Never Judge

Chapter 749 - 749

Cedric nodded and turned his attention back to the video, watching it closely.

As expected they showed as Cedric told Mayor Evan Baron about how he saw the property from above and wanted to purchase it.

"I'm sure I look like some spoiled CEO at this point." Cedric commented as he rolled his eyes, making everyone laugh.

When it reached the part that Mayor Baron offered to convince the current owners of the property to sell it to Cedric, the video suddenly cut off.

"What happened?" Ram asked as he leaned forward, confused.

"Watch." Katerina scolded again as the video came back on.

This time the angle was different, clearly it had been tampered with. The shot was now coming from behind where Cedric had sat.

"That's not me." Cedric pointed out as he noticed the person had some physical differences to him. "The hair color is off, even the color of the suit, and clearly that's some mainstream luxury brand." Cedric pointed out.

The video continued to play, but this time there were no sounds.

Cedric watched as the stand in for Dave passed a suitcase to Mayor Baron. What happened next made Cedric and the other men laugh.

Mayor Baron took the suitcase and threw it to the side. All of a sudden there was audio again.

"If you think I can be so easily bribed you are wrong!" Mayor Baron shouted. "I am not like your friends that you can pay to get your way!" 

"Is he saying Cedric pays us?" Alexi asked as he laughed at the accusation.

"I'm stuck with him, I married his sister, there is no way I'm getting out of this friendship." Ray complained making everyone laugh.

"Keep watching." Katerina said as she pointed at the screen.

"If you think that people like you, the rich and abusive can buy us poor provincial folk you are wrong." Mayor Baron accused.

"Wow, he is spreading it thick!" Ram exclaimed. "Not a bad actor either, it's just too much, people won't believe it if it's too much."

"Maybe you should just hire him." Ian suggested, joining in on the banter. 

"Not a bad idea, Lim." Ram said as he laughed at Ian's suggestion.

"We provincial folk have more dignity than people like you, how dare you come in to my home and try to buy me!" Mayor Baron shouted. "The answer is no!" 

At that the video cut to black and Ram mockingly clapped.

"I'd give it a seven out of ten for acting." Ram teased, making everyone laugh.

"How are the sentiments online?" Cedric asked, returning the conversation to it's more serious nature.

This time it was Mae that answered. 

"Everyone can see how the video was edited." Mae told Cedric. "We are the only ones that can clearly point out what the minute differences are, but there are more obvious things that the people on the internet have pointed out."

"Which are?" Cedric asked.

"First of all it was quite obvious that the scene was different in the first part from the 2nd, why would they have to change cameras? The angle was perfect, people could see your face." Mae explained as she pointed out the public sentiment.

"They can always say that the first camera was bugged." Miguel told the group as he assessed the situation.

"The second reason people are saying is that when the camera shifts, Cedric does not speak. In the first angle everyone can hear him responding to Mayor Evan Baron." Mae told them. "And they can't say that is because he has his back turned on the camera. You should still be able to hear something despite that."

"It's possible Cedric never said anything." Miguel said as continued to play the devil's advocate.

"It's like you're really against me." Cedric teased as he laughed at his friend.

"Well we need to consider all angles and all the reasons they could possibly give us." Miguel told Cedric with a grin.

"I know, I know." Cedric said, shaking his head.

"Go on Mae." Miguel said with a nod when he couldn't give anymore excuses that the Barons could probably give.

"The third and final reason that people are pointing out is the person acting as you isn't you." Mae said with a smile. "It seems that all the investigating they did in the past as to who the Reyes Heir truly is seems to be paying off now."

"What do you mean?" Cedric asked with a confused look on his face.

"Apparently they studied you back when you would go around in disguise." Ian explained as he laughed at Cedric's predicament. 

Ian had long known that the journalists and some fans of the Reyes Heir had been doing this in the past. He used to consider it a nuisance, but this time it seemed to have served a purpose.

"Which side are people believing?" Cedric asked his assistant.

"You'll just ignore this completely stalker-like behavior of theirs?" Ian asked with a raised eyebrow.

"They never really figured out who I was, they can't know that much." Cedric said with a laugh.

"They never figured out who you were because they completely disregarded the Mor Co. assistant." Ian pointed out. "Had they considered you, they would have found you. Your disguise was not the best."

"It still worked." Cedric told Ian as he rolled his eyes. "Let's move on. What are  the sentiments online?" 

"Most people don't think it's you." Dave said. They all knew that if Ian gave the update he wouldn't be able to resist making more comments prolonging the discussion.

"Are we ready to fight back?" Cedric asked Dave.

"The video is ready as well as the room where you will meet them." Dave said with a nod. "All that's needed is for you to invite the Baron family over."

"The police are already around to arrest them as well." Alexi added.

"Won't it be dangerous entrusting them to the police?" Cedric asked Alexi. The police and the local government officials were normally on the same side.

"I didn't bring the local police." Alexi grinned. "Most are from the capital, the rest are from the neighboring province. It seems that they had a disagreement and are not on friendly terms."

"Good, Dave, have them come over." Ian told his assistant as he allowed his plan to begin.

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