My Evil Genius Wife

Chapter 347 - Dating Scandal IX

Moonriver cafe-

There was a long silence after everyone watched the videos. The girls were shocked by the videos of Wang Meili treating her group badly that have been posted by the anonymous account. 

" How can she do that to her group? Xu Nuan never treated us this way. They both are managers, how come there is such a big difference between the two? It's a good thing that we didn't debut under Wang Meili." Song Ai commented upon seeing the videos of Wang Meili. 

" Because both are not the same. Xu Nuan is different from all the artist managers I have heard about. She treats us like her friends rather than just artists under her." Lai Yi added. 

" Woah!! I am glad that someone revealed Wang Meili's true face to the world. How satisfying!!" Pan Lan clapped loudly in satisfaction. 

Lai Yi sighed and glanced at Sun Ya who was still staring at the screen in a daze. She still can't believe that everything is over. 

Lai Yi reached out to her and rubbed her hand to comfort her, " Relax. It's over now. Everything is all good." She said, reminding her to not worry about the scandal anymore. 

Sun Ya was trying to put up a strong front in front of others and was doing her best to hold onto her emotions, however, knowing her personality, she would have been so scared. 

They might have debuted successfully, but their position in the industry is still not strong enough to get through a scandal like this.

However, she believed in Xu Nuan and didn't get under Wang Meili's pressure. It takes a lot of strength to not lose one's cool in this kind of situation.

She stayed strong and as a result, she managed to prove her innocence but also made their group a center of attraction among the public. The videos of Wang Meili, mistreating the girl group were not only going viral but also the name of Sun Ya and The Knights were on top of search ranking, thanks to the scandal. 


[ That's crazy. She was treating her own group this way, how can we expect her to treat The Knights any better?]

[ This shows how amazing Xu Nuan was as a manager. Even though she was young and inexperienced in the entertainment field, she was holding the group together, and more importantly, she was treating them better.]

[Wang Meili is so sick. How can she treat the girls this way? Only salad a day? Extremely short skirts? High heels despite the twisted ankle? Ridiculous. She should try doing all this herself before lecturing others.]

[ I am glad that the truth finally came out. Although Sun Ya was innocent and was framed by her manager, she has suffered a lot these past days due to the scandal. Poor her. ]

[ Since the contract of The Knights has ended, I wonder what's going to happen to them? I just hope that they can be a part of a company that actually takes care of them.]

[ I miss the old days. Can't we have Xu Nuan back as a manager to the girls? Those were the best days of The Knights.]

[ True. It was because of Xu Nuan that The Knights managed to debut. I still cannot forget the clip where she supported them and spoke for them. I don't understand why she left so abruptly.]

[ Holy sh*t!! Guys, did you see that? There are new articles about The Knights joining a new company!! It's so crazy!! I can't believe it's happening already.] 





The fans who were worried about The Knights' future were shocked to see the articles. They weren't expecting things to happen so suddenly. 

The fans were pleasantly shocked to see the news. They were hoping for Xu Nuan to be back as a manager, but they weren't expecting that in such a short time, she would not only build up a new company but also bring The Knights to her company. 

[ Oh My God!! That's crazy. So Xu Nuan didn't abandon the girls, instead, she took them with her? She is so cool.]

[ Xu Nuan is the best. This is the best news of this year. Now the girls are in the right hands.]

[ Is that why Xu Nuan left shining bright? OMG, she is such a badass queen.]

[ This makes sense. This must be the reason why The Knights didn't renew their contract with shining bright. They had been planning to go with Xu Nuan since then. Best decision.]

[ Seeing the way Wang Meili was treating them and others, I wouldn't have signed a contract with that company either. I wish Xu Nuan can make the best plans for them.]

[ Congratulations to The Knights and HJ Entertainment. We, the fans of The Knights, will support you guys wherever you go. Be happy and keep making melodious music.]

[ Oh? There is an official page of HJ Entertainment. I didn't know about that.]

[ OMG!! They have already made the official announcement. It's happening for real. Yess!!]


{ Greetings to everyone!! This is HJ Entertainment. 

We're glad to announce that The Knights have joined our company. Even though our company is new, we will do our best to provide all the best opportunities and creative freedom to them and the other artists who will get to join our company in the future. 

To all the fans of The Knights, thanks for trusting in us and keep supporting the girls. We will soon return with the updates of The Knights. 

Keep streaming The Knights!!}


Seeing the blasting response and hundreds of comments under Xu Nuan's post, Pan Lan exclaimed in surprise, " What? She released the official statement, already? That's so sudden."

They knew that the news would come out sooner or later but never imagined that it would come out so abruptly. 

" Is that why she did not come here? I want to see her." Song Ai pouted. So much happened and Xu Nuan has not even picked their phone since morning. 

" I hate to admit this, but…. She does know how to do her work." Jia Fei remarked nonchalantly after seeing her post. 

After all of this drama, it was the best time to make the official statement and promote the new company without spending extra money. 

" I am always good at my work, unlike someone I know." 

Jia Fei frowned to hear a ridiculously familiar voice. She frowned and shook her head in disappointment. She didn't even need to turn around to figure out who that could be. 

The girls turned around in excitement to see Xu Nuan standing there. " Ahhh…You're finally here." Song Ai exclaimed in excitement before going to hug her tightly. 

" Are you trying to suffocate me to death?" Xu Nuan commented when Song Ai hugged her tightly and wasn't releasing her even after some time. 

" Tsk. How petty!!" She pouted at her not-so-romantic gesture and released her. 

Xu Nuan goes to Sun Ya and holds her hand before asking, " So….how was it? Thrilling enough?" 

Sun Ya smiled at her and said, " Did you know about this beforehand? Did you do all of this? Are you the one behind those posts?" she questioned.

" Well, I am not sure about the post. But anyway, it did help us a lot. God bless that beautiful soul." Xu Nuan said, acting as if she is not that 'beautiful soul'.

" You didn't do that but at least you released the statement on time. Because of that, everyone is now talking about us positively, once again." Lai Yi added. 

  Everyone nodded in agreement but Sun Ya couldn't help but stare at Xu Nuan in wonder. She asked her yesterday to sign on a paper to agree on suing Wang Meili for all the mess. 

She wasn't sure at first but upon Xu Nuan's insistence, she signed those papers. However, she wasn't expecting the situation to turn out like this. Now there is no way she will lose against Wang Meili in court. 

She is just amazing.


" You were great as a manager, but I am not sure about you doing the business. CEO? You? I don't know what's going to happen with the company now." Jia Fei shrugged her shoulders indifferently. 

Xu Nuan scoffed at her so-called encouraging words and before she could say anything, Luo Dan walked behind Jia Fei, " Before questioning others, why don't you reflect on yourself? Because of you, no one dares to enter the cafe."

" I told you many times to stop standing behind the counter. Your all-time-irritated expressions make the customers go away." she nagged Jia Fei, which made everyone burst into laughter. 

They never expected that the Queens of the music world could act this way when not in front of the camera. Xu Nuan also couldn't help but smile to see Luo Dan and Jia Fei arguing and smiling like before. 

They're together but the relationship between the three of them is not the same as before. Can they go back to the same way they were before?

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