MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 312 Enough Influence

Max felt his notifications buzz as many of his old friends from earth texted him to catch up now that he was back on Radiance, however, Max ignored all their texts.

The only text he could not ignore was that of his sister in law Naomi, as that message was pretty intense. .

Naomi : ” Max, if I find out that you didn’t visit home on your way out of Radiance, it won’t end with you having the best consequences ”

Max gulped in fear when he read that text as it already had undertones of anger for Max not informing Naomi that he was going to visit Radiance, but she still gave Max a chance to redeem himself by visiting home on his way out.

‘ Grandpa Drax, please remind me that I need to visit home on my way out of radiance ‘ Max said to Drax in his head, however the old A.I had a violent response to this request

‘ What do you think I am Max? Siri? I’m not your alarm clock ‘ Drax replied angrily as Max winced at his reply

Max secretly wished that Drax was like Siri, it would make his life a little easier if he was.

” Sir, we have arrived at the True Elites headquarters, we do not have clearance to take the hovercraft inside the premises, I’m afraid we will have to drop you here ” The security official who brought Max out of the jam on the streets said, as Max generously rewarded him with 5000 gold coins for his effort.

5000 was about 6 months of his salary so that man was absolutely stumped to see the amount, however, he was also extremely grateful.

Max walked into the True Elites headquarters after doing his security clearance.

Being an ex-elite, he had the credentials to walk into the building unimpeded as once he was inside he quickly looked for the guild secretary Amelia, as she was the one person who could fix an appointment with Neatwit for him.

Thankfully Max found Amelia’s office right where it used to be all those years ago, and he walked into it with confidence as Amelia raised an eyebrow seeing his smiling face walk into her cabin.

” Well well well, if the sun did not rise from west, agh damn it, We are on Radiance now, it does rise from the west, silly me ” Amelia said as she realised that the old idioms from earth were not applicable on Radiance anymore.

Max laughed, this was a side of the guild secretary that no one but he had seen as ever since he was a child, Rudra would always be busy with work, so whenever Max wanted to meet him and he would be busy with a meeting he would spend his time with Amelia who would take care of him like a baby sitter.

While she was cold and ruthless to outsiders and guild members, Max was one of the only people she had a soft spot for.

” You look good Max, tall, buff, I liked your kinder eyes more but it’s okay, seems like you’re quite powerful and doing well.

You remind me of your brother ” Amelia commented as her voice choked when she spoke the last sentence.

It had been hard on everyone after Rudra died, as he was literally the whole and soul of the entire guild having built the place from the ground up.

” You look good as well big sister Amelia, no wrinkles, no tan lines, you would almost fool anyone into thinking you are in your twenties ” Max said as he sneakily complimented Amelia’s looks

” You and your glib tongue, save it for your girlfriend’s, your charms are useless on me ” Amelia said as although she said she was immune to flattery, her smile was a dead giveaway

” I need to see the guildmaster, I need some help, can you adjust me in for a meeting today? ” Max asked Amelia

” He has a meeting with Christian Grey in 15 minutes, but that cocky bastard can wait, I will send you in first ” Amelia said as she winked at Max

Max chuckled hearing this, he had been a little worried that after becoming such a bigshot maybe Neatwit would not meet him, but it seemed like his name was still good around this part of the universe.


( Meanwhile Asiva and Severus )

” I’m an outlaw, I can’t just return to meet the patriarch, he has cut ties with me ” Severus said as he tried to explain to Asiva that although he had no bad blood with Sam, he was currently in exile from the Saint Maximus clan and could not return after his stunt with the Kingsman clan

” Oh well your god-daughter needs this favour, will you fail me and my father in this critical hour Severus? ” Asiva asked with a frown as she brought her dead father’s name into the argument.

Severus was speechless once Cole Paratus’s name was introduced, the man was his best friend.

Him and Cole were like Max and Sebastian back in the day, and it was the only reason why he was the godfather of Asiva.

” I would have died for Cole, if I could, you know that ” Severus said seriously as he reminded Asiva of their bond.

” Now I need your help to avenge him, please- talk to the patriarch for me ” Asiva said as she urged Severus to find a way.

Severus paced around the room as a million different things popped into his head until finally he found the most plausible way for him to contact Sam.

” I’m going out, I’m going to try my best to have a conversation, but I guarantee nothing, if I’m caught and jailed again, know that it will be your responsibility to bust me out! ” Severus said as he walked out of the room and disappeared into the wind.

Asiva smiled seeing this, she knew the exact capabilities of Severus, there was no chance in hell he was going to get caught.

Not by Saint Maximus security at least.


/// A/N – Chapter 7/10, enjoy! ///

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