My Werewolf System

Chapter 674 A shock to the world

Chapter 674 A shock to the world

The room was filled with journalists, bloggers, and the press. Each of them with their devices ready to capture every moment that was to be said. There was big news to be displayed and things to talk about.

Gary had taken a seat on a stage with a table in front of him. By his side was Eddie. There were two microphones in front of him. On the other table, there was meant to be Haze and his coach, but only his coach was sitting at his table for obvious reasons.

Standing in the centre, though, was a bald-headed man in a bright white suit. It was shining like a wedding dress and wasn't something one would typically wear to these types of conferences.

This man was Buzz Tole. He was one of the PR managers for the AFC, and he was known for always standing out with his bright white suit.

"Everyone, before this press conference begins, I have to warn you that you are to stick to questions regarding the fighters themselves, the actual fight itself, and not what occurred after the fight," Buzz announced.

This was pretty standard procedure when a case like this occurred. Crazed Altered in the ring did happen; it was bound to happen when one person was pushed to their limits, but the AFC was practically the selling point of why everyone should try and become an Altered.

They had to keep up a good image of Altereds and didn't want anything getting out to the public that would ruin that image.

After Buzz sat down, nearly every reporter's hand in the room was raised, and it was Eddie's job to select whose questions to answer. There was one, though, one that didn't have their hand up, and that was Clem. Her notepad was laid there on her lap, and she didn't particularly look happy.

Eddie had decided to pick one at random, a scruffy-haired man with glasses.

"Congratulations on your win, Gary Dem. It was a great victory tonight, and you had managed to defeat Haze, one of the top students from Bruisers Academy, without even the need to transform into your Altered state!

"What I wanted to ask was whether this was part of your plan, as a way for you to impress those watching you tonight. I'm sure there are many clubs with their eyes on you and wondered which one of them you planned on joining?"

It was a standard question for any fighter making their debut. From here, they would join a top club that focused on training the best Altereds for the AFC. Some would even have one in mind, wishing to follow their stars.

On top of that, it was the usual style for AFA students to fight their debut match without having to transform. The thing was, due to who Gary's opponent was, no one would have blamed him if he had transformed, and yet he still hadn't.

Before answering the question, Gary looked straight ahead and cleared his throat, hardening his resolve as he brought his mouth closer to the mic.

"I know many of you have questions for me," Gary stated. "But I want to be fair and not waste anyone's time. That's why I have an announcement to make before you ask me any more questions."

The reporters looked at each other, and even Eddie appeared confused as he shrugged his shoulders toward them.

"I have decided that the best thing for me to do is to take a hiatus from the AFC," Gary said.

The reporters immediately started taking photos, murmuring, and jotting down notes. This was huge news. The rookie with a large amount of potential had suddenly announced a hiatus.

This wasn't just a break; a hiatus essentially meant that Gary didn't know when he would return, and there was a chance he might never come back.

"I'm sure you all might be wondering why," Gary continued. "I have to say that it was a tough decision to make, and I can't give you the full details. All I can say is that I believe it's unfair to the rest of the fighters in the AFC.

"In the AFC, there are fighters who do everything they can to train and be at the very top. It's their sole focus, their whole life. But for me, right now, it's unable to be. That's why I made this announcement."

What Gary said was true. He had thought about fighters like Xin who were giving their all for the AFC. But for him, he had other things to focus on. The only part he didn't tell the reporters were the other reasons behind his decision.

For one, being broadcasted live as he fought tougher opponents would eventually require him to transform into his Altered state, at least if he wanted to fight at his very best.

With vampires and werewolves after him, it wasn't the best course of action. It would put a clear target on his back.

Then there was also the gang. The Howlers were going through a tough phase, and as their leader, how could he be out here pursuing these things? With all these thoughts, he had eventually come to a decision.

Gary looked at Clem once more and pulled the mic close to his mouth, ready to speak again.

"From a young age, it has always been a dream of mine to enter the AFC. I never thought it would happen, but suddenly, here I am. Honestly, I think I made the decision to leave the AFC a while ago.

"I didn't think it was fair for me to take another student's place. But because I had this dream, this dream of joining the AFC, I wanted to live it, even if it was only for a short moment. I wanted to experience that dream, and I have done that today.

"I'm sorry, everyone, for being selfish."

Gary stood up, deciding not to answer any more questions, and started to walk away. As he did, he grabbed his phone and sent off a text.

"I'm coming back."



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