Nameless King

Chapter 278 Running Light

“Wain, I’ll take control of the plane.” Elsa said, stepping into the cockpit.

“Of course.” Wain muttered and took a pre-prepared whiskey from the shelf. He knew the flight would be several hours long, so he took one bottle from the stockroom.

Wain had never denied himself the pleasure of a good drink or smoke. Any doctor would have advised him to give up these were bad habits, but could doctors give any other advice?

“Decided to brighten up the flight?” Vineta asked. Just as Gisle had said, she went with Wain and Elsa to Overion. She sat by the window and pondered.

“Sure, you want to join us?” Wain asked, opening the bottle.

Vineta nodded slightly and slid the glass toward him. She worried that the appearance of the island was only the beginning. She was worried about what would happen in twenty-four hours, but she tried not to show it.


Wain threw three ice cubes each into the glasses and held one glass to Vineta. She took it and took a small sip with a sigh. Wain was not so patient, drank it all at once, and immediately poured a new portion.

“Aren’t you afraid of getting intoxicated? This plane is very fast. We’re only a few hours away.”

“Huh, you don’t have to think about me. You better worry about yourself. Do you really think we’ll stop at one drink?”

“Of course not, but the bottle isn’t endless.” Vineta said, smiling, and took another sip.

“I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you.” Wain muttered, and the ring on his finger glowed brightly with a green light.

Three more bottles appeared on the table.

“Oh, shit, I guess I was so sure for nothing.”

Vineta knew how to drink, but she was still far from Wain’s level. When the first bottle was empty, Vineta could no longer drink any more, even though she had not drunk more than a quarter.

Wain was upset that Vineta had given up so quickly, but didn’t stop. Even though he had eternity at his disposal a few hours ago, he could not feel relaxed in the Blood River. He was in a cage and remembered it all the time, though he tried not to think about it.

‘I must resurrect a Forgotten and return to the island as soon as possible. By the way, I opened the fifth form, but I didn’t look where the sixth form should be.’ Wain thought and concentrated.

[Nameless King’s Forms (First Chronicle Active Skill, Legendary Rating) <Partially Unlocked>]

[This skill hides forms of incredible power and limitless potential. You partially unlocked this skill and gained access to five forms: Code of Light and Darkness, Cursed Swordsman, Blind Sorcerer Black Sun Aristocrat, and Knight of the Bloody Rose. You’ve already advanced on your path, but that’s just the beginning.

To unlock the next form, you must meet the following conditions –

[You must find the Running Light lurking in the forgotten forest of elves.]

‘Hmm, this time, the description is more accurate. What could it mean?’ Wain pondered and tried to feel where the energy waves were coming from. However, Wain could not figure out the exact direction. It was as if the waves were too far away, and he needed to get closer.

‘Strange, that hadn’t happened before. Okay, I’ll have to ask Reto about it. Maybe he knows something.’


Suddenly the plane shook, and Elsa stepped out of the cockpit.

“We’re here.” Elsa said.

“Great, I didn’t even notice how we arrived. Vineta, wake up.” Wain muttered and left the plane.

Elsa landed in the square at the main base of Last Light, located on the east side of the city. It was here that Wain first met Gisle, and it was the beginning of the organization.

One hundred of Last Light’s most important and strongest members went to the island, except for one. Lea remained in Overion, as she was able to begin her second evolution because of the masterpiece she created.

Wain was happy for her and not just because she was a blacksmith. Lea was often depressed and whined a lot about her failures, but she kept working and trying. Otherwise, she would not have been able to create two masterpieces.

‘Eh, Lea will probably be the first person to evolve twice. Okay, I’ve already met two of the three conditions. I’ll probably join her soon. Gotta get back to the lab.’ Wain thought and headed toward the park.

There was an underground lab where he found Zero and the others and the spatial rift he needed.

The park was also the first Nest that Wain visited. There he fought a strong robot samurai and barely won.

Wain made it to the park in a few minutes, and he saw an unusual scene. He hadn’t been here in a long time and didn’t know that this Nest had been altered long ago to suit the organization’s needs.

Members of the organization with low levels fought monsters here. They trained, grew stronger, and some even gained skills.

Security was assured. The park was divided into several zones, each supervised by one fairly strong man. If a monster won the battle and there was a mortal danger to life, the watcher would intervene.

However, the observer would simply stop the fight and take the wounded participant aside in such a case. The watcher didn’t touch the monster, they got souls for their work and had no right to influence the process. Their main task was to ensure safety.

This position suited the robot samurai. They were different from most monsters and preferred fair and just battles.

“Hello, are you one of the newcomers?” Asked a man with glasses standing at the entrance to the park.

He was the place manager and was in charge of all the basic processes. He was responsible for distributing the collected souls, the letting in and letting out of members, and other tasks.

“No, I haven’t been a rookie for a long time.”

“Hmm? Are you an observer? I wasn’t warned about you?”

“I am Wain Norheim.”

Wain decided not to prolong their pointless conversation and said his name. His plan worked, and the manager nodded meaningfully and let Wain inside.

He could have come in from the other side, but it was coincidental that they met.

Wain ran past the fighting newcomers and entered the lab. No one had gone in there since the members took out everything of value long ago, and there were no monsters there.

Wain reached the room where he fought the dark and poisonous beast, and his Seal of Darkness glowed brightly.

He stepped forward, and the wall turned to ink. Wain found himself in a spatial rift where a massive gate of bone arms already awaited him. It was the entrance to the Purgatory Zone.

Compared to it, his ice gate seemed small and insignificant. The aura emanating from this gate was mesmerizing and terrifying.

There were several cracks in the gate, a sign that there was no longer a Soul Pearl in the area.

Wain stepped forward and, a few seconds later, found himself on a wreck floating in space. As Agnes had said, the area had been destroyed and was now like a ruin hanging in the air.

Suddenly chains appeared out of thin air and chained Wain. He didn’t even have time to react.

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