My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker!

Chapter 1143 - Go Kill That Girl

Chapter 1143: Go Kill That Girl

“You are referring to that Sikong Fuling?” Ding Ziyan shook her head. “Even more impossible.”

“For Yun’er’s safety, I have investigated every one of his female subordinates.” Ding Ziyan said confidently, “This madam has already investigated that saint, Sikong Fuling.”

“She has always only had sisterly affection for Yun’er. Yun’er also only views her as his own sister.”

“As for his other female subordinates, they are even more not worth mentioning. Several of them did feel something for Yun’er, but he personally executed them after discovering it.”

Her son had been such a heartless and merciless child from a young age. Don’t be fooled by how he grinned all day long, looking so happy.

In reality, he was exceptionally cold and detached. Even toward his own mother, he had not the slightest adoration as a child would toward his parents.

Hence, the number of times he returned home had gradually decreased over the years. If she didn’t send people to call him back every time, then he probably wouldn’t even remember to return home to see his mother after several years.

The old monk said with a sigh, “But what this old monk has worried about for more than ten years has still happened in the end. The most important task on hand is to find this person as soon as possible. Only then can we think of a way to resolve the situation.”

“Yun’er has suffered enough over the years. It is all my fault for making him suffer all kinds of misery when I was pregnant with him, almost even losing him. I do not want him to undergo some kind of trial or experience some kind of adversity. Venerable Master, you must help me, you have to help me! Cough, cough, cough.”

“Madam, please rest assured. Beijing Manor’s old manor lord was this old monk’s departed friend. This old monk will certainly not betray his hopes.”

Ding Ziyan bit her lips and nodded. “Many thanks, Venerable Master.”

“This child should have lived a pampered lifestyle, yet he had to suffer so much after being born. It is I who harmed him, it is I. If I had listened to my father back then, I would not have had to take this step today. At present… at present, Venerable Master’s divination has come true. If he does not absolve this love trial, he will suffer for all his lives.”

Ding Ziyan murmured, “Venerable Master, I do not want this to happen. I only hope for my child to be safe and happy. Is this too much to ask?”

“Madam, Eldest Miss has sent back a letter.” A cyan-robed middle-aged maid walked up quickly to the gazebo and informed.

Upon hearing the servant mention Xin Yu’er, Ding Ziyan’s expression involuntarily eased. “Bring the letter inside.”

Yu’er, this child, was the daughter-in-law candidate she had personally decided on. This was because she was very clear that Yun’er did not like her. Yun’er would be safe with her as a wife. He would never fall in love with Xin Yu’er, so he naturally wouldn’t face that nuisance of a love trial.

Speaking of which, the reason her son couldn’t fall in love was also all because of her. It was her fault. However, she was unable to remedy this fault…

She knew that she was being selfish, sacrificing Yu’er, this child, for Yun’er.

However, she had previously told Yu’er the entirety of this matter so that she would understand that Yun’er’s life would be in danger should he fall in love. It was only then that she let Yu’er herself decide whether she would marry him.

Xin Yu’er personally consented to the marriage, stating that she did not care about all that. It was only then that there was a confirmed engagement several years ago.

Beijing Manor had always possessed its own special messenger channels. Hence, letters were relayed very rapidly.

Ding Ziyan was thinking that as Yu’er, this child, had already been gone for two days, she probably wanted to report some things. Thus, she quickly opened up the letter to read it.

Yet she immediately jumped up upon reading it, and she commanded sternly, “Someone, summon the two Beitan guardians to the Mystic Beast Forest to kill that girl with the Young Master.”

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