready when Katerina gave her a call.

Camilla was happy that she and Katerina no longer needed to keep their friendship a secret. It had been quite awkward pretending to not know Katerina when they had been bound together by a traumatic event.

"Kat!" Camilla greeted as she picked up the call.

"Camilla, are you going to be with Lucius Ting today?" Katerina asked her friend going straight to the point and avoiding all of the small talk.

"Yeah, I'm having lunch with him and maybe a walk in a park or some shopping. Why?" Camilla asked. She knew that Katerina and Cedric were working on something to shock Lucius Ting, but she had chosen to avoid knowing too much in case Lucius Ting suspected anything and questioned her.

"I hope it's somewhere as far away as possible from the capital." Katerina told Camilla. 

"It is." Camilla said, surprised that Katerina wanted Lucius Ting as far away from the city as possible. "Why?" She asked.

Normally Cedric and the others preferred for Lucius Ting and Camilla to go somewhere nearby so that if something happened they could come to Camilla's aid.

Wanting them to go on a date as far as possible was quite suspicious.

"We're going to start the second stage of our plan." Katerina told Camilla. "I thought it would be best to tell you." 

"It might have been best if you didn't tell me." Camilla said with a grin as she picked up her bag and gave herself one last look in the mirror. "I would like to act as naturally as possible."

"You've been acting as naturally as possible for the past few months, woman." Katerina said with a laugh. "Plus you don't even know what's going to happen, so relax, act surprised and worried and hope that things will go perfectly."

"I'll do my best." Camilla said with a nod.

"I'll chat with you tonight, when all of this Lucius Ting mess is over, let's go on a double date with Guan Ming and Eric." Katerina told Camilla.

"As if Eric could be seen in public with you." Camilla scoffed.

"Miracles can happen." Katerina said before finally dropping the call.

Camilla shook her head before finally heading down to leave.

"Off to work? It's a Saturday." Benedict said with a frown as he looked at his sister who carried her office bag with her.

"Just for the morning. I want to finish a few things before going on my date with Lucius." As she said the word date she rolled her eyes, showing how annoyed she was at having to go out with him.

"You chose to stay with this plan, you could have broken up with him when Guan Ming arrived." Benedict reminded his sister. "I'm pretty sure Guan Ming is more than enough to get rid of Lucius Ting."

"I don't want us to underestimate Lucius Ting." Camilla said as she shook her head and made her way to the door. "It's when we underestimate our enemies that we lose." 

"Just be careful, do you have my number on speed dial?" Benedict asked. 

He knew that there was no chance of him convincing his sister to stop being a spy for Cedric and his friends, even Cedric didn't want her risking her life, but Camilla was stubborn. Benedict understood why she was more than willing to risk her life. They owed the Reyeses much more than they could repay with their lives.

Benedict just wished that it was him risking his life instead of his sister. 

He had just found her again and now he was in danger of losing her if anything went wrong.

"I'll call you if anything bad happens." Camilla said with a smile as she exited the house.

She made sure to close the door firmly behind her, listening as the high tech lock engaged. 

Miguel Chan had someone install this lock before Lucius Ting even came into their lives. They knew that Aiden's home would be of value someday, they just didn't expect it to be so soon.

As Camilla drove out of their gate, she spotted the tail car that Lucius often sent to spy on her and her brother. She knew that there were two more groups in the vicinity that Leon's people had identified. 

There were also others that were tasked to watch Katerina's home and Nicole's home. Unfortunately for Lucius Ting, Cedric was well aware of the people he had sent to keep an eye on his friends.

They had often found ways around the spies managing to get out of their houses undetected.

Her morning went about without any issue. There were barely any people in the office and she had even chosen not to inform her assistant since she just needed to work on some files she couldn't risk getting into Lucius Ting's hands.

She used a different laptop in the office and brought a different one on dates.

They knew that Lucius Ting had tried to hack that second laptop multiple times in an attempt to get information from Camilla.

He had succeeded many times, all of which were allowed by Cedric and his people.

Camilla had made it a point to tell Lucius the truth of what he would find on her laptop, she knew that in part he was still testing her loyalty. She didn't want to give him any reason to question that she was returning to being Cedric's loyal friend.

She was actually working on some extremely sensitive plans, the type that only she, Cedric, and the assistants would know about. Even Ian only knew the main objective of the plans and not the details. 

Camilla checked her watch multiple times, she didn't want Lucius Ting to have to come up to her office to fetch her.

She always made sure that by the time Lucius Ting came to pick her up she was already waiting in the lobby and rushing for them to get their date started.

Oftentimes she pretended that it was because she was excited, although she chose to mix it up some days and act as if she just wanted to get away from the office.

Lucius Ting was more than happy to oblige as he thought he was taking away one of Cedric's most prized employees.

Ten minutes till Lucius Ting was due to arrive Camilla turned off her laptop and hid it away, taking out the one she normally brought with her on dates. 

She made sure that it's battery was amply charged and made sure to make some changes on the documents so that Lucius Ting wouldn't find anything suspicious.

Once she was done, Camilla packed up and headed down to the lobby.

Some employees that were working on Saturdays greeted her with a smile. She wasn't loved by much since they felt she was betraying Cedric and the rest of the Reyes family. Of course, Camilla didn't care about that, the more they hated her the better it was.

It was a perfect way to show Lucius Ting that she was loyal to him despite the hate of the employees.

She decided to use those encounters on Lucius Ting today in order to buy Cedric and the others some time. 

If he was busy giving her attention then he wouldn't notice his phone and by the time he noticed the messages there would be nothing he could do.

Based on the fact that Katerina was involved, it meant that they were doing something related to the law, and going up against Katerina in that field was difficult. She doubted that Lucius Ting even had the resources to find a lawyer willing to go toe to toe with Katerina. 

When Camilla got to the front lobby, she watched as Lucius Ting drove up to the front.

She smiled when she noticed that he had brought out one of his sports cars and chose to drive himself. This meant that even if they contacted his driver they wouldn't be able to get to Lucius Ting.

Camilla quickly made her way to his car and hopped into the seat.

"Someone is excited for our date." Lucius Ting said as he gave her a sweet smile.

Camilla resisted the urge to roll her eyes and throw up, everything about Lucius Ting disgusted her.

"It's been a tiring day." Camilla told him as she gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Then let me drive that bad day away." Lucius Ting told her as they drove away towards the outskirts of the city. Camilla was happy to see the office disappear for the first time, the further they got the better it was for Cedric and the rest.

Lucius Ting had no idea how bad of a day he was about to have, Cedric and Katerina had quite a surprise planned for him and it was one that would shake him to his core.

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