My system allows me to copy talents

Chapter 432 Kawasaki vs Kobe VII

Chapter 432 Kawasaki vs Kobe VII


The time had been spent, so the referee blew the whistle, announcing the end of the first half. That last-minute equalizer left a bitter taste in the mouths of the opposing players as they walked out of the pitch.

Meanwhile, Hiro and his teammates walked out of the pitch in high spirits.

It was the same with the fans. Fans of the opposing team appeared rather gloomy while the fans of Kawasaki appeared to be in a jubilant mood.

The sweet taste of that last-minute equalizer was still lingering in their mouth, so why wouldn’t they be in a cheerful mood?

While making his way into the locker room, Hiro was met with the figure of Tominaga. It seemed as if he was waiting for his arrival to say something.

“Seems like he is waiting for you,” Naoto spoke as he pointed in front.

“And it doesn’t seem like he’s here to congratulate you for your goal,” Tatsuki chimed in, sounding rather sarcastic.

Brows knotted into a frown, eyes filled with irritation, Tominaga appeared quite pissed. So, it was no wonder Tatsuki made those comments after seeing him.

Even so, Hiro wasn’t concerned. So what if he were here to cause some trouble? There will always be players who think that the world revolves around them. And there will always be players with attitude problems.

And Tominaga was one such player with such problems. Though he had the skill to back his words. There was no denying the fact that he was a skilled player.

However considering the age difference, Hiro didn’t think much of his shit talks. To him, it was nothing but a tantrum of a teenager.

“No, you two can head ahead. I’ll join you in a while,” Hiro responded as he declined their offer to keep him company.

Though he has declined their offer, it appeared as if Tatsuki wasn’t willing to comply. He seemed like he wanted to accompany him.

But before he could open his mouth, Naoto interjected him, “Then we’ll see you in a while.”

Saying so, he pulled Tastuki and dragged him with him.

“Wait…, what if he’s here to cause problems? We should stay here,” Tatsuki complained while he got dragged by Naoto.

“He can handle it himself,” Naoto responded as he continued to drag him to the locker room.

All along the way, Tatsuki kept on complaining but Naoto turned a deaf ear to his complaints.

‘Is it only me or does he really behave like Shun?’ Hiro thought, amused by the semblance.

“Now then, shall we listen to what he has to say?” He mumbled as he trod towards Tominaga.

“Don’t get cocky. It’s not over yet,” Tominaga said, his tone sounding rather commanding and arrogant.

His words didn’t surprise Hiro at all. Considering Tominaga’s personality, he could tell pretty much that he was here to annoy him. After all, it’d have been a miracle had he complimented him instead.

Still, since he was waiting for him, he could at least say something else, couldn’t he? Like something important perhaps?

Hiro sighed as he heard him, “Sigh~”

“That’s all?” He asked disappointedly.

If that was all he was here to say then why even bother waiting for him? He could have said those to him on the pitch too.

“What do you mean that’s all? What else do you want me to say? Praise you? Never…, so don’t get cocky over just a single goal,” Tominaga raised his voice as he answered irritatedly.

At this moment, Hiro couldn’t help but overlap his image to a self-obsessed kid making a fuss over having his position taken by someone else.

This only made Hiro even more disappointed. He was here to face challenges, to improve himself. But instead, right now, he was facing the tantrums of a teenager.

“Score one first and talk. Otherwise quit yapping,” Hiro answered, his tone full of mockery.

He deliberately answered in such a way. He could have chosen to ignore him and walk past him. But that’d have only lengthened the conversation with him. Which he wanted to avoid the most at the moment.

So, instead, he just gave him the response he was seeking to end the conversation quickly.

Saying so, Hiro walked past Tominaga, leaving him fuming.

For sure, it made him even more furious than before. But at least, he avoided him for the time being.

Tominaga tried to provoke Hiro, but Hiro completely ignored him as he walked without looking back.

That gesture however only added fuel to the burning flames, making Tominaga even more irritated than before.

Unable to get any response from Hiro, he then stomped his way to his locker room.

‘What is he? eight or something?’ Hiro thought about Tominaga’s actions as he made his way to his locker room.

Then as Hiro walked into the room, many of his teammates gave him a thumbs up as they complimented him for his play.

“Here comes our star of the first half,” Asahi announced just as he entered the locker room, drawing everybody’s attention toward him.

Just as he announced, the locker room got extremely noisy. Almost every single one of them was in complete agreement.

This scene was totally normal and Hiro was already used to it. It wasn’t just him but anyone who’d play exceptionally, the team would cheer on him to lighten the mood and also to encourage the player to continue playing as such.

It was a method the players in his team used to lighten up the mood, strengthen the spirit of camaraderie, and promote healthy competition among the team.

After all, everybody likes to get praised and be at the center of attention. And such actions allowed the players to get their minds off of the match for a while.

Hiro graciously accepted their compliment as he took his seat.

Just when he took his seat, Tatsuki said, “I thought it’d take a while.”

He was hinting at the earlier exchange with Tominaga.

“Yeah, he was just there to talk shit,” Hiro responded uninterestedly.

“What’s with his obsession with you?” Naoto couldn’t help but feel curious.

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