My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Chapter 1044: Guess Who’s Back?

Chapter 1044: Guess Who’s Back?

While Ariel was being judged by the Emperor’s Wives, the man himself was in a meeting in the Seventh Heaven with someone very special. The Heavenly Father looked at the man sitting elegantly beside him. Thousands of years ago, he would never have thought he would authorize the entry of another Being into the Seventh Heaven besides his own Creations, especially a Demon King.

‘Though the Demons in this cosmology were created due to my Creations…’ The Heavenly Father reflected. After a moment of contemplation, he thought.

‘But then again, life is full of surprises. If it weren’t, it would be quite boring.’ He didn’t feel annoyed by this development but rather a mix of amusement and nostalgia.

Nostalgia because the man beside him reminded him greatly of his son, the Fallen Morningstar.

“So this is Heaven, huh…” A touch of amusement was heard in Victor’s voice. “I get the hype a bit. For someone who’s lived a hectic life, this place is definitely Paradise.”

“Though my Hell is still better.”

Even his pride was similar to his son’s, but unlike his son, whose pride led him to take something that wasn’t his, this man used his pride to create something for himself.

“Everyone, no matter what actions they take in life, deserves peace in death… Unless they have sinned.”

“Guilty, huh.” The word was savored in Victor’s mouth as if it were amusing and reflective.

“Something amusing?”

“Nothing… It’s just that this word is amusing. As a former Mortal, I can understand the term, but as a God, I don’t see the problem.”

Victor made a hand gesture, and just like that, he created an Elemental Being. He created Life.

The Heavenly Father opened his eyes wide when he saw what he did.

‘He created Life… How is that possible?’ He wasn’t surprised by him creating life per se; he was surprised that he created life and the Primordials weren’t knocking on Heaven’s door right now.

After all, all Life was controlled by The Universal Tree and The Judges of The Abyss. A God of Creation and Life cannot create Life without their express permission. Otherwise, it would mess up the entire ‘System’ if things were created without oversight.

“In the same way that I can easily create Life, I can take it, modify it, and even fragment it.” Victor lightly touched the little Spirit of Light he had created using the Energy of Heaven.

“Would I be guilty if I killed this life? Or would I not be? Who would judge me? Who will decide if I am guilty or not?”

“The God of Death? The Rulers of the Afterlife, who are my Wives? Or The Judges of The Abyss?” A hint of disdain could be heard at the end.

“Sin is different for a God and for those who are not.” The Heavenly Father shared his thoughts.

“Would the God of Murder be guilty for fulfilling his purpose? How about the God of War, then? The God of Death, the God of Fear, or even the God of Hate? These are dangerous Concepts, Concepts that can cause chaos if not controlled.”

“By exercising their Divine Authority, would these Gods be guilty?”

“… The answer to that question is no. They wouldn’t be guilty in the grand scheme of things… But there would certainly be consequences.”

“In the end, all that matters are the consequences.” Victor nodded as if he had confirmed his thoughts.

“Indeed.” The Heavenly Father nodded.

“A God can do whatever he wants… But the consequences of his actions are quite dangerous. After all, he is not alone in his ecosystem.” The Heavenly Father didn’t say that this rule applied to Beings like Victor, considering that if Victor decided to do something, who would stop him?

In this Sector, no one else had that capability.

“Justice is decided by the strongest.”

“In a war, the one who wins is justice, and the one who loses is guilty. This lesson was carved into my Soul by my teacher when I was just a Vampire without understanding anything about the Supernatural World.”

‘Scathach, huh… To think that woman was one of the people directly responsible for creating this monster.’ The Heavenly Father thought internally. He already had his suspicions, but it was all speculation; hearing this information from the individual’s own mouth was very different from hearing it from external sources.

Victor’s words suggested that he was taught when he was just a newborn in the Supernatural World, not that he was trained later.

Practically, the entire Supernatural World knew that Victor was once a Mortal; that’s a fact. But information about his ‘beginning’ was hard to find.

Officially, he appeared for the first time in a duel in Nightingale. Unofficially, everyone knew that an Inquisitor fought with an unknown Vampire with Victor’s characteristics. The consequences of this event included a personal visit from Scathach to the Vatican’s base because her Daughter was involved, a Daughter who was now married to Victor, just like Scathach herself.

This was practically all that Supernatural Beings knew about Victor’s ‘beginning.’ Information about him was very well-guarded, a common fact for those related to Scathach. A fact that remained true even today.

The Heavenly Father knew that the man in front of him had Daughters. He received this information through his connection with Ariel, but he highly doubted if other Beings knew this.

‘It’s better if they don’t know… If any of them try something funny with this man’s Daughters, I fear the consequences of his wrath.’ He thought with a bit of a chill in his stomach… Even though he didn’t have a stomach at the moment due to being a construct of Light, he could still feel the apprehension.

Speaking of the connection, he was only not freaking out because if something bad had happened to Ariel, he would know, after all, the Creation of his Angels was something very binding. He wasn’t called ‘Father’ without reason.

Any kind of harmful action against his daughter’s Soul and physical integrity, he would know of immediately.

“Therefore, I always ensured that I would always be the strongest animal in the ecosystem. Fortunately, I had talent, luck, and incredible companions to help me on this path.”

“Mostly luck. A Being doesn’t reach your level in less than thousands of years without it.”

Victor laughed when he felt a bit of jealousy coming from the Heavenly Father. “Indeed. Because of my history as it is, I understand how important luck is… Because of that, I have a temple entirely dedicated to the Goddess of Luck. A God with such a Concept should be appreciated.”

“… If the Gods had as much wisdom as you, we would be doomed.”

“Oh… They definitely have that wisdom. It’s just overshadowed by their useless pride.” Victor’s eyes glowed slightly as if he were saying something only he understood.

After reflecting for a few seconds, the Heavenly Father immediately understood what he was talking about. As someone who could absorb individuals and see their memories, someone like Victor, who had ‘eaten’ many Gods, could very well speak about them.

In a way, that was a fate worse than death. After all, you would be absorbed by another Being, and there was nothing you could do about it.

“A good example of such Gods is Loki.”

“… The God of Lies from the Norse Pantheon?”

“Yeah.” Victor nodded as he created a small portal for the Spirit of Light to enter, a portal that would go straight to his personal planet.

That casual gesture instilled a deep fear in the Heavenly Father. The act of casually ignoring ALL the defenses he had put up was unnerving.

Read atst chapters at ƒrē Only.

And the worst part was that his protections hadn’t even detected what he just did, which meant that at ANY moment, he could come to Heaven, casually enjoy the view, steal anything, and leave! And the Heavenly Father would only find out what happened afterward! If he found out, of course.

Considering that Nyx was one of his Wives, the Heavenly Father had no doubt that if Victor wanted to steal something from him, he would never know.

The fact that his home was so unprotected against him was so unnerving and worrisome that for a moment, the Heavenly Father had to take a deep breath to calm himself.

‘Ariel, my daughter… You must succeed at all costs!’ He urgently needed this alliance, or he would never feel calm in his own home!

‘I must investigate ways to improve my defenses as well.’ He reflected.

This raised the question… Ariel’s connection was lost… Was his daughter alright?? He started to worry now, but he outwardly tried not to show his concern.

Oblivious or not caring about the Heavenly Father’s reactions, Victor continued.

“Loki was part of a group of friends that my Wife had,” Victor spoke as if recalling something quite far in the past. Which, from his perspective, it definitely was, after all, he’d now lived for millennia.

The fact that Victor had so many Wives was a mental exercise for the Heavenly Father. After all, it was hard to know which ‘Wife’ he was talking about, not to mention that even the Heavenly Father didn’t know ‘how many’ and ‘who’ were the Emperor’s Wives.

His personal life was very well protected.

He still didn’t fully know Victor’s ‘peculiar tastes.’ Beauty? Power? Victor could currently give that at will to any Being. Just like in the beginning, he wanted the personality, the insane personality, the crazy personality, the fun personality.

The requirements to become one of Victor’s Wives were stricter than ever.

‘Definitely not the Vampires, must be one of the Goddesses…’ Reflecting on the information he had, he concluded that it was either Aphrodite or some Norse Goddess he didn’t know about.

‘Maybe Hela?’ The Heavenly Father didn’t underestimate Victor; with the man’s Beauty and Power, it was not hard to see any woman to possibly be included in his group as his Wives.

He still didn’t fully know Victor’s ‘peculiar tastes.’ Beauty? Power? Victor could currently give that at will to any Being. Just like in the beginning, he wanted the personality, the insane personality, the crazy personality, the fun personality.

The requirements to become one of Victor’s Wives were stricter than ever.

While mentally exercising to uncover the nuances of Victor’s words, he continued listening.

“The first time we met, he had the brilliant idea to play a ‘prank’.”

“… I shouldn’t need to say things didn’t go as planned.”

“He thought so ‘little’ of the Mortal that he completely underestimated him.”

“He was one of the most ‘rational’ Gods I met…” He seemed to think about the matter for a moment and then continued, “This flaw also affected my Wife in the beginning.”

“… Oh?” The Heavenly Father became interested as Victor didn’t look through rose-tinted glasses at his Wives.

“Even with her years of learning and traveling across Pantheons, she still made that mistake… The mistake of underestimating the other individual.”

‘Definitely Aphrodite.’ The Heavenly Father concluded.

“If you don’t know the capabilities of an individual, stay on guard and think that he can do much more than you initially thought… This caution is what keeps us alive.”

“Wise words…” The Heavenly Father nodded several times. He understood very well what Victor was talking about since he was experiencing this moment right now! At this very moment and second!

“It seems that to be a full-fledged God, there must be something wrong with their heads… Even Hestia is not exempt from these problems, although she is one of the most reasonable Goddesses I have met.”

“She’s not the only one. Even I am not exempt from this.” He was by no means perfect; no one truly is. After all, being perfect meant you could no longer progress; a perfect Being was a sad Being.

A moment of silence fell over the place as the two just continued to enjoy the scenery. At some point during this contemplation, the Heavenly Father’s light-covered appearance faded, and in its place appeared an old man with the appearance of a wise sage but one who should not be underestimated.

“Talking with a God who has lived the perspective of a weak Mortal is quite interesting.”

“Believe it or not, my mentality is very different from when I started.”

“That’s obvious. No one remains unchanged… With the passage of time, only our Essence remains.”

“A killer can become a good person, but deep down, he knows he is still a killer. If ‘something’ happens, he will return to his Essence very quickly. He will return to killing, but perhaps for more ‘honorable’ reasons, depending greatly on the culture he is in.”

“We just acquire masks… Or they can be called traits over time, but our Essence always remains immutable.”

“Because of this, the early years of life for a new Soul are quite important. It is from this upbringing that a Being will acquire its own immutable Essence.”

“I understand…” These words gave Victor a new perspective on the ‘clones’ his Wife was planning to create for the future war.

‘The early years of life for a new Soul are quite important, huh…’ Reflecting on these words internally, his brain was already thinking about what to do. Due to the efficiency of his body, several plans had already been created, and he just needed to ‘act’ to turn these plans into reality.

While he was thinking about this, another part of his mind was present.

“Is that why the incident with Eve, Lilith, and Adam happened?”

“Indeed, even though they were born as adults, they were still children mentally. The nuances of manipulation by an adult, especially an Angel who had faced several Gods from another Pantheon in the past, were too deep for them.”

“The Wars of Genesis, huh. I remember that.”

“… Surely you do.” The Heavenly Father reflected that he should immediately stop thinking of this man as someone ‘new.’ With the memories he had from the Beings he absorbed, he was as old as the Heavenly Father himself.

“I have the memories from the perspective of Erebus and Tartarus. I remember they were very concerned about the sanctity of their Pantheon.”

“All the Primordial Gods were. Even me,” said the Heavenly Father. “In the past, having another Primordial God in another Pantheon was highly disapproved of.”

“A justifiable fear.” No one liked intruders in their home.


“Over time, and with the death of Pantheons, this fear only grew.”

“Of all the Pantheons from the Beginning of Time, the only ones still relevant are the new Pantheons, the Hindu, the Biblical, and the Shinto.”

“Well… Someone was responsible for taking three Pantheons off the map, a feat no one has ever accomplished. After all, Pantheons usually fall due to internal war.”

“Their Gods are still alive… At least some of them from the Greek and Norse.” Victor laughed morbidly.

‘He didn’t deny it… As expected, he was involved in the fall of the Norse as well… Now, Hela’s request for shelter makes sense.’ The Heavenly Father had his suspicions, but they were just confirmed now.

He was feeling quite strange now, as Victor was being very open with him. Definitely, this man was planning something.

The Dragon Emperor definitely didn’t do things without a reason.

“The Egyptians are still practically all alive. The Primordial Gods and the Second-Generation Gods onward were quite welcoming with our reception.”

“I’m sure they were.” The Heavenly Father had to use all his strength not to roll his eyes. “I can see how the Gods would be welcoming with your reception.”

“Speaking of being welcomed… Ariel is fine; she is just undergoing the judgment of my Wives. Nothing harmful to her, I can guarantee that,” Victor said very seriously.

“… I see.” These words put him at ease, and at the same time worried him because Victor KNEW his feelings.

‘For the love of myself, it is quite exhausting to talk to this man.’ He sighed, this time not hiding it.

Which made Victor laugh at him.

‘I take back what I said before. This man is nothing like my son! He is too competent and smart to be my foolish son!’


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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