Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 180 Scars Ran Deep

When the car pulled up in front of the enormous Main Mansion that spread for acres beyond, with the sunset directly behind it, adding an orange glow to the exterior, Zhao Lifei felt her anxiety reached its peak.

She nervously licked her bottom lip, squirming in her seat as her heart pounded rapidly. Throughout her long friendship with Yang Ruqin, she rarely met Madam and Master Yang. She remembered the majority of their childhood was spent in the Zhao Mansion, and not in Yang Ruqin's house. She was not sure why, but as a child, she was too terrified to enter this place.

Seeing it now, she was confused about her fears. This place was as majestic as a grand castle, resembling the Buckingham Palace in Europe. Windows that stretched for miles, heavily protective gates, lush trees lining the road leading up to the house, and armed security guards spread out by a few feet, it was surreal to come here.

What was so scary about this place in the best for her to refuse coming here...?

"You'll do fine." Yang Feng reassured her when he opened the door for her, offering her a helping hand. When she gratefully accepted it, a wry smile on her face, Yang Feng brushed back a few loose strands of hair that framed her heart-shaped face.

"Don't dwell on the negative thoughts. The more you do, the more you'll end up believing the nonsense." Yang Feng placed his hand on her small back, his fingers spread while he guided her towards the trunk of the car where she took out the neatly wrapped gifts.

"Ruqin is also accompanying us for tonight's dinner." He specifically arranged for his younger sister to come back home, knowing how relaxed and calm she was around her. At times like this, Ruqin was very useful.

"Okay." Zhao Lifei bobbed her head, feeling the slightest bit relaxed. She turned to Yang Feng, smoothing out the non-existent creases on her gown. She took extra care of her outfit today, making sure to not damage or dirty it.

"Do I look okay? Is my hair messy? What about my dress? Oh, is my makeup smudged—"

"You look amazing." He automatically responded, his arms snaking around her to tug her for a quick kiss but she pressed her hand on his chest.

"No, you'll ruin the lipstick." She had reapplied a layer in the car and knew with his intense kisses, it would be smudged, and her brain would be too muddled.

"You can reapply it." He muttered, bending his head and lifting her chin, but she firmly used her palms to block his intoxicating lips.

He responded by holding her hand and kissing her individual fingers. "Then, I want two kisses later." He muttered, greedy for more.

The entire day, she refused to kiss him, except the one this morning and he was growing more impatient as the day went on.

She nodded, her mind not fully comprehending his words. She was too occupied at the idea of meeting his parents.

Little did she know, Madam and Master Yang had seen everything from the window.

"Did you see that? She was able to keep my son in check and denied him the kiss!" Fan Jielan, Yang Feng's mother, nudged her husband, not believing the scene in front of her.

No one in this world dared to reject his requests. Her little Emperor always got what he wanted! But here he was, curbing that short-temper of his to listen to Zhao Lifei. When she heard his girlfriend was the same woman that Yang Ruqin treasured since childhood, she was slightly happy, for she remembered how polite and lovely the woman was as a child.

The Zhaos were a very reputable and respected family with good lineage and hefty wealth that nearly matched theirs. Having a military connection would bring the Yangs heavy benefits when it came to Underworld issues.

Zhao Lifei was beautiful and without a doubt, their grandchildren would have the best genetics. She also came from a very solid background. There was practically no flaw to her, except for that horrendous reputation of hers…

Fan Jielan knew if this woman was to marry into the family, they would have economic and network gains, but her precious son's reputation might suffer.

"It's because he's smitten by her like all men are at the beginning of a relationship." Yang Qianlu responded, sharing a similar deep sounding voice as his eldest son.

"She better fix that reputation of hers before she joins the family. I will not risk our name just because she comes from a good background." He added on, his arms folded behind his back while he observed their exchange.

"Daddy, don't hate on Feifei just because of her current reputation! It can be changed!" Yang Ruqin overheard her parents' conversation and decided to butt in.

She rarely called her father by the sweet nickname, except when she wanted something. Being a daddy's little girl by heart, she knew the things that made him happy. She wistfully skipped to him, looping her arm around his muscular arms that were still firm despite being in his early fifties.

"Hmph! She better change it quick then!" He responded, looking displeased by her words, but internally, he was shining brighter than the sun for his lovely daughter was clinging onto him again, the same way she always did when she was younger.

"But daddy—"

"Don't talk back." He chided her, sounding stern, but lord knows his eyes were too tender to look angry.

Fan Jielan rolled her eyes at the pair, missing her daughter's neediness.

Fan Jielan, at times, felt sympathetic towards Yang Feng who had all of his parents' love in the world, but could not stick to them like his younger siblings. That was why she always catered to his requests, for she knew this boy needed more love than the rest of his siblings. The world he grew up in was drastically different and the suffering he had in his childhood left scars that ran deep within him.

"They're coming in!" Yang Ruqin rushed towards the door, dragging her father with her while the entrance opened, revealing the stunning and show-stopping couple.

Zhao Lifei was beyond nervous at the meeting, yet forced her face to remain calm, but her eyes were a different story.

"Mother, Father, this is Zhao Lifei." Yang Feng grasped her hand, squeezing it in reassurance.

"It has been a while, Mr. and Mrs. Yang." She greeted them, her voice firm and unwavering. She respectfully bowed her head a bit.

Yang Feng spoke up, "She has brought you all gifts."

Zhao Lifei walked forward with the neatly wrapped presents. Yang Qianlu looked at it with disinterest whereas Fan Jielan was a bit excited upon seeing the Treasures of Green Hill brand known for their rich history of supplying the best-sourced and wildly grown herbs found in the mountains. Even with the changing time, this child was still very thoughtful…

Yang Qianlu made no moves of touching the gifts, instead, he motioned for a maid to step forward and take it.

Zhao Lifei was a bit dejected that he did not bother sparing it a second glance, Did he not like it?

Was it the brand? She was sure the store she went to was a place many calligraphy artists frequented…

Yang Ruqin saw her dad's behavior and resisted the urge to frown. She stopped the maid in her tracks and took the gift, taking it out of the bag and examining it.

"It's a fountain pen." Zhao Lifei piped up, her eyes subconsciously trailing to Yang Feng out of nervousness. "Yang Feng said you were looking for a very sturdy one. I did a bit of research into multiple stores and brands until I found this one."

"Hm, a fountain pen eh?" A small dosage of interest flashed across his face while he grabbed the wrapped item. The pen was placed inside of a well-made sandalwood box which had a subtle forestry smell to it, something he found to be pleasant.

When he uncapped the box, he was slightly impressed at the detailed design of the slithering dragon who was holding a jade ornament in his mouth. He could see the design was extremely well drawn. The pen had a nice weight in his hands, not too light, nor excessively heavy and was also cold to the touch.

He examined it a bit more before placing it back into the box and then handing it back to the maid.

Zhao Lifei watched the scene unfold before her, her eyes darting back and forth.

"Place it in my private study." Yang Qianlu spoke up, his heart beginning to warm up to her. She did a good job in selecting his gift. Even as a child, she was a people pleaser and it was clear to see not much has changed.

At his words, Yang Feng's stoic and lifeless expression shifted a bit, the corner of his lips twitching.

Zhao Lifei felt her heart leap, a massive weight lifted off of her shoulders at his words. The gift was not outrightly rejected, like she was worried it might be!

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