My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 267 Elf

Chapter 267 Elf


The woman had long golden hair that flowed down her slender back. Her ears were long, and her eyes were green. She was beautiful and had a seductive body. She was wearing a jacket that Adam had put on that day.

“Aren’t you glad to see me?” the woman asked with a smile, patting him on the back.

“No, I would prefer Amarantha,” Adam replied and took out a cigarette from his pocket, then lit it with a match, answering:


Amaria smiled, patting Adam on the back. He just sighed, trying not to pay attention to the fact that his expectations were in vain. Nevertheless, there was something good about this.


[Task completed. Rewards received].

A chill ran down Adam’s spine, and he sighed in relief, feeling his body becoming a little stronger. He looked at his status and saw a passive skill that helped him increase his charm in the eyes of the opposite sex.

“I don’t think I can become any more charming,” Adam thought, smiling, and then turned to Amaria: “Well, I never expected to meet you… in such a situation. Life is full of surprises.”

A cloud of smoke came out of his mouth as he smoked half a cigarette. There was a helpless smile on his face as they sat, sheltering from the rain. It was a bit chilly.

Amaria did not answer and only smiled – her smile was sweet and charming. Her bright green eyes looked at this world with curiosity.

“It seems that our efforts have not been in vain,” she suddenly said and giggled: “Your teleportation here played an important role, by the way. So I owe you.”

“I already guessed,” Adam replied, rolling his eyes, and then paused, smoking a cigarette again and quietly asked: “How is… Amarantha and the others?”

“Hehe… worried about your women? Good quality, I’m even starting to get jealous,” Amaria replied with a smile and then added calmly: “They are fine. I informed them of the plan and persuaded them not to do unnecessary things. Although, it cost me a lot.”

“Hm-m? Interesting, tell me.”

Adam smiled and took a drag on his cigarette, looking at Amaria, who met his gaze with a smile, beginning to tell. With each of her words, Adam’s face became stranger and stranger.


He could only make a strange sound and then fell silent. He smoked a cigarette again and tried to come to his senses after Amaria’s story.

“A-Amarantha broke through to a new level? And… almost killed my kidnapper? Em, I don’t even know how to react,” Adam said with a bitter smile.

On the one hand, he was happy for Amarantha, who was able to overcome the bottleneck, and on the other hand, he lost his speech from her recklessness.

Amaria could only shrug. She looked at her hands and sighed sadly.

“It’s a pity that this method requires a complete restructuring of the body and partially rewriting the soul. Because of this, I lost my perfection, and it will take two years to return to the peak.”

“Hm?” Adam made a surprised sound, and then looked at Amaria questioningly: “Restore… in the sense of starting over?”

“Hm? No, of course not. That would take too much time,” Amaria replied, and seeing the shock in Adam’s eyes, she hurried to reassure him: “Don’t worry, you couldn’t use this method. You didn’t reach the peak in the Lower World.”


Adam only sighed gloomily. He would indeed like to restore his level as soon as possible, but he thought it was better to go down a new path, where new doors had opened for him, and he could even become stronger than before. According to his calculations, he could easily surpass his past self.

Then Amaria began to talk about the method they used. It turned out that for the plan, they needed a person with a strong soul, and after a long check, they chose Adam, whom they threw into the Higher World, and he was still able to restore himself in the Higher World. This made the Will of the World get rid of xenophobia a little bit.

Then Amaria used a special item that allowed her to rewrite part of her soul to match what the inhabitants had. Moreover, someone from the Gods, unknown (Amaria did not report this), used a special spell that put the Will of the World into a sleeping state for a few seconds.

In short, it was a tangled and complex plan. Adam could only nod his head, although there were parts that he did not understand. In particular, about the God who helped Amaria.

“And why did this being help you? Have you ever wondered? Or do you already know the reason?” Adam asked, getting up from his place stubbing out his cigarette against the wall, and then throwing it in the urn.

“I don’t know. We weren’t interested in that. We were consumed by despair and wanted only one thing… to see the Higher World from the legends. To find out if there is hope for the future there… and now I am sure that it was worth it,” Amaria replied with a sincere smile, in which there was pride.

“Hehe… and what did you see? They were going to sell you into slavery, and not just any, but sex slavery. Although, following the logic, you would have seen a lot there… hahaha”.

Adam laughed loudly, to which in response he received an irritated look from Amaria.


It was decided that for some time, Amaria would live with him. He could not abandon the only source of information about the Lower World, so they very soon came home.

Adam did this not only out of kindness but there was another reason…

[Task Received: Return to Origins (2/3)]

[Description: The past is calling you. Help Amaria settle in and hide from danger]

[Reward: free item from the Store up to 5 million Rihm].

[Punishment: Death of the user]

“What terrible tasks… why does the System react to her at all? Could it be that the system originally takes its roots from the Gods?” thought Adam, however, even if this was true, he could hardly do anything about it. π’»π”€π‘œπ“‹.𝑐

And so, he returned home. Lina greeted him with a smile but was shocked to see the newcomer.

“Adam… who is this?” she asked, looking at Amaria’s appearance.

As a woman, she felt the competition. After all, Amaria had a simply stunning appearance that drove all men crazy. Moreover…

“An elf? Wait, wasn’t there a message about the disappearance of an elf-slave recently… did you steal her?” Lina asked in shock. She panicked: “And what if we get arrested?”

“We won’t get arrested. If she’s not stupid enough to go outside without a disguise, then everything will be fine,” Adam replied and then said: “Dress her. She’s my old acquaintance, recently found out that she got into such a difficult situation.”

“All right…”

Lina could only nod and ask Amaria to follow her.


“Hmm… a nice place. Who would have thought that Adam would get such a house so quickly? Although, making money is in his blood,” Amaria suddenly said with a smile, attracting Lina’s attention.

“Hm? It sounds like you are very close?” Lina asked, narrowing her eyes.

“Close? Well, I wouldn’t say that. We’re just good acquaintances,” Amaria replied vaguely, not giving exact characteristics of their relationship. And then she asked Lina: “And you? One of his women?”

“Eh? W-well, yes, I am his woman… but he has others?” Lina was puzzled.

“Yes, but they are not here now. They had to separate for a long time,” Amaria replied, yawning.

“I see…”

Lina felt a slight disappointment. She wanted to be his only one, but knowing Adam’s personality, he would not agree to such a thing. Moreover, she was new to his harem, so she couldn’t complain.

“Well, at least he loves me… that’s enough,” she thought, deciding to simply wave her hand at this problem, but then her thoughts were occupied with another question: “This woman Amaria… she is much closer than it seems at first glance.”

Nevertheless, Lina handed over a set of clothes for Amaria, and she finally took off all her clothes, changing. During this time, Lina could not help but admire her slender forms.

“You are very slender. How did you manage that?” Lina asked in surprise, looking at Amaria’s slender and beautiful body and her stomach, on which there was barely visible press.

“Eh? Well, I’m a practitioner, so it’s natural… I train a lot,” Amaria replied nonchalantly, smiling.


Lina, of course, knew that practitioners’ bodies worked much better and their metabolism was good. She even envied them.


Meanwhile, Adam decided to take a look at the new “Store” function. There were a lot of goods here, even the most everyday ones. It was as if he had entered a shopping center. From furniture to self-improvement techniques.

“Well, damn… who came up with the idea of putting a modern sofa in the system? But it looks damn good and soft. And it only costs 20,000 Rihm… not bad.”

Adam nodded approvingly. Fortunately for him, the currency was the same as in the outside world. Moreover, everything here was relatively cheap.

“Basic self-improvement technique, today’s edition with improvements. About 253,000 Rihm in real stores, and here it is 150,000 Rihm. Cool, I will order things from online stores,” Adam thought and then smiled: “Well. I need to find a self-

improvement technique for Lina. She has been complaining for a long time that she has gained weight.”

And so, immersed in buying things, Adam purchased a million Rihm. In his left hand was a book, and in his right hand were five sheets with ideas for clothing design. Moreover, behind him stood a king-size bed with a beautiful mattress and a blanket with pillows.

Moreover, on the bed lay five more books, which were exclusively for those who wanted to go the way of the magician. Mainly, these were books with spells of different levels: from basic to elite. They were very… very expensive! A total of 700,000 Rihm.

“Fortunately, I can sell them after studying,” Adam thought.

Moreover, in front of him was something that cost 15,000 Rihm for two pieces. It seemed like a cheap thing, but…

[Awakening Scroll: allows the target to ignore blood and body restrictions, allowing them to become a practitioner].

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