Naruto-The secret sage



Instead all the man did was have the three running D rank missions that weren’t even good at teaching them anything useful. I had a clone watching all this unfold and after a week of it I was officially fed up. My sensei was pretty hands off with her teaching but even she wasn’t this bad as she at least gave me pointers and books to self study on before she tested me. The worse part though had to be the fact that Kakashi was reading smut almost all the time.-

One day when the man was on the way home I confronted him about his teaching methods.

“Do you just not want to be a sensei or are you literally this bad at it?” I asked bluntly clearly catching him off guard.

“You must be the one who has been spying on my squad then, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Genius or not though I doubt you understand what being a sensei requires.” the man said calmly.

“I know it requires actually trying to teach your students, I know that it requires more than just having your nose in smut while they complete meaningless D rank missions. And don’t give me that nonsense about using it to temper their minds or some other ridiculousness. In the entire time I have watched your squad your role could be entirely summarized with a single word, dispassionate. So I ask again are you just this bad at it or did you not want it to begin with?” I said sternly.

“If i’m doing such a bad job then why don’t you do it then?” the man shot back with an edge that proved I had touched on at least one sore point.

“You haven’t been paying attention it seems, I DID teach Naruto personally. Do you have any idea how bad his fundamentals would be without me guiding him as we grew up? He could barely read and write when I first started yet now he can easily complete paperwork, his chakra control is very good, his taijutsu gives even the clan brats competition and he even learned how to create and utilize chakra threads. That was all because of his hard work and the fact I gave enough of a shit to actually try and help him improve , to be better. You though, his “sensei” what have you done with the time you had besides waste all of theirs?” I spat angrily before flickering away.

I said my piece and if Kakashi didn’t change anything I was going to bring up this matter with the Hokage and should that prove ineffective I’d teach Naruto on my own. I couldn’t care less about Sasuke or Sakura as I wasn’t friends with either of them but I refused to have Narutos future ruined by a bad teacher. Thankfully my confrontation with Kakashi had motivated him to actually teach for once and he tried showing them the tree walking and water water chakra control trainings.-

The clear look of irritation on the mans face when Naruto flat out told him that he already learned them from me and even more advanced methods as well was pure gold. Sasuke though seemed to be getting more and more angry the more Naruto showed off the stuff I taught him. It wasn’t hard to figure out why either as he had this whole superiority complex that made him think he was better than Naruto and the more Naruto showed the clearer it became that that was wrong.-

He wasn’t better than Naruto, he just had different strengths. Out of all of them though the one that simply tried her best was Sakura. She didn’t have the talent or innate gifts that either of her squadmates did but she was hardworking in an attempt to keep up. In my opinion her biggest issue was her attachment to Sasuke and her inability to stand up to him. She was a pure fangirl and it showed as she just went along with whatever the dude said even if the other options were better. It was interesting to see Kakashi adapt over the next week to each of his students unique personalities and talents.-

For Naruto he taught him a few lower rank wind jutsus after testing his affinities. For Sasuke and Sakura he taught Lightning and water jutsus respectively. They all got taijutsu training and all still had to do D rank missions but at least they were actually learning something now so I was satisfied. I wasn’t just wasting my time either during this period but was training in higher rank jutsu with my main body. Having my attention split in two parts made it a bit slower than normal but I wasn’t bothered by it since it also let me accumulate money and points by having my clone working missions.

This was the biggest benefit of my mitosis clone technique as I could effectively be doing two different things at once in two different locations. I had a few dozen shinobi come to me to learn the technique confidently but after they all failed my tests to determine if they could safely learn it that had stopped happening. More than a few even tried to say that it was impossible to pass the tests and I was just making things hard on them until I personally completed each and every test I had in front of them.-

That wasn’t to say that there hadn’t been a couple of people who got close though as there were. One of them was a member of the Hyuga branch clan that had specialized in iryonin jutsu named Take Hyuga. The second was a civilian iryonin who I was certain was holding back a lot named Kabuto Yakushi. The first was a jonin and proud of it but the second was merely a genin that worked in the Konoha hospital.-

He certainly didn’t FEEL like a genin though, no all of my senses told me he was easily a jonin level shinobi and not a weak one. The reason he came to try and learn my techniques was “curiosity” according to him but all of his responses and actions spoke volumes of how untrue that was. The reason I can confidently say this was that when he attempted my tests I could very easily sense him underutilizing his chakra and skill. Small musculature twitches that spoke of high level reflexes, chakra control failures that were too organized and a bunch of other hard to notices signs that he wasn’t what he said.-

Still in the end he failed regardless and at one point even seemed to get genuinely frustrated with the tests after trying repeatedly over the course of a month with a day or two break between attempts. Finally I had enough and kicked him out for wasting both of our time which he stopped coming back after. That wasn’t to say that was the last I saw of the man though as he regularly was around when I or my clone was at the hospital.

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