My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker!

Chapter 1313 - Assassinating Qiaoqiao (2)

Chapter 1313: Assassinating Qiaoqiao (2)

Qiao Mu fled because she could sense around a dozen presences of different strengths closing in on her.

This meant Old Monkey had reinforcements. She wouldn’t dumbly stand still on the spot and wait to get ganged up on!

What kind of joke was that…

Although Qiao Mu did not know who these people were, she could faintly make a guess.

Old Monkey’s companion chased over rapidly and jumped up, assaulting Qiao Mu’s back again with a dense mystic energy current from his palm.

*Swish! Swish!* Qiao Mu teleported a thousand meters away after activating two teleportation talismans.

“This d*mn lass is using talismans.”

“Capture her quickly!”

Immediately, around a dozen people swarmed out from the shadows and closed in on Qiao Mu to force her into their encirclement.

After getting hit by Old Monkey’s mental attack at the beginning, Qiao Mu had felt a slight stabbing pain.

As for those people’s attacks afterward, she could still handle them.

However, it was not good news for her that Old Monkey had more helpers now.

If she were to get caught up in their encirclement, then there was no escape from getting beat up.

She was a bit exasperated. If she had known that this would happen, then she wouldn’t have teleported at the very beginning!

Or, if she had brought along Qingluan and them before teleporting, she would at least have a helper now…

Impulse is the devil! The teleportation talisman was unreliable.

If the teleportation talisman could speak, it would definitely criticize that it was her who was unreliable.

It wasn’t like she didn’t know its restrictions. After teleporting so many times, she herself had no idea where she had teleported to…

The most abominable part was that Old Monkey. After she hit him with the mental attack, he dared to lock onto her with his spiritual conscious.

No matter where she teleported to, he would immediately buzz over like a d*mn fly.

Ha! She wanted to see how long this Old Monkey’s spiritual conscious could lock onto her for!

In any case, she had tons of talismans!

I flash, I flash! I flash, flash, flash!

If one could look down from up above right now, they would discover the little fellow very hilariously teleporting about the City Lord’s Estate while holding onto a wad of talismans.

That figure would appear in the eastern side like a streak of light, then flash to the northern side in the next moment. In the end, she very carelessly teleported to come face-to-face to the stupefied Old Monkey.

When Old Monkey’s spiritual conscious registered that the little lady was right before his eyes, he reacted with a palm strike but was too late.

The little lady promptly teleported away again…

“Qiaoqiao.” Eldest Qin and the others were also searching all over for Qiao Mu’s whereabouts.

They would occasionally catch a glimpse of her petite figure, but then she would be gone.

This truly was a worrisome lass!

“Despicable!” Old Monkey and the others were livid. They had to expend so much f*cking effort just to assassinate a level-nine mystic cultivator little girl!

It was maddening to death.

In their rage, Old Monkey and company all released their mystic beasts.

Old Monkey even mounted his large black hound and screeched, “Forward.”

Afterall, his spiritual conscious was almost spent. If they couldn’t find that d*mn little lass within the time limit, then he wouldn’t be able to lock onto her anymore.

Failing to lock onto her meant more difficulty in finding her. This d*mn lass was like a slippery loach, appearing east and then west. It simply made him enraged!

“I am here.” Qiao Mu shouted, but then her petite hands stuck another teleportation talisman onto herself, leaving Eldest Qin and the others who had chased her in the dust.

Situ Yi twitched his mouth as he rolled his eyes uncontrollably. “I see that lass is having quite the fun.”

“What is going on!” Liang Qingqing exclaimed, both amused and exasperated. “Are we still chasing?”

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