MMORPG: The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2842

Chapter 2842: Chapter 2830 passage

Translator: 549690339

“Of course, I don’t want to. Even if I ascend, there are still many people who have yet to reach the mortal realm!”Lina shrugged, then, she continued, “However, our technology is getting more and more advanced. The situation of negative population growth is also becoming more and more serious. It is obvious that we can no longer obtain enough souls just by relying on our previous tricks.”

“Then, what should we do?”Jiang Fei asked curiously.

“Therefore, the consul found someone to develop a game that allows people from the gamma space to enter the three-dimensional world and take risks. In this way, the consul would not only earn money, but also achieve his goal!”Lena said.

“Goal?”Jiang Fei was stunned.

“Yes, you have never played that game before. Therefore, you do not know that when you are in a new world and have obtained great power, many people can not suppress the bestial nature in their bodies. They kill the people in the three-dimensional world crazily, making many people’s lives worse than death and even causing them to have a mental breakdown. These people have become the targets of bewitchment. There was already no hope of survival. At this time, someone is bewitching you to ascend. What would you choose?”Said Lina with a smile.

“F * ck!”Jiang Fei cursed subconsciously. So, this was the reason why this game existed!

However, after understanding this, Jiang Fei was certain that the development team would never destroy the three-dimensional world. If the three-dimensional world was destroyed, the gamma space would lose its additional source of souls, they would also face the same choice as the five-dimensional space. They would either give up their current technology and knowledge, or they would gradually die!

“D * mn it. I’ve been fooled by them for so long. I actually worked for them for nothing!”Jiang Fei cursed in his heart.

“What did you just say?”Lina asked curiously. She did not know why Jiang Fei had suddenly cursed.

“Nothing…”Jiang Fei smiled and shook his head. After obtaining this information, he had a clear idea of what was going on.

However, even if he knew that the gamma space people would never destroy the three-dimensional world, Jiang Fei could not return empty-handed. Although the three-dimensional world would not be completely destroyed.., however, Jiang Fei could not tolerate the interference of the gamma space people in the three-dimensional world. Therefore, he had to cut off the connection between the gamma space and the three-dimensional world.

“Alright…”although Lina had heard what Jiang Fei had just said, it was clearly not the time to pursue the matter. Right Now, Lina had a feeling that with the clones under her command.., it was impossible for them to kill the Archon. Only 341 in front of her gave her a special feeling. It was as if as long as this guy nodded, killing the Archon would not be difficult.

“According to what you said, This Life Extension Center also has a channel to communicate with the three-dimensional world?”Jiang Fei changed the topic.

“Yes, that’s right. A device in the life extension center can communicate with the three-dimensional world. However, this channel was not built by us. Instead, it was discovered by a group of scientists a few generations ago!”Lina explained.

“What do you mean?”Jiang Fei asked.

“HMM… how should I put it? Actually, there is a connection between the individual dimensions. Although due to the difference in dimensions, material can not be exchanged in this tunnel, souls and spiritual power can be exchanged through this tunnel,”Lina explained.

“So, after those scientists discovered this tunnel, they used that tunnel as the core to build the Life Extension Center?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Yes! That’s right,”Lina nodded. Although the process was relatively complicated, that was the end result.

“What happens after they establish the Life Extension Center?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Then, they began to shoot out spiritual waves to the other end of the passage. They induced the souls of the three-dimensional world to sacrifice themselves and let them take the initiative to ‘Ascend’to our world,”Lina explained.

“Then, when you attacked the Life Extension Center during the coup, aren’t you afraid of destroying the tunnel?”Jiang Fei asked. His real purpose was to explore the truth. If possible.., jiang Fei wanted to destroy the tunnel and completely cut off all connections between the three-dimensional world and the gamma space. As for whether the people in the gamma space would be wiped out because of this, that was not something that Jiang Fei had to consider.

“That passage can not be destroyed unless someone can completely destroy the gamma space. Therefore, the most we can do is to destroy the Life Extension Center. If we can succeed in the coup d’état, we can rebuild it. It Won’t take too long,”said Lina as she shrugged.

“I see…”Jiang Fei nodded.

“The only pity is that there are too many restrictions in that passage. Through that passage, we can only emit some spiritual waves that are not very strong. We can not control people’s minds at all. At most, we can only bewitch them. Therefore, the effect is not very obvious. Each year, we can only obtain less than 500 souls,”said Lina.

Five hundred souls might sound like a lot, but in the entire three-dimensional universe, it was almost negligible. That was because only the strong could choose to “Ascend.”The strong were generally determined, only those who were close to their lifespans, or those who were disheartened, would choose the so-called “Ascension.”.

“I see…”Jiang Fei nodded to himself. If that was the case, then this tunnel would not have much of an impact on the three-dimensional world. After all, according to Lina.., this tunnel had been built for hundreds and thousands of years. However, the real problem with the three-dimensional space was only after the developers had intervened in the game.

Therefore, if the tunnel could not be destroyed, Jiang Fei could accept this level of connection. Moreover, if there was a tunnel that could communicate with the gamma space, it would actually be beneficial to Jiang Fei.

This was because once the development team’s game was destroyed and their ability to re-establish the game was completely destroyed, Jiang Fei would become the only person who could travel between the three-dimensional world and the gamma space, when that time came, he would have a lot of things to do.

Thinking of this, Jiang Fei’s focus shifted to the development team’s game. After all, this was the main culprit that caused the major damage to the three-dimensional world.

“You just said that you wanted to create a game. What’s with this game?”Jiang Fei asked Lina.

“HMM…”Lina hesitated for a moment. She really knew a lot about the developers and the game. After all, before the security officer started the coup d’etat, he was the second-in-command of the gamma space, he had access to almost all of the top secrets of the gamma space.

As the only daughter of the security officer, Lina naturally heard a lot of news, including the development team and the game that connected to the three-dimensional world.

However, this secret was too crucial. Before Lina answered, she was very hesitant because the identity of 341 had not been confirmed yet. She even suspected that 341 was a clone, however, his soul had not been erased. In that case, Lena was not sure whether telling him this secret would be good or bad.

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