Naruto-The secret sage



After that I only spent another two months under my sensei as she focused entirely on helping me hone my last three taijutsu forms. The bear form she shamelessly stole for herself since it suited her the best. I didn’t mind though since she was right and it did suit her strength the best out of all my forms. As a gift before I “graduated” I gave her a special alcohol blend that I myself had made in secret using natural energy rich fruits and herbs. I had only created a single large jar of the stuff but that was more than enough.-

It could be considered a potent medicine in and of itself and was horrifically strong due to me using medical techniques to remove the impurities leaving a rich highly alcohol dense fruity liquid with a nice minty after burn. For Shizune I had infused a blue crystal I found in the land of water with quite a bit of natural energy so it shown like a valuable jewel attached to a necklace. As a bonus the crystal also had subtle cooling properties. Tonton the little pig with them got a sneaky sage chakra infusion much like my own beasts before I finally left them.-

My sensei was a bit cheeky and had pressured the Hokage into giving me a field promotion which the old man with clear reluctance did. I went from being a genin learning under Tsunade Senju to a chunin who had learned from her in all of about a day. The Hokage still got something out of it however as this had been made public information which turned me to the talk of the village. I had squads of chunin and even a couple Jonin led squads offer me a position on their teams.-

I couldn’t really blame them since I was effectively walking health care as if they got injured out in the field I could patch them up better than anyone. I turned all of them down however as I wanted to spend some time patching the massive hole in my combat prowess that came in the form of jutsu. My ninjutsu repertoire was horribly outmatched by my taijutsu and medical skills. Sage chakra shone the brightest when used in jutsu so I obviously planned to fix this issue. The annoying part though was only the C rank and lower ranked jutsu were free to learn for the villages ninjas.-

Everything higher than that was saved for rewards or needed to be purchased with mission points. I thankfully had quite the amount of mission points thanks to “selling” my own techniques to the village. The second Hokage had set up rules where self discovered information or techniques that were sold to the village earned three times their actual value so that the villages ninjas would be more likely to share their techniques. I had sold techniques and information at the C, B and even two at the S rank so I could afford to learn some A and B rank jutsu.-

I didn’t though because I wanted to fill my other elements out with proper C rank jutsu first. That meant fire, water, wind and Yin release jutsu. For yin release I chose [Sly mind affect technique], [Demonic illusion: False surroundings technique] and [Mirage whistle technique] All C ranked genjutsu that served different but related purposes. The first messed up the effected persons sense of direction as they will believe they are going in a straight line whereas in truth they will be going in circles. The second creates a false image over something so that when someone is looking at it it will appear as something else.-

The final genjutsu was the only battle oriented jutsu on the list I chose as it used whistling to create the effect of misplacing ones true position according to the enemies senses. Effectively it was perfect for creating a distraction that allowed you to attempt the kill. My interest in these particular genjutsu techniques however was the effects I theorized they might have if I added sage chakra to the mix. Rather than mess with someone’s sense of direction what if sage chakra caused the first to mess with someone’s perception of movement where they believe they moved when in fact they have not?-

What about the second one where under the genjutsu I could make them entirely miss the thing I cover? The final one though I believed would make the person effected by it perceive me all around them rather than in a single location. Each of these effects were on the level of B rank genjutsu at the least and would make any mission outside the village much easier in the future.-

If you are wondering why I didn’t try and grab any of the genjutsu that tortured the enemy it was simply because I felt that they were needlessly cruel. I didn’t like causing suffering, abhorred it in fact. Rather than grab something I know would cause suffering I preferred to get things that would make it easier for me to painlessly kill or incapacitate my opponents. Like might seem naïve but that was simply the way I liked to do things. The rest of the elemental jutsu I took weren’t really worth mentioning since they were standard things like water bullet jutsu, fireball jutsu and gale palm jutsu.-

None of them would have any interesting effects when I added sage chakra to them and would simply just create bigger and stronger versions of the same effect. I had some annoying responsibilities that came with being a Chunin though. For starters I had a minimum quota of missions per month that I needed to do. Ten D rank mission or three C rank missions or one B rank or higher mission. C rank healing missions were my go to at the moment since I was training my new jutsu’s and that soaked up the vast majority of my time.-

I suppose I should also mention that I officially moved out of my parents house and into the forest of death. I had purchased supplies and built a tree house at the top of one of these frankly massive trees that was actually quite nice. The entire thing was made of treated wood to prevent fire and had thin metal sheets on the inside of the walls to withstand attacks. I didn’t expect to be attacked but better safe than sorry. The final touch was covering the whole thing in camouflaged netting and casting the false surroundings genjutsu on it amplified with sage jutsu.-

I had water tanks for showering and bioluminescent mushrooms growing in jars as my light source. I even had a small wood burning oven and furniture set up to cook or just relax. Naruto was super jealous of the place but dropped any mention of getting his own when I told him how much it cost me to put together. Two million ryo and change was what it took to get this lovely little hideaway set up. It only took a couple of days to build otherwise since being a superhumanly strong ninja had it’s perks.

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