My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker!

Chapter 1197 - Rescue

Chapter 1197: Rescue

“They’re fine.” Even so, Qiao Mu creased her brows. When she was administering acupuncture on Brother Xiao Hu, he kept repeating “Sister, save Eldest Aunt, save Eldest Aunt.”

After Wei Ziqin entered and heard Qiao Mu saying that both father and son were fine, she promptly cupped her hands toward heaven and the earth in thanks. “Aiyo, what happened to Second Uncle and Xiao Hu? Both were fine when they went out early in the morning.”

“Mom, don’t worry, I have already sent people to investigate. They should be sending news back soon.”

“That’s good, that’s good then. Just who could do such a vicious thing.”

“Mom, do you still remember Eldest Aunt?” Qiao Mu suddenly interrupted her mother and questioned.

At this time, Qiao Zhongbang strode through the door with an unsightly expression. “Qiaoqiao, your eldest aunt Qiao Wenxiu had married remotely to Liu City early on. She had lived quite comfortably previously, but as her in-laws were rather strict, she hadn’t come back to visit in years.”

Qiao Mu nodded. Actually, she had some impression of her eldest aunt Qiao Wenxiu.

Compared to that annoying youngest aunt whom the Elderly Lady doted on, Eldest Aunt had a much harder life.

Because she was the eldest sister, Eldest Aunt had basically been in charge of all family matters before she got married.

After marrying remotely to Liu City, it was said that her days weren’t that carefree either. She had a stern mother-in-law who particularly disliked her after she gave birth to a daughter. Hence, she couldn’t even go back home to her maiden family.

Actually, her eldest aunt Qiao Wenxiu’s presence was very weak in her past life. Furthermore, after the zombie outbreak, she had never heard from her eldest aunt’s family again.

But she didn’t expect that in this life…

If she didn’t hear wrong just now, Brother Xiao Hu had been repeating “Save Eldest Aunt” the entire time.

“Save Eldest Aunt.” While knitting her brows in puzzlement, Qiao Mu turned to ask her dad, “Dad, have you heard from Eldest Aunt during all these years?”

“I haven’t.” Qiao Zhongbang said with a shake of his head. “Ever since evacuating Qiaotou Village, I had never seen your eldest aunt again.”

“Your eldest aunt came back once when you were three years old. She had brought Ruolan, your cousin who was seven years old at the time. Afterwards, I had never seen her again.” Wei Ziqin also lamented upon speaking of her eldest aunt, “Your eldest aunt’s mother-in-law is a very forbidding woman. Your eldest aunt didn’t dare come back to her maiden family after marrying into their family. If she dared to mention coming back to visit, then her mother-in-law would not only scold but even hit her.”

Qiao Mu was instantly flabbergasted when she heard this. Why was it another punching bag!

She had already sent people to escort those two pitiable punching bags she had rescued the day before yesterday back to the waterways.

They were such wimps, really…

Upon recalling that weak*ss merfolk tribe, Qiao Mu felt upset. However, she couldn’t figure out why she felt this way.

If it weren’t for the fact that her master Long Chuyun and Senior Xuanji had both entrusted her to treat the merfolk tribe well, then she didn’t want to bother herself with this kind of weak*ss tribe.

“Your Highness.” Huifeng’s voice came from outside the door.

“Come in,” Mo Lian responded lightly.

Huifeng and the two hidden guards swiftly appeared beside them and bowed. “We have finished our investigation, Your Highness.”


“Second Master Qiao was beaten up by two layer-11 body cultivators at the Zhou Estate’s entrance.”

“Why did those body cultivators from that whatever Zhou Estate beat up Second Uncle and Xiao Hu without rhyme or reason?” Wei Ziqin was furious.

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