My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Chapter 1058: An Action Outside the Plans, But Not That Outside the Plans. 2

Chapter 1058: An Action Outside the Plans, But Not That Outside the Plans. 2

This content is taken from fгeewebnovё

Hela opened her eyes and lazily got up from bed.

Today was an excellent day for Hela; the weather was beautiful—as always—the city was alive—a surprise for her considering the kind of city they lived in, but it was something she tried to get used to—strange birds sang, and nature here was blessed with abundant life.

Compared to the old Earth and the Realm of The Dead where she used to live, this place was definitely perfect. Considering she also had the favor of the Emperor, Hela, the Goddess of Death from Norse Mythology, was now known to those who recognized her strength simply as Hela, the one who conquered her own Pantheon.

She was also known to those faint-hearted and too afraid to speak in front of her as Hela, the traitor of her own Pantheon, and she was living a very good life.

Hela snorted as she remembered what she was called for destroying a Pantheon. ‘Cowards. Why don’t they say the same to the Emperor who destroyed 2 Pantheons?’ She knew it was three Pantheons, counting hers. After all, while she attacked Asgard, the Emperor and his group took advantage of the confusion to advance their agendas.

The answer to her question was simple: fear. They were afraid of the Emperor’s retaliation. After all, he had simply too much influence in all political spheres of the Supernatural World. A decision made by the Emperor could affect everything, even those individuals not loyal to the Emperor.

This was what happened when a big fish like the Emperor decided to do something; such was the Power of the strong. Although Hela did not have as much Power and influence as the Emperor, she was no less dangerous than him. After all, she wouldn’t have been able to subjugate Asgard if she weren’t dangerous.

She had her brothers who held the Power of The End, and she still communicated with the Dragon, who remained very calm after feeling several True Dragons looking at him as if waiting for him to do something to have an excuse to act against him.

Even though the Dragon that Devoured The Roots of Yggdrasil was an ancient True Dragon and had access to the Concept of The End, he still was no match for an entire nest of True Dragons, especially the Emperor, who was on a completely different level.

She still had her army that she had prepared, and she still had exceptional individuals she stole from the Hells of other Pantheons… And most importantly, she had fully recovered her vitality. Overall, Hela had not become weaker at all. One might say she became stronger, considering that she had the Emperor’s protection and now more autonomy as well.

‘Victor’s protection definitely came at a good time… I couldn’t wake up so peacefully if I had to worry about potential invaders.’ Hela thought as she picked up a robe to cover her naked body.

Looking through the window, she saw a futuristic city in the distance, Elvenorah, a city that artistically blended various cultures with technology. Gods, Youkais, Humans, Werewolves, Noble Vampires, Witches, several Beings of different Species, and different needs lived here.

She even saw Dark Elves, Light Elves, and Dwarves walking through the city peacefully… Races that lived in her Pantheon, and that should NEVER be placed together, or some kind of bloody trouble would happen. But for some reason, everyone here got along very well.

‘Some kind of brainwashing, perhaps?’ Hela wondered. Knowing the Emperor, such a thing wasn’t beyond his capabilities, but Hela felt that for someone who represented Life, Martial Honor, and Nature, he wouldn’t do something like that. After all, he didn’t need to.

Just by being who he is, people would respect him; after all, everyone respected the strong. Not to mention that everyone here knew this was the city PERSONALLY run by a damn True Dragon who was the Emperor’s Wife. It was very common for Beings here to see two or four True Dragons together.

Usually, these True Dragons were women who were definitely associated with the Emperor… And NOBODY here was foolish enough to look for trouble in a city full of True Dragons.

Especially when four of them were always present in the city most of the time, namely Velnorah, the Queen/Ruler of the city, Amaterasu, the Leader of the Shinto Pantheon, Haruna, the Leader of the Youkais, and Maya, who acted somewhat as an Ambassador for the Progenitor of the Werewolves, Tasha Elderblood.

Were there more? There definitely were more; it was common knowledge that there were children who were True Dragons also walking around, and these children, when they appeared, were being heavily watched even in this city, children who were definitely Daughters of the Emperor.

So… causing trouble here was like asking with a neon sign that you wished to go straight to Hell.

Even Beings of The End were here, her damn brothers assumed Humanoid Forms and were walking around the city with Fenrir leading the group – probably, he who taught his brothers to shape-shift – if even Beings of The End can walk peacefully in this city without causing chaos, this city was definitely the Emperor’s Utopia.

Velnorah was doing an impeccable job. Hela never thought a Technocracy would work, but somehow, having so many diverse Beings with great creativity made the city work smoothly.

Food, water, light, internet, education, everything basic that a Being needed to live was paid for by the city, everyone had the same living conditions, and if they wanted more or even more ‘Power,’ they needed to contribute to the city in some way.

Whether creatively presenting their ideas, no matter how small, or even using their talents.

Was this society equal for everyone? Of course not. After all, no one was equal to anyone else, and no matter what type of system it was—imperial, tyrannical, communist, capitalist, or even technocracy—people were not equal.

The only thing equal here was the starting point for everyone. Everyone had all their basic needs met. From there it entirely depended on the individual’s capacity.

Hela, as a woman who had observed Humans for a long time, had never seen a society like this before. She was absolutely sure that such a society would never work just for Humans; they were Beings who were naturally selfish, and they preferred to ‘take’ rather than create.

But when Supernatural Races that loved to create new things were added into the mix, a new kind of environment was created, and when powerful Beings like Dragons Gods were seen around, this environment solidified into what Hela observed today.

A society that was not a perfect utopia but was very close to being one.

Quietly drinking her tea while looking out the window, she couldn’t help but notice something with her Supernatural Senses. The weaker Races housed here might not realize it, but because the city itself harbored so many True Dragons, they were naturally getting stronger.

An example of this would be the Humans, who were the weakest Race here but also one of the most creative if given the right push. An ‘ordinary’ human here was 10x stronger than an ordinary Human from Earth.

A 16-year-old casually lifting a car weighing 1 ton was not an uncommon sight. The worst part was that these same Humans didn’t realize how abnormal they were, not even those who were ‘normal’ before. The reason for this was that everyone around them was so incredible that they didn’t realize how abnormal they had also become.

While she was contemplating the city with various thoughts, Hela felt something enter her room. A Being with a clearly feminine appearance entered through a dark portal. She had wings made of Dark Energy, her face was covered by a hood that not even Hela could see beyond the darkness that covered her face, and her armor was complete and much more defined than the robust armors of her counterparts.

‘The Emperor’s Herald…’ Hela swallowed dryly inside. These Beings unnerved her. Every time she saw them, she just felt… wrong. It was as if they were Beings not meant to exist, yet they did. It was hard to explain this incongruence, Hela just felt that way.

But above all, Hela felt a sense of concern and, to a lesser extent, fear. After all, the Heralds had a meaning: when they were sent or when they appeared, it could mean many things, but most of the time, those things were terrible for other Beings.

This uncertainty was what made Hela nervous. She never knew what they would want or what their next moves would be. Not to mention that the fact the Emperor did not send his Shadows to contact her or even hire her through the communicator she received proved that this was an important matter. He would not have sent his Herald if it were not.

‘What happened? Did I miss something recently?’ Even though Hela was being lazy, habits die hard. She was always looking for something; she was always watching everything, any movement, any information she needed to know.

It was this paranoia that brought her to where she was now. After all, any information was useful to have, it was better to have useless information than no information at all. Knowledge was Power, and she understood that very well.

By understanding that, she knew of the overt moves that the Empire was making in the Human World after the appearance of the True Form of the Emperor in which the whole planet saw the immense Dragon. – Another reason why Beings feared the Emperor so much, although some of them also worshiped him because of it – a Dragon so large that not even Earth’s technology could see his entire body, and because they could not see his exact size and only his head, everyone thought it was obvious that the Dragon was larger than the entire solar system.

What a ridiculous size. Humans’ imaginations are quite vivid, right?… Right? Ugh, Hela really hoped they were exaggerating. Even the footage she received couldn’t tell the exact size of the Dragon.

While Hela thought about various useless things, she continued to look at the Herald with a clearly neutral gaze, waiting for her words.

“Hela, the Emperor needs your counsel.” The female Herald’s voice resonated around.

The fact that the Herald said ‘Emperor’ and not ‘God’ proved that this was a meeting related to the Empire… Which meant that no civilization or Pantheon would die or be subjugated today.

Hela wasted no time. Immediately, her body was covered by her Power, and seconds later, she was wearing her Divine Raiment, a variation of the outfit she wore in the war. It didn’t protect her completely like the outfit she wore in the war, as this style was more focused on enhancing her beauty and being easy to move in.

“Where do I need to go?” She asked.

As soon as she finished speaking, a violet portal appeared in front of her. Victor’s Herald stood beside the portal while looking at Hela.

Understanding what she needed to do, Hela walked towards the portal… Worries about her own safety? Please, if the Emperor wanted to harm her, she would already be dead.

As soon as she passed through the portal, the image of a man 5 meters tall looking at her in his full armor was seen. The impression he gave just by standing there was immense. Hela had never felt so small. It was as if she were a child again and was looking at Odin.

But unlike Odin, this man was not looking at her with disgust or anything like that, he simply looked at her neutrally.

“Emperor.” She placed her hand on her right chest and bowed her head slightly in salute to demonstrate respect.

“Hela…” The Emperor’s heavy voice resounded around them. Only now did Hela realize that they were in space. The image of the Being in front of her was so striking that she completely missed that detail.

Only now did she realize that Victor was not alone, as all of his Heralds were here looking at her neutrally.

“Tell me, how did you come into contact with The Creatures of The Abyss?”

Victor’s words left her surprised for a good few seconds.

… Okay, maybe Hela judged things too quickly… A civilization would definitely die today.

Just like before, she wasted no time explaining how she had accessed that place… The place where the creatures of The Abyss were born, the place that was total darkness when a galaxy was destroyed,


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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