My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 624 - A Grave Mistake, Complicated Human Nature! Part 1   Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chapter 624: A Grave Mistake, Complicated Human Nature! Part 1

Before Su Mo took off his cloak, at least 70 people in the cave maintained a certain degree of vigilance against him.

Although this mysterious man’s voice was familiar…

Although he had been very friendly…

Although he had just cleaned up the enemies who oppressed them…

There were so many of them, but these little things were not enough to bridge the insurmountable trust gap between people, especially in the wasteland where it was important for them to be on their toes.

A territory lord would usually bring dozens of armed soldiers as their first means of defense in unfamiliar territories.

Meanwhile, most of the army would stay secretly hidden with more ruthless weapons as their secondary defense.

In such a case, if both parties could have a friendly discussion, everyone would put away their weapons and continue to come to an agreement.

Whereas if one side were to have malicious intentions or an argument were to happen during negotiations, it would easily get out of control and turn into a large-scale war. In the end, there would be heavy casualties and no winner.

Even those in the same territory did not let their guard down around one another, just like the cliff territory which had been divided into several factions.


“You’re Su Mo? How can you be Su Mo? It’s impossible!

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“Fake! An imposter! You must be an imposter!

“You’re lying! You’re definitely lying to us! He’s an imposter! Don’t believe him! The strongest human, Almighty Su would never appear in this desolate snow-capped mountain at such a crucial time!”

Liu Jie and Liu Zhi reacted as if they were hysterical after seeing the young face hidden beneath the cloak.

They did not immediately beg for forgiveness nor did they ask Su Mo to spare their lives.

Instead, they jumped up from the ground and shouted with absolute certainty.

The laborers who stood around them also reacted very reasonably.

They were not like the two women who unconditionally trusted Su Mo’s identity after merely seeing his face.

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The others were instantly alarmed to the extreme after they listened to the shouts of the Liu brothers!

It was believable!

Su Mo was the totem of all human territories. He was the lord of the best-developed territory.

During this disaster period, the place where he would be was definitely within his own territory to lead his people in the disaster resistance, to strive to rank number one in the New World.

It was impossible for him to coincidentally appear in the snowy mountains and kindly lead a team to save the hundred people of this dreadful territory.

This was not in line with the logic of ordinary people, nor was it their expectations.

“Ha! What makes you think I’m an imposter?”

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Su Mo looked around and observed everyone’s reactions around him.

The tall woman hurriedly explained to people and tried to convince them that this was the real person in front of them.

However, she had no concrete evidence and could not speak. All she could do was whimper desperately to those around her.

The crowd of people had silently separated themselves with a boundary line between Su Mo.

Su Mo grinned and showed his bright white teeth.

“I want to hear what makes you think I’m an imposter?”

Su Mo reaction was unexpected.

He did not instantly try to deny or give a reason to prove himself.

He made it seem as if the Liu brothers were not convincing at all.

Meanwhile, Liu Jie glanced around to observe the expressions and directions of the laborers around him. His confidence was boosted, and he rolled his eyes.

He organized his thoughts for three to four seconds.

Then, he suddenly broke free from the expedition team member who was holding him down by the shoulder and began to passionately give a speech in a tone that he thought was confident and convincing.

“An imposter is an imposter and the real thing is the real thing! The strongest human, Almighty Su, would not even budge under the pressure of gods! He is a domineering person. He would never act like you, trying to use a face to deceive us and gain our trust!

“You can imitate his face and bring an army disguised as his team, but you can never imitate his temperament!

“What’s more, you can’t even explain your motives to us! Why’re you here at this time and in such weather?!

“Everyone, don’t be fooled by such a scoundrel! He imitated Almighty Su’s face and showed up here. He must be hiding evil intentions!”

As soon as Liu Jie finished speaking, Liu Zhi, who had his head lowered, immediately realized that they had taken over the atmosphere.

Even though his hands were still bound by handcuffs, it did not stop him from discrediting Su Mo, who was in front of the laborers.

“That’s right! My brother is absolutely correct! You’re a big liar trying to use the name and face of Almighty Su to swindle others in the New World!

“What we should now is not to believe this liar and to spread the news as much as possible to let more people, including the Almighty Su know about his scheme!

“Haha! Your good days won’t last long! Once the Almighty Su finds out that someone is posing as him, the consequences of your actions… I won’t have to say more for you to understand, right?”

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