Nameless King

Chapter 661 Two Against All

Step. Step. Step. .𝙘𝙤𝙢

Wain slowly stepped toward Kobe while spreading dark energy that consumed everything around him.


Kobe got out from under the rock debris, with a hand he removed the blood from his face and grabbed his broken jaw. With a sharp movement, he slid his jaw back into place as the bones in his whole body rattled.

“Huh, you’re pretty tough, aren’t you? I hit full force that’s for sure.” Wain said with a devious smile on his face before gathering a huge amount of energy in his fist.

Kobe frowned as he put his hands out in front of him as though the shield while the temperature next to him had dropped significantly.

“You want to block this attack? You’re insane.” Wain said in a calm voice as he stepped forward.

Wain appeared in front of Kobe with a fist covered in darkness, aiming for Kobe’s face. Kobe’s pupils narrowed as he sighed and tilted his head slightly.

Wain’s fist flew right over Kobe’s head, touching his hair slightly as it hit the boulder behind him. The impact created an explosion of darkness that completely destroyed the boulder and several trees near it. The ground shook violently while hundreds of tiny shards flew away.

‘Damn… If that blow had hit me, I wouldn’t have gotten away with a simple fracture.’ Kobe muttered inwardly as three small blue spheres appeared between his fingers.


Kobe turned into a blue flash as he crossed a distance of tens of meters in an instant. He turned to Wain and with an ice-cold look threw the spheres at him.

“Hmm? What kind of pathetic tricks are these?” Wain uttered in a careless manner before swinging his arm.

Streams of energy became a wall that shielded Wain from the spheres, as soon as they touched the wall they exploded with ice.

“Nameless, I’m not going to fight you. Do I look like a suicide? My Rating is 225, that’s not bad, but not compared to a monster like you.” Kobe said before extending his arm forward.

He took a deep breath and exhaled a cloud of frosty steam that consisted of hundreds of small particles of ice, then Kobe snapped his finger as the particles turned into massive ice crystals that merged into a wave that collapsed on Wain as though tsunami.

“Huh, this attack is too slow.” Wain said in a mocking manner as he took a step forward, but his eyes went wide, “What…?”

Wain’s legs were covered in a thick layer of ice that chained him tightly to the ground as he even exerting all his strength couldn’t break it.

“See you later, Nameless. I must say it’s an amazing surprise that you turned out to be a human, this information is worth at least a few million.” Kobe said as he ran up to the portal in his Void.

“Veltrug! Here, take this!” Kobe shouted as he tossed his mate a purple amulet before entering the portal.


Veltrug stomped his foot on the ground that caused massive surges of water that threw Luar back several meters.

“Huh, Kobe, that’s a damn shameful escape, but I sure can’t handle them alone.” Veltrug said as he clutched the amulet while running towards his Void.

In front of his Void appeared a massive purple seal that greatly accelerated the closure of his portal as Kobe’s portal was already almost closed, with only a gape a few fingers wide left.

“Fuck! They’re getting away!” Luar exclaimed as he hurried toward the portals, but he was too far away.


On the side, there was a mighty splash with hundreds of ice crystals that flew aside due to the powerful shockwave. At the same time, someone appeared next to Kobe’s portal and at the last moment stopped it from closing with his hands grabbing the ends.

“Bastards…” Wain uttered in a deadly voice, “No one leaves here!”

A gray mantle appeared on him with an eye patch as the space beside him trembled. The purple seal shattered into tiny shards and the two portals opened a dozen times wider than before as it was hard to see where the borders ended. Because of this, the three zones literally merged for a while as they became one until the portals define the boundaries again.

“What…? What happened?” Veltrug exclaimed while in disbelief, “How the hell did he do that?!”

“Shit… I heard speculation about Nameless leaving the arena in the last fight with Reaper as he used spatial magic, but I couldn’t believe it was true…” Kobe muttered as his eyes went wide.

“Damn, looks like we have to fight anyway! We simply have no other choice!” Veltrug exclaimed with a serious look.

“Huh, you’re right. My friend has truly unique abilities.” Luar said with a sly smile on his face as he appeared before Veltrug.

“Get out of my way!” Veltrug said in a menacing voice.

“Shut up.”

Luar’s hand gripped Veltrug’s face tightly as a blast of fire appeared behind him that launched them forward at tremendous speed.

At the center of Veltrug’s Void was a huge azure lake that for hundreds of monsters was a place where they filled with energy or trained, but now they all ran from there with frightened looks as though they had seen death, as there was a massive flame flash over the lake.

“What a beautiful lake, I hope it doesn’t evaporate at the end of our battle.” Luar smirked, intensified his flame, and with folded fists as though with a hammer slammed at Veltrug’s chest.

The impact threw Veltrug straight into the center of the lake while a torrent of blood gushed from his pain-stricken face.


The water in the lake rose high up as if a very powerful bomb had exploded at its bottom. Drops like heavy rain fell on the trees around the lake, one of which had Luar standing there with a satisfied smile on his face.

“Ah, cool water is actually refreshing. Wain’s monsters will love it.” Luar muttered as he tilted his head.

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