My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker!

Chapter 1117 - Cultivation Vessel

Chapter 1117: Cultivation Vessel

Because he was still only an egg at the moment, he had already used up all of his strength to finish off that middle-aged man in one move earlier.

At this moment, he was powerless to continue attacking.

The most comical thing was that Pundit Li also didn’t dare to directly grab that phoenix egg that was burning fiery flames.

He had just taken out a net from his inner world, planning to catch this egg.

Yet who knew that this egg had its own consciousness. Upon seeing Pundit Li using a net to catch him, the egg seemed to have grown legs as it rolled back to Qiao Mu’s side on its own.

The atmosphere around Pundit Li immediately sunk, and he emitted a powerful mental pressure to crush Qiao Mu.

Although Pundit Li’s cultivation had been suppressed to that of a level-one spiritual cultivator, nor did he lightly dare to use spiritual energy under Heavenly Law’s nose, his mystic conscious had reached level-nine.

He presumed that this was enough for him to have his way wherever he went in the Lower Star Domain!

Originally, he thought that this move would certainly crush the little girl into vomiting blood and sprawling on the ground.

Yet the result was contrary to his expectations. This mystic conscious attack was unable to make a splash at all, and the little lady before him was still perfectly all right.

Even so, he didn’t know that if it weren’t for the fact that Qiao Mu’s conscious pool had been injured previously, causing her spiritual conscious to be considerably weakened, then this geezer would have suffered a backlash that would’ve sent him to who knows where.

“Eh?” Letting out a faint sound of puzzlement, the geezer switched to using the strength of a level-one spiritual cultivator to oppress Qiao Mu. “It’s rather the little lass that is unsafe.”

“Pundit Li, you must not treat her lightly. This lass has the Tianji Treasure Blueprint on her…” Just as he was speaking, Gong Yang suddenly saw Qiao Mu turning around to look at him.

He only felt like the glint and flash of daggers and swords were flitting across the bottom of this little lady’s eyes that were akin to ice beads. They looked abnormally sinister and vicious.

How would Gong Yang know that Qiao Mu’s memories had been blocked at this moment?

However, she subconsciously seemed to remember this person.

Many years ago, she had looked repeatedly through many people’s life lanterns in the ancestral hall, and she had seen all the scenes of how the Holy Water Sect disciples had died.

If her memory was still intact at this moment, then she would definitely recall that this Gong Yang before her was the person who made Fat Sister self-detonate in determination.

Fat Sister, who tirelessly attended to everyone’s meals and accomodations on the First Peak every day, was gone because of this bastard.

She “looked” at Gong Yang coldly before abruptly injecting a pulse of spiritual conscious into his conscious pool.

Compared to Pundit Li, Gong Yang’s conscious pool was far too lacking.

This ferocious spiritual conscious attack knocked Gong Yang back three steps. His brain was buzzing, and he yelped out several times as he gripped his head.

“Lay out the matrix!” Pundit Li bellowed with a sullen face.

Fifty plus Anyi Prefecture disciples swarmed out from behind Gong Yang, simultaneously drawing their swords as they laid out a tight encirclement with their sword matrix.

The Anyi Prefecture disciples had trained with this sword matrix for many years, so they were rather well coordinated.

Once the entire sword matrix was up and running, it was like a thousand swords had taken the shape of a red sun, swaying back and forth as they encircled Qiao Mu.

Pundit Li sniggered sinisterly as his powerful cultivation once again oppressed Qiao Mu’s figure. “It’s okay if you cut off a limb, but you’re prohibited from taking her life! This old man still needs to keep this little lass to find out the sacred water’s whereabouts.”

Gong Yang’s pale face had finally recovered some of its consciousness at this time, and he glared at Qiao Mu resentfully. “Pundit Li, I see that this little lass is a cultivating genius. If you use her body as a cultivation vessel, Pundit Li’s cultivation will definitely increase by leaps and bounds.”

As Pundit Li hadn’t thought of this, he involuntarily laughed out loud at Gong Yang’s prompt.

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