MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 316 Army Assembling

Max sent the official reply letter to Vega informing him that he had found a temporary base on Greensoil planet.

Everything became a blur for Max that day, as he had to scour the open market for tenting and camping equipment, purchasing them on credit using his seven galaxies bank card.

Max spent close to 200 million gold coins on tenting equipment, food, water, blood, potions, weapons and other necessities as he had all the shipments be sent to Greensoil.

Max knew that when the army arrived on Greensoil, they would not find much of anything there and would need to be fed and provided for.

Max had full intentions of making a usable base on Greensoil, but it took time for bases to be constructed and with Vega’s ridiculously thin patience, he was not going to give Max the time he wanted to prepare a base and then call in for the army, so this last minute preparation was all Max could do to ensure that he would receive the troops as smoothly as he could.

This was it for Max now, the start of the journey he had been waiting for so long, his road to become the vampire king, and the first step in that plan was destroying the Kingsman clan.


( The next day on Greensoil planet )

It was the busiest day in the history of Greensoil planet with hundreds of cargo and personnel ships landing on the planet.

Sebastian was the man who was coordinating the stocking of the resources inside the destroyed research facility, while Anna was looking over the smooth settling in of the Titus clan military.

Thankfully for Max, the leader of the 500 tier 4 senior military officers ‘ Abu ‘ lent to him by Vega respected his personal achievements and contributions to the clan and hence did not make things difficult for Max in setting up a chain of command.

After assessing the situation on landing, Abu quickly coordinated amongst the other tier 4 warriors to set up tents according to the respective units, as 50 tenting colonies were quickly built with roughly 5000 troops each.

Every colony was headed by roughly 10 tier 4 senior officials in a predetermined role format with ‘ Abu ‘ being the de facto leader of the entire troops, and the Titus clan’s contact man for the mission.

Max being at the top of the command chain had to still rely on Abu to get his orders obeyed as while technically the army was his to command, the underlings only listened to Abu for any and all matters.

For now, the tier 4 military man had put on his best foot forward and done things exactly as Max wanted it to, so there were no problems between the two, however, Max also knew that these loaned men and Abu would never follow him into suicidal or crazy battles with difficult odds and that he needed to find his own men too.

Asiva was trying to regroup the disbanded Paratus clan military, see if she could gather the loyal soldiers who surrendered and took up the life of civilians after their lord was killed.

She knew about at least 2 tier 5 warriors who his father loved and trusted a lot who had refused to join the Kingsman clan military and had instead chosen exile from the vampire lands.

Apart from them, there were also about 200,000 Paratus clan troops who were disbanded and decommissioned.

If Asiva was successful in bringing those troops in, it would be a huge aid to their cause in defeating the Kingsman clan.

The only problem was that except spreading the word, she had no other concrete tools to find and rally them. The ex soldiers were now living fragmented lives and were not connected via a chain of command, making it almost impossible to reach out to each and every one.

On the other hand, news about their possible invasion of Kingsman clan was already spreading like wildfire across the vampire kingdom and was sure to have reached the ears of the Kingsman bastards as well.

The clan was already facing difficulty ever since their patron god, Will had been killed and the imbecile Roy Kingsman ascended to the throne, however, it had deep foundations and loyal courtroom men who would not sit idly and let some foreigners claim their lands as they wanted, the enemy were sure to start preparing for war.


( Meanwhile Arteta )

” Greensoil planet you say? So the puny sweepers of Saint Maximus are in on this war?

How interesting, I did not expect other vampire clans to shield some rebel upstarts, but if this is how they wanna play then I’ll not hesitate in accepting any future missions detrimental to the Saint Maximus Clan interests ” Arteta said as he paid a hefty amount to his informant for bringing him news of Captain Ravan’s whereabouts.

It had not even been a full day since Ravan began settling in his army and Arteta already had news about the living conditions of the men, the rumours floating inside the camp, and about Asiva’s open call for all ex-paratus clan troops to return to Greensoil and help avenge the death of their lord.

Everything could be bought for a price and being a part of the Assassin’s guild, he has access to some of the best information gatherers in the universe, who within a day had a full report of all the purchases made by Max in the last 7 days.

Arteta was not only well informed, but he also had years of experience doing what he was doing, as after going through the intelligence report he knew that the best route of proceeding was to wait for a week or two for some Paratus clan loyalists to respond to Asiva’s call, before entering Greensoil pretending to be one of them and getting close to Ravan. π“«π“­π“Έπ“‹π“οΌŽπ“¬π“Έπ“‚

If there was one thing Arteta was thankfully not short on, it was time, because not only did the enemy need to gather their intelligence report on the Kingsman clan, they needed to gather way more troops if they wanted to launch a serious offensive on Dombivli city.

In Arteta’s estimate it would take them at least 6-8 months to prepare the first wave of attacks, which was enough time for him to kill captain Ravan 10 times over.

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