Monster Integration

Chapter 1285 - Quarters

Chapter 1285 - Quarters

"Wow, it was quite a healing method." I head behind me, only to see Mira coming toward me with a look of unbelief.

"The way you healed them, it looked like you are torturing them. You know, if Mark hadn't stopped me, I would have beat you up seeing the way you were torturing them," She said as she looked at patients who were still reeling from treatment.

Hearing that, I smiled. Ive been told by many people that they want to beat me, seeing the way I heal.

"Look at these poor people; they are barely state of talk, much less walk after your treatment." She observed. These people are fine; they need a rest of a minute or two before they can walk on their own.

"Micheal, can't you make your healing method a little less painful?" Mark asked, feeling pity for these people. "I could, but my healing speed would be much slower, and I would able to heal fewer people at the time," I replied.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it quickly; he also knows the importance of speed and numbers, especially when it comes to the way I heal.

"Open, the twenty cabins next," I said after watching healed patients walking out of test after quick test from the healers about Miasma in their body. Of course, there is none; my vines do not do half-hearted work.

"Twenty?" Mark asked back to be sure; I nodded. Seeing the nod from me, he tapped a few buttons on his holowatch, and cabins started opening.

Like the ten people before, these twenty are also Princes; there is barely any Duke's present in the miasmic paradise; only exceptional Dukes get the permissions to come here, seeing the adverse environment of miasmic paradise.

"You guys don't have any problem with pain, right?" I asked twenty people, as I asked expressions of many people, and they looked at me as if I am some kind of demon and even open their mouths to say something but stopped when they looked empty beds where there were patients were few minutes.

Seeing that, all of them shook their heads; getting their affirmation, I asked Mark to bind them and start the healing process.

It went on like previous with them screaming at the top of their lungs, but there are some peculiarities; of the twenty people, I noticed two people who barely made any sound when vines spread inside the and extraction started.

There is also one person who is barely making any sound, a stark difference from those who are screaming top of their lungs.

I thought, people of this batch are peculiar, but as I started healing the next batch of patients, I so peculiar people again who barely made any sound experiencing the pain and bore it with the gritted teeth.

As I saw these people, I know there must be some reson, as one or two people could be pecular but I am finding these people again and again as I healed.

I may not have experienced the pain of my own healing but I know it is very painful, little more painful than circulating cosmic water through my veins. Such pain could not born by the normal person.

Take these most of patients, if their hands and feet were not bound, they would have flailing like fishes and would have already ran way.

Though I am curious about some of these people's pain suffering ability, I put that question back in my mind and concentrate on healing and collecting more data so I could perfect the healing move again.

The extraction of this miasma may seem simple, but it is many times difficult than one thinks. If not for that, with new Inheritance Ruins, only twenty patients wouldn't be my limit.

If it had been poison infected or cursed infected patients, I would have the capability to heal more than fifty patients at the time.

An hour passed by, and I continued healing; I had finished healing the patients of the current ward, and now they are bringing the people from the different wards to heal.

As such, four hours have passed when I finally put the vines back inside me. I had healed all the Prince Stage patients who were in danger of dying in a few hours; as for other patients, the other healers could deal with it without worrying about them dying.

"Its a good thing we got Micheal; as long you are here, we don't have to worry about anyone dying," Mark praised that I just smiled modestly and took it gracefully.

"Mira, take Micheals to his quarters," Mark said to Mira after talking with me a few minutes.

It turns out, my quarter's area above the hospital, with King Level healers, one of the best places in the whole of Fort Camilla.

"You healers get the best places whenever you go, and you Micheal especially to get this quarters which only awail to King Stage healers," Mira said as we entered my quarters, or I might say the penthouse; there is a huge glass wall in the living room through which one could see the beautiful scenery of Camp Camilla.

Beautiful ancient building under the beautiful pink is the beautiful scenery that would instantly calm anyone's mind. "It really is beautiful," I said in a breath voice as I stood in front of the glass wall.

"There is one question that had been bugging me. Do you know why some of these people I healed were so good at enduring pain?" I asked Mira.

"It has quite a simple answer; those who endured the pain without making much sound are those who are using Miasmic Solution." She said with a smile, hearing that cloud of doubt cleared away instantly.

"Miasmic Solution is available to everyone camp, those who can endure the huge amount of pain could refine their body in, but only 10% of people use seeing it give them a hell like pain." She added before turning to me.

"Let me show you something," she said and walked toward the door on the left, she opened and then opened another door, and I soon found myself in a small room white bowl shape tub inside.

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