MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 330 Landing

( Inside a rented transport ship )

Max began to armour up as the group approached the previous Paratus clan capital planet.

He was in a small transport ship alongside Asiva, Anna and Sebastian as he mentally prepared to descend into war.

Max’s ship was in the near back of the fleet, where the threat of getting shot down upon landing was the lowest, as despite him not personally approving of such strategy, it’s what the other tier 4 warriors arranged for him as despite his own preferences he was now an important figure and his death could greatly demoralise the army.

His presence was enough to keep the army motivated and hence he needed to be protected at all costs.

As he suited up, he deliberated about his choice of weapon, but after a lot of consideration he decided to go for the staff rather than the sword as the initial half of the battle would need him to use his AOE abilities rather than his PVP abilities.

Of everyone, the most nervous was Asiva as she was technically returning ‘ Home ‘ for the first time since the night she fled from being chased by the Assassin’s.

It was an emotional moment for her, as she steeled her nerves and steadied her breathing.

” Landing in ten minutes Captain” the pilot of the ship informed as Max walked in front towards the cockpit as he observed his fleet rapidly entering a blue and brown planet with small patches of green littered all over.

The fleet ships appeared as a streak of fire upon entering the planet’s atmosphere as immediately their presence triggered the air defences of the planet as alarms blared all over.

There were four major military bases that needed to be attacked to neutralise the local army and the forces had already been bifurcated to deal with their specific assigned base as Max’s ship was headed for the base a few miles away from the central capital city.

” We will enter the planet’s atmosphere now, Captain” the pilot said, as immediately Max felt a change in air pressure as the ship began descending rapidly.

The ship was definitely on fire, as Max could no longer see anything except flames once they began descent. However, using fire manipulation he created a small hole for himself amongst the flames covering the ship, to have clear vision ahead.

The changing air pressure gave him an uncomfortable feeling under the ears, however, it was nothing unbearable as he brushed it off pretty soon.

1 minute later, the ship automatically landed safely on the planet’s soil as the backdoor opened and the group rushed out onto the battlefield.

Luckily, only 7 of his ships had been shot down from the sky due to the planets air defence system, as the rest were able to land safely, giving them a net loss of only 7000 ish troops before landing.

The first thing Max noticed upon entering the battlefield was the noise, the sheer madness and death that was all around him.

He could hear screams, clashing metal sounds and various attack spells being used at the same time as a lot of information flooded his mind.

[ Chain heal ]

[ Summon Nether Beasts ]

[ Giant Summoning ]

Max used 3 of his AOE moves at once, as he declared his presence on the battlefield in a grand fashion.

The chain heal helped a lot of injured soldiers around him recover their health fast, while the three giants suddenly appearing after splitting the earth apart took everyone by surprise as everyone on the battlefield took note of their presence.

The rebel forces under Max began cheering wildly when they noticed that the giants were sweeping through enemy defences such as barbed wire and dug in positions like they were dirt, creating an opening for them to charge.

Anna quickly shot arrow after arrow, her deadly accuracy bringing down a soldier with every shot, as with a quiver full of arrows, she was the most efficient soldier on the battlefield taking down an enemy life every 2.5 seconds.

Asiva also wreaked havoc on the Battlefront, throwing daggers precisely while taking down enemies with her nimble agility.

She was at her peak prowess today, just like she was back inside the academy during the tournament as she took down enemy soldier after soldier in a mad flurry that left Max in awe.

Asiva was like a giant in herself, she carved a path into the enemy’s heart alone, as nothing but death surrounded her on all four sides for 5 metres.

Despite her small stature, she had the same effect as Max’s giants had on the battlefield, with the only difference being that she did not take damage in the process while his giants were tanking hits after hits.

[ Fireball ]

[ Fireball ]

[ Fireblast ]

Max finally merged with the frontlines himself, shouting and commanding his troops as he organised them to penetrate enemy lines exactly as he wanted them to.

So far the tide of the battle was completely in their favour, as Max alongside his 100,000 troops who came to tackle the capital military base seemingly outnumbered enemy forces present 3-1.

However, just as everything seemed to be fine, a Flaming arrow lodged itself in one of his giants eyes before exploding in a powerful explosion as one of his three giants died in a single shot.

” Boro ” Sebastian said as he removed his bloodstained sword from the heart of the enemy soldier he just killed and drew Max’s attention at the enemy general.

Boro, the keeper of the planet and the Kingsman clans tier 5 general had finally decided to show himself as Max knew that he needed to rally his tier 4 warriors to tackle that man first.

In this seemingly one sided battle, the only individual capable of changing the tide of battle completely was Boro and Max did not intend to let that happen. .𝘤𝘰𝑚

” Go, open a path for me ” Max commanded his Netherbeasts as Sebastian ran behind him shouting the names of the tier 4 warriors that needed to follow them, as the group proceeded to face Boro in battle.

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