My Werewolf System

Chapter 625 The big meet

Chapter 625 The big meet

The group had travelled back safely to the hotel with no problems, and for the first time, they actually felt safer when they saw that there were some members of those in Black and Gold standing outside.

Never did they think that they would be attacked by the general public, rather than those that referred to themselves as gang members, and it was starting to become clear that these gang members in particular were integrated into nearly every part of Slough.

The small shops, the food street, and even here in Cipen in front of the luxury hotel, none of the staff were afraid of them. At times it almost seemed like if there were a problem with the general public, then they could rely on the local gang members.

In some ways, they were almost like a police force, but one that was far more reliable. It was reminding them a lot of the higher tier cities.

For the night, Gary and Tyson were sharing a room since they were the only two boys. They were lying down in their beds, not really speaking to each other, since they hadn’t really seen each other eye to eye this entire trip.

“Hey Gary... I just want to say something that's been on my mind for a while.” Tyson said, while staring at the ceiling. “You were pretty cool back there. I thought I was skilled and gifted, and chosen because I was an Altered, but you really showed that there is a huge difference between me and you.

“I’m sorry for all the hazing I did to you before, I really thought you thought you were all that because you came from the AFA?”

“Hazing?” Gary replied, wondering what Tyson meant by that, and at that point Tyson couldn't help but laugh, because that's when he realised that Gary never even knew what him and Spring were trying to do to him.

Still, Gary thought it was ironic that the other was trying to do these things, when really it was them that thought they were perhaps too good for him, but either way, he was glad that Tyson could admit his mistakes.

“You are a strong Altered yourself, Tyson.” Gary said, leaving it at that.


Waking up, it was time for them to finally leave Slough, and Gary was quite surprised that nothing happened during the night. He was worried that there would be a knock on his door and a whole parade of Howlers members com8ng to visit.

Or maybe, Kai would just come barging in, waving hello to Gary, yet none of that happened, and they finally left heading back to AJ Entertainment for the second day.

“It was nice to go to your hometown, Gary, I feel like I was able to learn quite a lot.” Rachel said with a big smile on her face.

“I guess it was okay.” Spring said, as she stared out the window, she was more shaken up by the surprise attack compared to the others, and had not spoken much since getting in the car.

“What will we be doing for the rest of the programme? Will we be heading to our own hometowns?” Clem asked.

“I’m not too sure, myself.” Elanor said. “I was the one that pushed for you guys to head to Slough. They liked the idea I sold them, but I doubt we will be visiting any of your own areas.

“Today we have a special meeting with the producer that will be in charge of the rest of the programme, but don’t worry, me and big Dave will be with you by your side. It's our job after all.” Elanor explained.

The person she was referring to as big Dave was their guard, who Gary had to admit was a decent person and strong as well. He had no fear when taking on those that had weapons, which led to Gary believing that he had some experience in that field. In the first place, all of the guards that worked for AJ Entertainment gave off a different feeling than they usually would have.

The group had finally arrived at AJ Entertainment, they were back and the place was just as busy as before. Gary was still wearing the same suit as before, since it was really the only smart clothes had for the TV screen, but it was nice and clean thanks to the hotel's prompt service.

“Alright everyone, we are in a bit of rush here.” Elanor said, looking at her watch. “We have a tight schedule but we're going to redo your makeup and have you look your best before you meet the producer.”

They did as they were told, and everything went like clockwork as they entered their dressing room. They were pampered up, and getting ready.

“If were meeting the producer, maybe this will be our chance to ask for a programme of our own, or more promotion.” Rachel exclaimed. “You heard what Elanor said, they have just had a huge injection of funding. I'm sure they're going to be wanting to make big use of the money.”

“And to do that, they would need big profits in return.” Spring has started. “Do you know how much money it takes to break a new idol group these days. I would say that a TV show, maybe a school romance with a low production and a star like me, would make the biggest return.”

The room was heating up, with Gary honestly not caring for this meeting, but could see it was important to the others that wished to make this their living. Although Spring wasn’t the nicest person, she certainly knew what she wanted and looked like the type of person who worked hard to get what she wanted.

When everyone was ready it was time, they took an elevator that was heading up to the top floors. It was where all the big shots of the company were, and those that made all of the decisions.

Reaching the 23rd floor, just shy of the top 25th floor, they took a step out and headed to the meeting room. Elanor gave a knock before politely letting them all in.

When walking through the door, there were three people sitting down in front of a long single desk. All of them with a strong air of power around their bodies, but Gary had recognised one of them.

“Oh, I'm surprised to see you here, I didn’t know you were one of our stars.” Ash said.


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