MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 326 Mercy

Arteta wanted to kill Max with every fibre of his being. He had never felt hatred for any of his victims before today, however seeing the despicable trick that Max played on him, Arteta could not help but feel immense hatred for Max, consumed by which he willed every last muscle in his body to help him plunge a dagger into Max’s stomach.

” Arghhhhh ” Arteta yelled as gurgling noises of blood could be heard mixed with his scream as he rushed towards Max with tier 5 speed.

There were at least 500 people in Max’s close proximity, with Sebastian and Anna being only an arms length away, however, none of them were able to respond in time to Arteta’s quick attack.



Arteta’s dagger pierced flesh, however, contrary to his desired target of piercing Max’s abdomen, his dagger pierced the flesh between Max’s two fingers instead as Max clutched the dagger tightly with his palm which began bleeding profusely.

Sebastian immediately tackled Arteta, however the man refused to let go of the dagger and kept pushing through with all his might trying to pierce Max.

Unfortunately for him however, he could neither push nor pull the dagger as it was lodged inside Max’s bone.

” Let him be, ” Max said in a calm tone as he asked Sebastian to let the man go.

Although reluctant, Sebastian did as he was told and let Arteta go as he pulled out his sword and stood on standby, ready to slice the struggling assassin down if he so much as twitched another muscle.

” Who sent you? ” Max asked in a grim voice to Arteta, now that his death was certain Max wanted to know who hired him.

Was it the Kingsman clan, the Caesar or was it Regus Aurelius himself?

Max did not rule out the possibility of a third party either.

He needed to know who sent the assassin as he would need counterintelligence measures against that party.

” YOU DEAF? THE CAPTAIN ASKED WHO SENT YOU …. ” Anna shouted in Arteta’s ears as she kicked his shins.

” I’m not telling you anything, what do I care, I’m a dead man anyways ” Arteta said rebelliously as he was now visibly having problems sitting up straight as his sense of balance became severely affected by the poison.

He could no longer discern up from down and right from left as he was not even sure if he was standing on flat earth or stuck to an inclined wall.

” The poison will kill you slowly, at least 20 more pain-filled minutes. However, if you answer my questions, I can kill you in an instant, provide you with the mercy of death, ” Max said as he retrieved the Raveslasher sword from his inventory.

” I’m asking you again, Who sent you…. If you refuse to answer this time, I will chop four of your fingers off, ” Max said calmly as he stroked the man’s fingers. 𝘯𝘰𝘷𝘭.𝑜𝘳𝘨

Arteta was visibly distressed, this was the exact intimidation technique he used as an assassin when he had to get information out of a client.

It was a standard of the Assassin’s guild, however, for some reason the boy knew it.

” I’m not going to be shaken down by a kid like you, I’m saying nothing, I piss on your mother’s grave boy, who do yo- ” Arteta said as he suddenly felt a stinging sensation in his palms

” ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ” Arteta screamed as he violently coughed up blood covered in mucus alongside green liver bile, as Max he felt Max’s sword chopping off his entire palm instead of four fingers.

Arteta’s mind went numb from the pain, if the loss of balance and direction was not enough of a headache he now had to deal with mind numbing pain as well, as at this moment his will finally started to break, he wanted to die rather than continue with this suffering.

Max’s soldiers were shocked to see his brutality, but part of the reason why Max chose to do this publically was because he wished for the soldiers to see this side of him as well.

He was good when he was good, however, when someone crossed him he could be terrifying.

This was a lesson the troops needed to learn as while they might love an amiable leader, they would only respect and blindly follow a strong one.

The reason why Max did not chop off his fingers but rather cut off his whole hand was because this was how Johnny English had groomed him as a kid.

As a veteran Assassin on earth, Jhonny was a master in the techniques involving intimidation and information extraction and according to him, if the intimidator did exactly as he promised then the other party did not take him seriously, however, if he behaved erratically then he succeeded in breaking the other side’s will.

” For your left leg, who sent you ” Max said calmly as his robes became covered in blood from top to bottom from the spurting blood from Arteta’s ankle.

” I- I’ll tell you everything, everything, please just kill me afterwards.

I’m not sure who hired me, however, they paid 500 million gold coins for your head and I chose to accept the mission because I’m loyal to the Kingsman clan and I was jealous of your success as a youngster.

It could be anyone, us Assassin’s are not directly in contact with clients, so I really don’t know ” Arteta said as he practically begged Max to end this torture session and right on his word Max placed his right hand on Arteta’s chest and used one of his Strongest moves.

[ Blood Explosion ]

The skill took 70 seconds to activate fully, but when it did, Arteta’s body burst into small pieces like an astronaut in space without a spacesuit.

A loud bang was heard for kilometres on Greensoil planet as all soldiers were in shock to see the scene of the Captain killing a tier5 opponent with a mere touch.

It was a scene that was etched deep inside their memories.


/// A/N – Bonus chapter for hitting the GT target! Good job everyone!

The gap between us and number 10 reduces everyday, let’s try catch him out before the 10th ///

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