My Werewolf System

Chapter 794 Meeting of the old and new

Chapter 794 Meeting of the old and new

The ex-teacher of the AFA had arrived, and he transformed his hand, which was now completely covered in black feathers. Swinging his arm out, several feathers left his hand, and each one of them hit the pursuers accurately, flinging them back down the staircase and onto the ground.

It was a hard, heavy hit, and as they tumbled to the floor, they couldn't help but roll in pain.

"You two did well; my lessons were meant for cases like this, but I never thought you would be in such a dire situation where there would be gangs of young men after you with weapons," Crowley commented. "I didn't realize the youth of today were so obsessed with, what's the word, chasing ass?"

The two girls thought the comments from their self-defense teacher were a little strange, but they were still busy catching their breath. They wanted to correct him, as it was clear that these men weren't romantic pursuers, but either way, he had saved them.

Out of all those who stumbled, one of them started to lift themselves off the ground, and as they did, their face started to change. Fur was growing on their back, red in color, and heat was being produced off the top of his head, emitting partially visible steam.

"An Altered, this is more than I thought. In a city like this, I thought I knew all of the Altereds that were in this city. I guess that would mean that you are outsiders, and it's time to make you minders," Crowley jumped up and almost looked like he was floating in the air with how much time it took him to land on the ground.

"The first one to attack has the advantage." Crowley swung out his hand again, and black feathers shot out. They pierced the Altered's body like bullets but didn't go right through him.

With a yell from the Altered, his skin heated up, burning off the feathers from his body. The back of his clothes looked to be on fire as they ran forward, lighting up the air.

"Ah, a hot-headed one, looks like this will be some fun." Crowley waited as the opponent swung his fists through the air, but he easily avoided the punches.

He moved back further and further, and then he noticed that oddly the Altered turned around. As he did, his back, which was covered in flames, expanded out aiming to light up Crowley completely.

However, black feathers formed in front of him and were withstanding the fire. Soon feathers started to flock together, but it seemed as if it was in front of the Altered instead, and now Crowley had appeared in front of him, throwing out a fist of his own.

It landed square in the Altered's face, and the strength of the attack was beyond normal, as the whole Altered's face, along with its body, moved straight into the ground, slamming onto the floor and almost bouncing.

The Altered's body immediately started to revert back to that of a human.

"Your plans, your hits, everything about your attacks were obvious. You might have a strong Altered form, but that is wasted on you. Perhaps you would have been better if you had gone to an Altered Academy and learned a few basics."

Crowley hadn't killed the attackers; it wasn't something that he was willing to do unless necessary. But he didn't want to just leave them on the ground like so, afraid that these men might go ahead and do something even more dubious to others.

Before that though, he needed to check to see if the girls were okay. Jumping back up to the platform, he could see that the girls had somewhat had color return to their faces as they were no longer as frightened as they were before.

"Come on, let's get you two out of here and back home," Crowley said.

The two girls agreed, and with him, they continued to walk forward through the university entrances. They had entered through one side and were unable to see the receptionist anywhere.

They continued through the reception area, exiting out of the other side, and now were on Main Street. Just as Crowley was going to take the two girls back, they saw several cars turning around the corner.

They came screeching right in front of the university, all stopping one after the other, black in color. Immediately, the doors opened, and those dressed in black and gold came out of the vehicles.

And one of them had a mask covering most of his face, who immediately went and called out to the two girls.

"Amy, are you okay?" Kai asked as he rushed over.

Crowley had immediately recognized the voice, since it was of the person who had initially hired him. He had originally thought was the leader but found out later wasn't, but it was clear he was still in a high position in the gang itself.

Kai had also recognized the teacher, and seeing that he was with him, he was a little relieved.

"That's strange; there were some attackers. I left them just in the university center; you can do what you wish with them. Be careful though, one of them is an Altered," Crowley explained.

Kai snapped his fingers, and several of the men ran through the university's doors to head down, while Kai continued to look at Amy and White to see if the both of them were okay.

"You're not hurt anywhere are you?" Kai asked.

"No, we're safe thanks to Crowley," Amy replied.

"How did you know they were in trouble, what were you doing at the university?" Kai asked.

"I just happened to be in the area," Crowley answered. "I have sensitive hearing, so I could tell something was going on."

Hearing this, Kai was disappointed in himself once again. This time the girls were saved due to a coincidence, but in truth, he was a step too late. If they were injured after what happened to Gary, how would he have been able to face his own boss?

A little while later, another grey-haired female was seen approaching from behind.

"Amy, I'm happy to hear that you're alright," Xin commented.

Amy's eyes lit up when she saw Xin. The two hadn't really met each other, but each of them knew of each other due to some words that were spoken by another from time to time.

"I can't remember if we met, but Gary spoke a lot about you from time to time," Xin commented.

Amy was a little shy as she heard these words, drawn in by her beauty. Amy had also seen her a few times since she was quite popular and a rising star in the AFC.

"What I am surprised to see is you, Crowley. I didn't know you lived here or worked in Slough. When did that happen?" Xin asked.

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