Never Judge

Chapter 745 - 745

"Continue." Emilio Reyes told his daughter as he sat back down on his seat.

Ayanna nodded at her father and mouthed a thank you.

"I don't think you all fully understand my role in this company." Ayanna said in a cold tone that resembled how Cedric often addressed the public.

Camilla grinned as she recognized what Ayanna was doing, she had always been the nice sibling, and now she was tired of just being nice.

"When my brother is away, I'm in charge." Ayanna said as she looked each executive in the eyes, none of them dared flinch. 

"You might have gotten used to how dad ran things in his time, where he and only he was to be followed. But you guys are forgetting that my father is no longer the CEO, Cedric Reyes is. And I swear to all of you that my brother can be ten times more ruthless than dad." Ayanna said with a grin.

Everyone knew how much Emilio and Cedric both valued Ayanna, this made Camilla wonder why they would dare disrespect her.

"You guys do know that Ced spoils Ayanna like a little child right?" Camilla said with a grin as she crossed her arms on her chest. "I thought you guys were the best and the smartest and yet you didn't realize who you should be respecting in this room."

The executives all gave Camilla a nervous look, they would never dare interrupt a Reyes mid-sentence, and yet her was Camilla, smiling cockily as Ayanna laughed.

"Relax Camilla, they're behaving now." Ayanna said with a grin. "And Cedric does not spoil me."

Camilla simply shrugged allowing Ayanna to continue her speech. 

"What my brother wants is simple, we do nothing." Ayanna announced. "I am disappointed that none of you even checked how this scandal has impacted our sales, did any of you check?"

"I did." Camilla said with a grin. 

Ayanna looked around the table noticing that it seemed only Camilla did her research before heading to the meeting.

"Well, my brother will be very very disappointed." Ayanna said, shaking her head. "Since you don't know, people have not begun to boycott our brand. As a matter of fact, it seems like they don't even care."

The executives were shocked at the news Ayanna had just told them. Normally companies that suffered from a political scandal lost millions in sales every day that the scandal remained unresolved.

"Do you all really think my brother would need to bribe an official?" Ayanna said with a laugh. "The public seems to have more trust in my brother than his own executives."

"Miss Ayanna, that's not why we were worried." One executive said as he tried to defend their reaction.

"You were worried about public sentiment and the impact, I get it, but you did not check." Ayanna shouted as she slammed her hand on the table. 

"I expected more from this group." Ayanna said with a frown as she slowly calmed down. "Have I given any of you any reason to doubt me?" Ayanna asked as she glared at some of the higher ranking executives.

They all remained quiet as she waited for their answer.

"No." An executive from Elisia Malls said with full confidence. "Miss Ayanna I apologize for my lack of faith. You have led us at Elisia Malls for years, and never have you failed us."

"You are lucky that my son is already the CEO and not me." Emilio Reyes scoffed as he glared at some of the executives. "My son is more logical than I and he wouldn't do anything drastic just because you disrespected my daughter."

"In my world, disrespecting Ayanna is enough to get your ear cut off." Ray added as he laughed at the thought. No one in the underworld would dare disrespect his wife. Actions in the realm of the lawless had more severe consequences.

"Then they are lucky that neither Cedric nor I are as ruthless as my dad or husband." Ayanna said as she shook her head. She was quite amused as she watched the reaction of the executives change with every word her father or husband added. 

"Cedric should really be more strict with these things." Camilla said with a sigh.

"We all manage things differently." Ayanna told her with a nod.

"You may all go, that's all I needed from you." Ayanna informed the executives. "Except those that belong to the Public Relations Departments, I still need to speak to all of you." 

Ayanna watched as most of the people in the room left, only three remained aside from Ayanna, Ray, Emilio, and Camilla.

She recognized them from the heads of the three different PR departments under the Reyes Group. They were among the people that didn't react so negatively to the instruction of not doing anything.

The first was a middle aged man who was quite handsome with his designer suit and sleek black hair, he typed away on his phone as he had a worried look on his face. Ayanna recognized him to be the head of the PR department for the whole Reyes Group.

He was someone that Cedric had personally hired and sought out.

The second person to remain was a chubby woman whom Ayanna always found to be quite charming. She was the PR head for Elisia Malls and had worked with Ayanna a lot in the past. She one someone Ayanna trusted.

The third was an older man who had been silent the whole time, clearly observing what was going on. He was the PR head for Mor Co. 

Unlike most of the employees of Mor Co. who were young and vibrant, this man was quite advanced in age and had gone through a lot in his career.

Cedric had kept him on because he appreciated the guidance that he offered such a young company. 

Together these three would be key in helping Cedric get back at the Baron Family who tried to ruin his name, and Ayanna had an idea on how exactly to do it.

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