Never Judge

Chapter 702 - 702

Cedric and the others were quick to act, luckily Dave who was sitting close to her was able to catch her in his arms.

"Is she alright?" Adrianna asked as she looked over at Mae. 


Nicole quickly rushed to Mae's side to check up on her.

"She's fine, she is just exhausted." Nicole said as she looked up at Adrianna. "I'll send for a nurse to monitor her. Can you bring her to her room?"

Dave nodded as he got up and walked out of the office. 

As he left Nicole quickly called for someone to come over and check on Mae and to monitor her condition. Even if it was just exhaustion Nicole also wanted to make sure that there were no other sicknesses bothering her.

"What's with Dave carrying Mae out?" Ray asked as he and Ayanna arrived.

"Mae overworked herself." Cedric said with a frown as he sat down behind his desk. "She should have taken the rest of the day off."

"You need to look at it from her shoes too Ced, she's going through so much, being alone is difficult." Ayanna reminded her brother as she shook her head.

"She should have said something." Cedric said with a frown.

"Will she be alright?" Ayanna asked Nicole who had just finished her call.

"She should be." Nicole said. "I sent for a doctor to check up on her and a nurse to monitor her. I'm sure it's nothing serious, but I just want to be sure." 

"Move some of her work over to Dave." Cedric told Ian. "Mae should take at least a few days off. She can come to work if she really doesn't want to be alone, but lessen her load."

Ian nodded at Cedric's instructions and typed something in his phone.

"Can you ask Dave to keep Mae company until the nurse and the doctor get here?" Cedric asked Ian who simply nodded in response.

Cedric was someone who valued his employees health and never wanted to see anyone work till they collapsed or got sick. 

As a matter of fact, the Reyes Group forced their employees to use up as much vacation time as they could, even giving them free trips and stays at some of the hotels and resorts in the country.

He believed that if his employees were happy and were energized then they would work even better. 

"I'll check up on her before the doctor and nurse arrive. Can someone take me to her room?" Nicole offered as she turned to a maid to point her towards the right direction.

"Who's injured?" Miguel asked as he entered the office with Veronica in tow. 

"Mae fainted." Nicole explained. "It's probably from exhaustion, but I called some people to watch over her. Relax brother, it's your day off. You don't need to play the hero doctor all the time." Nicole teased as she walked out of the office, following a maid.

Within the next thirty minutes everyone arrived at Cedric's Mountain View mansion, including the doctor and nurse that Nicole had asked to come over.

"I'll go get my sister." Miguel said in an impatient tone as he stood up with the intention of dragging Nicole back to Cedric's office.

As he opened the door, he was surprised to see Nicole reaching for the door handle with Dave standing right behind her.

"What took you so long, the doctor and the nurse arrived a while ago." Miguel said as he pulled his sister into the room.

Cedric could see how anxious Miguel was getting. He was clearly worried that this Louisse news or whatever news Camilla and Benedict had to say would negatively impact their plans against Lucius.

"Relax, Miguel." Nicole told her older brother in a stern tone. "I was just giving instructions and telling them about the situation. It's not like I could leave them there without an idea on Mae's condition."

Miguel frowned but didn't say anything else, instead he left his sister and walked back to his spot next to his wife.

"How is Mae?" Cedric asked Nicole as she found a spot next to Adrianna.

"She's just tired, nothing that some rest can't fix." Nicole told Cedric, easing his worries. "Relax, I have a doctor and a nurse looking after her. She is getting the care she needs."

"Thank you, Nicole." Cedric said as a look of relief spread across his face.

"Well we are all here." Ian told Cedric. "We should give the siblings a call."

"Right." Cedric said with a nod as he sent a message to Camilla, checking if they were ready to call.

Camilla quickly responded by calling Cedric.

Cedric answered the call and Camilla's and Benedict's faces were shown on the huge TV in his office.

"You said you learned something?" Cedric asked in a stern tone.

"We did." Camilla said with a nod. "But before that I want to apologize, I know what I did shocked everyone but it was something I had to do. I needed to push Lucius into trusting me more."

"We understand, Camilla." Adrianna said with a smile.

"Adrianna!" Cedric scolded. 

Adrianna gave him a stern look and shook her head. 

"Fine, I understand the need, but you didn't have to risk so much." Cedric scolded. "What if he asks you for something that you cannot give him?"

"Then I will tell him I'm not ready." Camilla said with a shrug.

"And what if he forces you?" Cedric asked as he glared at Camilla through the camera.

"I would never let something like that happen to my sister." Benedict said quickly joining in on the conversation.

"Either way, it's already done." Cedric said with a sigh of surrender. "You are forgiven. So what did you want to tell us?"

"Oh, right." Camilla said as he looked at Benedict.

Benedict simply nodded at her and urged her on.

"The thing is, it seems Lucius Ting isn't the only brains behind this whole business and all his plotting." Camilla said slowly as she watched everyone's expression on the other end.

"Someone else is involved?" Cedric asked. "How many someone elses and how influential are these people? Do you know who they are?"

"Yes someone, just one person." Camilla told Cedric. "Someone who managed to slip through our investigation and someone my brother has a bitter past with." She said as she glanced at Benedict.

"Who?" Cedric asked.

"Her name is Louisse Ting, she's Lucius' younger sister, a model by day, evil plotting genius at night." Camilla revealed, shocking everyone in the room.

"No way!" Dave said as he looked at  Camilla, wide eyed in shock with the news she had just dropped.

"What do you mean she has a bitter past with Benedict?" Cedric asked as he glared at his assistant who had just lost his cool for the nth time that night.

"Well. . ." Camilla began to say as her voice trailed off and she gave her brother a meaningful look.

"It's okay Camilla, you can tell them." Benedict said with a nod as he urged on his sister.

"You tell them." Camilla suddenly said. "I might miss out on some details and everything is important when it comes to Louisse Ting." 

Benedict sighed and shook his head.

"Before anything." Cedric injected. "Louisse isn't exactly a new name for us, I want to know if she is the same woman, any chance that the Louisse you are talking about was escorted from the bar by Lucius' bodyguards?" Cedric asked.

"Yup, that's the same person." Benedict said with a nod. "She was made to leave after insulting Camilla. It seems that Lucius Ting has a soft spot for my sister."

"He must be quite in love with her." Ian teased as he laughed. "What did you do Camilla? Pour some love potion into his water?"

"Ugh, you are so annoying Ian." Camilla complained as she rolled her eyes at the other assistant. 

"So how do you know Louisse?" Cedric asked Benedict, curious as to how he had crossed paths with someone like her.

"She came with Lucius once before and I didn't know who she was." Benedict said with a shrug. "Back then I thought she was an amazing woman, so I flirted and we started dating."

"So she's an ex?" Ian asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup she is. It took me a while to realize that she had been using me to get more investments somewhere and I was blinded by my emotions for her." Benedict explained. 

"Let me guess those investments were to her pocket?" Selina asked in a poisonous tone as Alexi caressed her hand, in an attempt to keep her calm.

"Yes, not only did she take money from me but she cheated on me and took money from my brother as well." Benedict said with an embarrassed look on his face as everyone stared at him in shock.

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