My Evil Genius Wife

Chapter 391 - YOU!!

Chapter 391 – YOU!!

"Now you tell me, who is hurting more here? You or me? Huh?" Jia Fei asked in a choking voice. The tears were brimming in her eyes, threatening to fall down her cheeks any minute. 

She was clenching her fists under her table and was trying hard to protect her remaining self-pride in front of him by trying to keep her cool and not build a pond with her salty sad tears. 

Thankfully, the dim lights in the bar were helping her to hold onto her remaining pride and not reveal her teary eyes to him. This situation was already embarrassing enough for her. 


Lin Hui was speechless and was baffled to see Jia Fei's sudden outburst. He wasn't expecting her to react in such an emotional way. He indeed thought that her feeling for him was just a fleeting crush on him and will fade away by time. 

" Jia Fei, You know I didn't mean to say that. I just wanted to say that, I have always treated you as my younger sister and nothing else. I wanted you to move on and get over those fleeting feelings as soon as possible so that you can look for a person who is right for you and not someone like me." He said sincerely. 

He knows that these words might sound ridiculous at the moment and as if he is looking down on her but sometimes the bitter truth is better than any false hope. 

" I never intended to hurt your feelings or look down on you. I can never even think of doing that. I was simply trying to make things…." 

" Hah! Are you still at it? Didn't I tell you that I don't need your concern?" Jia Fei scoffed in disbelief as she couldn't bear to hear his words anymore. She has told him that there is no need for him to say everything out like this but he keeps going on about the same thing. 

He was still going on with the same line again. Younger Sister? Really? 

Is he drunk just after one drink that he cannot even understand her words anymore now? 

" Jia Fei, you're a star. You have so many opportunities in…." He continued while looking down at the half-full glass of beer that he was holding. While telling Jia Fei to forget him and move on, in a way he was telling himself to stop obsessing over his unrequited love and move on. 

The image of Xu Nuan talking to Han Zihao over the phone while smiling widely was still vivid in his memory. It was the smile that he might never get to see while she talks to him, not in this life anymore at least. 

" Jia Fei, not every love story becomes successful. You're a nice person, so you should meet someone who takes care of you and is not like me. I am nothing but a fleeting attraction for you. I am sure you will know that-"

Before he could go any further with his drunken nonsense, Jia Fei took a deep breath and picked up the glass of beer in front of her and drank it in one go before putting down the glass with a loud thud and interrupted him, " LIN HUI, I KNOW. I KNOW THAT VERY WELL."

"SO…YOU DON'T HAVE TO REPEAT IT SEVERAL TIMES TO MAKE IT CLEAR TO ME. IT'S ALREADY EMBARRASSING ENOUGH." Her hands were trembling as she said those words aloud. She was trying to hold onto her emotions but hearing those words again and again were tormenting her now. 

Younger Sister? That's worse than being friend-zoned. And why the hell does he keep repeating the same thing to her? 

Fleeting crush? Attraction? Really? Is that what her feelings mean to him? 

She pursed her lips and carefully looked around when she realized that the music stopped when she shouted and everyone heard her words loud and clear. She looked around and noticed everyone's curious gazes were at her, redding her face in embarrassment. 

How humiliating!!

She looked at Lin Hui who was sitting in front of her, indifferent as if nothing had happened. Looks like he is already wasted just after one drink. She sighed. 

"F*ck it." She cursed under her breath before standing up to leave. She picked up her bag and looked back at Lin Hui with her teary eyes, " Lin Hui, I know you never intended to look down on me. However, your 'unintentional' words did hurt me. Very much." 

" I never expected you to reciprocate my feelings for you. However, the least I expected from you was to respect my feelings." She said seriously. 

Even though she can see that her words did nothing to him and he was too drunk to understand her words, she was hoping that he would regret his words after he regains his senses at the least.  She shook her head and left the bar in disappointment, leaving him behind. 

As soon as Jia Fei walked out of the bar, the realization of what just happened hit her. The things that she had said to him just a while ago and how embarrassingly she shouted in front of everyone, the humiliating memories started to haunt her. 

"Shit. Shit. Shit. That was so embarrassing." She cried out upon remembering how everyone was staring at her before she exited the bar. 

Not only was she rejected or more specifically, got sister zoned once again, but almost everyone saw her pitiful state and was staring at her as if waiting for some exciting melodrama. 

" What a great way to end a day." She scoffed bitterly before looking for her car keys in her purse. " Ah, Right! We came here in Lin Hui's car." She sighed in exasperation. 

She can't possibly go back and ask him to drive her back to the home. It's not like he is in his senses to drive her home, nor she can drive since she has drunk some beer too.  " Should I book a cab?" She wondered while going through an online cab booking app on her phone.

" I must be crazy. Taking public transport means announcing to the world that the great Jia Fei went to the bar at night. Argh…I shouldn't have come here." She cried out in frustration while running down her hand through her tousled hair. 

She is not even at a coffee shop but a bar. That too at night. 

Just as she was wondering what to do, a gray Mercedes car stopped in front of her and honked twice. " What's wrong with him?" She frowned and unconsciously pulled down her cap to cover her face and turned around when the window of the car was pulled down. 

Her frown deepened as the person driving the car was acting weird. He isn't coming out of the car nor driving away and simply parked his car in front of the bar.

" I guess it's better to leave this place as soon as possible." She clenched her fists nervously and decided to hurriedly walk away. Even if it's a VIP Bar and lounge, it's still not safe enough for her, especially when she is alone. 

Just as she was about to walk away, she heard a familiar voice from behind, "Are you going to walk home? I thought you needed a ride." 

She raised her brows in surprise and turned around to face the person. " YOU!!" 

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