Mystical Journey

Chapter 749 - Advancing 1

Chapter 749: Advancing 1

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the cargo ship storehouse

Grina stared at the female Blood Breed who was walking towards her. The other person was clearly just a lower level blood Breed, but that strange feeling, that inexplicable familiarity, seemed to make her think of something.

“What, don’t tell me you can’t recognize me anymore?” The other female Blood Breed stopped, standing ten feet away from her. To an upper level, that distance could be closed in an instant.

“Then what about this?” The female Blood Breed smiled slightly, and her face actually began to melt like wax, automatically forming a new face as though it had a life of its own.

This face was so very familiar, such that before it was even complete, Grina had already taken a slight step back, her expression full of shock.

“You… You’re Tu Lan!!?” Her voice was even slightly shrill.

“Give me the mask.” Tu Lan reached out her hand, maintaining the smile on her face.

“What are you talking about? What mask?” Grina narrowed her eyes slightly, a cold sweat seeping out of her back. Behind her back, her hands were clasped together tightly.

“Why ask the obvious?” Tu Lan looked around her. “It should be in this warehouse, right? Hurry, I don’t want to fight a former friend.”

“If you don’t want to fight, then go back. With your current power and level, why do you have to serve the Holy Fist Palace any longer?” Grina quietly observed her surroundings with the corner of her eyes, just in case anyone else showed up, or perhaps she was looking for a way to escape.

“Serve?” Tu Lan’s smile grew sweeter. “Right now I’m doing this of my own will, where else can I get such joy if not the Holy Fist Palace?”


Just then, the ship tilted to one side, thrown off balance by the large waves.

Grina instinctively steadied her footing, and abruptly lost sight of Tu Lan. She noticed it suddenly, and retreated backward, holding her arms in front of her to block.


A round and slender long leg crashed into her arms, coming from above and headed down, just like a war axe.

The collision between the long leg and the two arms created a deep but powerful thud.

Tu Lan jumped a little and spun rapidly, stomping down again.

Bam! It was the sound of another block.

Side kick, downward swing, downward chop. Using completely different combinations and sequences, Tu Lan’s legs took turns, attacking Grina like a storm.

“It’s just like when we were young…” While Tu Lan launched her assault, her gaze was nostalgic.

Grina kept getting pushed back, until she knocked into the crate behind her, then she ducked quickly.


The crate was instantly decimated, and many glass cans of beans exploded everywhere, scattering all over the floor.

“Tu Lan…” Grina stared at her, her complexion pale. “Why do you… Why do you obey the Holy Fist Palace when you’re so strong!!”

The two of them split apart abruptly, standing steady a few meters away from each other.

“Why?” Tu Lan stretched out a finger and touched her chin, looking thoughtful. “Ask me again when you can beat me,” she laughed. “Ever since we were young, we grew up together, so let’s settle this with our old rules.”

Grina did not say any more, she just curved her body slightly.

She did not understand why Tu Lan, as strong as she was, actually decided to join an organization founded by a human.

They had been together since ancient times, they joined martial arts and sword fighting classes together, but she had never beaten her. All her life, Tu Lan had been a marker of the ultimate fighter in her heart, someone who could never fail. Perhaps it was not just her, but the same applied to all of the girls they had grown up with back then.

Tu Lan always represented the ultimate power!

Even though so many years had passed since then, and maybe more than half of those girls from back then had already vanished, but that glow from the past was unforgettable.

Powerful, beautiful, lazy. As untouchable as a goddess.

Grina had always been chasing Tu Lan’s back, ever since she became a Blood Breed, she never stopped once.

And now, Tu Lan had even become a Death Apostle, crossing a life-or-death hurdle. No matter when, she was always that powerful and beautiful. Looking at the old friend in front of her, Tu Lan could only sigh inwardly.

They had grown up together over several thousand years, experiencing wars, living several decades in Ancient Greek cities, surviving with each other through the Blood Breeds’ chaotic times. That was the most unforgettable time of her life.

She took care of them, ever since they were young. Whenever they faced a challenge, she would always step up to the task, so that all the girls only saw her strongest, most perfect side. She was always smiling, always dazzling, always fearless…

But no one knew that even she would feel fear, she had also been scared… What they saw, had always only been her perfect facade.

“Grina, give up… Hand over the mask, and I’ll go easy on you.”

Tu Lan’s right leg drew an arch through the air, still at speeds so high that it left an after-image, so that it looked like there were countless legs stacked on top of each other.

Her response was a fierce knee jab.

Grina rushed at her abruptly, lifting her right knee and grabbing Tu Lan’s shoulders with her hands.


Her knee was blocked, and the two of them were tangled up, a mess of arms and legs crashing into each other, emitting a series of explosive sounds.


Tu Lan’s fist landed on Grina, but the sound of contact was like hitting wood. The place where Grina was hit in the abdomen rapidly turned to wood, and then it regenerated the places that were destroyed, growing out new flesh and blood that looked like wood, so that she looked completely healed in a second.

“Wood Petrification? Grina, you are still as innocent as ever…” Tu Lan licked her lips.


Her body suddenly left a long after-image behind her, as though she had instantaneously become three or four people. They spun around Grina once, and then the three or four figures crashed into the center simultaneously.

Grina’s body flew into the air, just managing to avoid the surround attack. She whipped out a silver chain with a whoosh, and tossed it around her, but all of a sudden her head hurt for a moment, and her movements paused.


An intense pain erupted from her chest, and spread all over her body.

Grina was instantly in the chest by Tu Lan’s foot, and she shot out as though from a cannon, crashing hard into the metal cover over the top of the warehouse, sinking into it.

With the crisp sound of leather footsteps, Tu Lan walked up to the wall beneath her, and looked up.

“Pure speed and power, is that the power of your Blood Breed Holy Technique? Looks like we truly are sisters, even the paths we take are so similar. Or perhaps I should say, were so similar.”

Seeing the disappointment in Grina’s eyes, Tu Lan suddenly felt impatient and frustrated. She was no perfect standard, she was also a normal person. She could be happy, scared, furious, jealous. Why did these people always glorify her, why did they always try to force their false ideals onto her, and then look disappointed at her?

That sister from back then was like that, and now Grina as well!!

“Don’t look at me like that…” Her smile vanished.

But Grina did not seem to hear her at all, she had just entered the upper level after all, and she was not very strong in real combat anyway, that was why she was only in charge of espionage this time and not battle. Faced with the oppressive power of the level difference that Tu Lan emitted unknowingly, she could not even move her body, her movements sluggish.

But she did not seem to hear anything, and continued staring at Tu Lan quietly with disappointed eyes.

“I said, don’t look at me like that!!” Tu Lan suddenly lost her temper, her body creating after-images as she appeared in front of Grina, and hit her with her forearm.


Blood sprayed everywhere from that hit, spraying out of Grina’s mouth and splattering all over Tu Lan. With that difference in level, even the blood of upper level Blood Breeds lost their activeness, and could no longer return to her body automatically. She could only bleed out like a normal human.

“Grina…” The spray of blood seemed to wake Tu Lan up, and pain flashed through her eyes.

She reached out her hand to caress Grina’s face lightly.

“Why are you so stubborn?”

Grina still said nothing, staring at her quietly, wisps of disappointment and sorrow in her eyes.

“Such… a disgusting gaze!” Rrrip!

Tu Lan tore off Grina’s clothes, revealing her entire upper body. Violently, she reached out to grab Grina’s breasts.

“Where’s the mask?”



Blood splattered everywhere.

Tu Lan actually ripped Grina’s left breast right off.

There was no pity in her eyes, no hesitation, just cruelty.

“Tell me, where’s the mask?”

A sheen of sweat had broken on Grina’s forehead out of sheer pain. She panted a few times, clenched her teeth, and turned away.

“If only it was Rosna, if it were her, she would have told me obediently a long time ago…” Tu Lan said calmly. Looking at Grina’s stubborn face, she began to reminisce.

“The Sleepless Faces will push the Blood Breeds into a bottomless abyss! As a Blood Breed, you actually serve the humans of your own will, you traitor!!” Grina spat at her, but Tu Lan dodged it.

“Whichever side makes me happy, that’s the side I’ll join. Whichever side can give me power, that’s where I belong. Isn’t that very simple?” Tu Lan replied matter-of-factly.

The two were suspended on one of the warehouse’s metal walls, in mid-air. Tu Lan had one hand pierced through the wall to keep her suspended there, whereas Grina was simply embedded into the wall, and kept from moving by the level difference oppression.

“Looks like I’ll just have to do it this way…” Tu Lan calmed her heart, and black whirlpools began to appear slowly in her eyes, meeting Grina’s gaze.

Blood Breed Hypnosis, a special oppression ability only upper level Blood Breeds could use against lower level Blood Breeds. It was a natural talent, like Human Hypnosis.

But strangely, Grina’s gaze only had mild contempt, she did not seem to be controlled at all.

“Give up, all the upper levels who have organization secrets have accepted the Death Apostle chief’s power, so that we won’t be controlled by Hypnosis.”

Tu Lan harrumphed coldly, and pulled back her Hypnosis.

The problem now was that she did not have enough time, if she could not find the mask as soon as possible, her real body would begin to deteriorate after two hours, so she needed to rush back.


She knocked Grina out with one fist, dragged her down and tossed her over her shoulder, floating to the ground lightly.

She had already completely controlled the surrounding guards here with her illusions, and anyone further out would not be able to hear the sounds coming from here anyway, that was why no other Blood Breeds from elsewhere had discovered her after so long.

Of course she was not afraid of being discovered, she could even just forcefully control this ship.

But that would take too long.

Brutality flashed through her eyes, Tu Lan glanced at the mountains of crates, and made a cruel decision.

She took out her phone, checked quickly if it was being watched, and then immediately rang a complicated number.

The dial only beeped once, and then the call was picked up.

“Lady Tu Lan?”

“Track the location of this phone of mine, and send ships over immediately,” Tu Lan said in a low voice.

There was a silence on the other side, probably to track her, and a moment later.

“Understood, we will immediately mobilize the navy, and arrive in one hour.”

“Remember to bring some navy soldiers to take over this cargo ship.”


The call ended, and Tu Lan opened the warehouse door slowly, carrying Grina over her shoulder as they disappeared rapidly down the cargo ship’s corridors.

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