MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 807 Illuminating Encounters

Chapter 807 Illuminating Encounters ? ?? ?


As players and guilds raced through the Netherworld, seeking out new challenges and treasures, Ren was consumed by a different kind of quest.

Sequestered in his room, he worked tirelessly, crafting rare items and artifacts with unwavering focus and determination.

The guild tree house became his domain, where he tirelessly auctioned off his creations to the highest bidder.

Meanwhile, Leonel and the others grew increasingly concerned about Ren's well-being. He had scarcely emerged from his room since returning from the Netherworld, and they could sense the toll his relentless work was taking on him.

But Ren seemed undeterred, driven by a singular focus that surpassed any physical need or discomfort.

The evolved Ren moved through his days with a single-minded purpose, foregoing food and rest as he pursued his goal. His body may have protested, but such concerns were trivial in comparison to the weight of Evie's debt pressing down on him.

Resolving this issue was paramount, and Ren refused to let anything stand in his way.

Days turned into nights, and still, Ren toiled ceaselessly, his determination unwavering. With each auction, he inched closer to the required amount for Evie's freedom, his excitement growing with every bid placed.

The prospect of finally securing her release filled him with a sense of joy and relief that was almost palpable.

Finally, the moment arrived. With the final bid placed, Ren reached the target amount, and a wave of euphoria washed over him.

He could hardly contain his excitement as he prepared to contact Lamir and finalize the transaction. But as he reached for his phone, exhaustion finally caught up with him.

Late nights and endless exertion had taken their toll, and Ren's body demanded rest.

With a weary sigh, he succumbed to sleep, his dreams filled with visions of freedom and reunion with Evie. Despite the fatigue that weighed heavily on him, there was a sense of contentment that accompanied his slumber, knowing that he had achieved what he thought he would never do.

In that moment of rest, Ren found solace, knowing that he had accomplished something truly remarkable.

Throughout his life, wealth had never held such significance for Ren.

In the past, he had believed it to be the ultimate measure of success.

Yet now, as he found himself with more money than he had ever imagined, his priorities had shifted entirely.

The billions he had amassed meant little to him compared to the prospect of reclaiming Evie and building a future together with her.

Money could never replace the love and companionship they shared, and Ren was willing to sacrifice it all to ensure their happiness.

As he drifted into sleep, Ren clung to the hope of a future where he and Evie could finally be united, liberated from the burdens that had plagued them for so long.

In that vision of togetherness, he found solace, knowing that their love would conquer all obstacles and lead them to a brighter tomorrow.


Meanwhile, back in Evie's country, she remained immersed in the game, diligently assisting Ren with his crafting endeavors.

As Ren's devoted assistant, Evie took on the role of procuring tools and ingredients whenever he needed them, tirelessly traversing and gathering materials he needed.

While Leonel and the others managed the guild, Evie focused on gathering simple materials to support Ren's crafting efforts.

Following their adventures in the Netherworld, Evie found solace and contentment in her life alongside Ren.

Together, they embraced a simple yet fulfilling existence within the game, cherishing each moment of tranquility and companionship.

As they bid each other goodnight that day, Evie lingered in the game a while longer, savoring the peaceful ambiance.

Venturing outside, she crossed paths with Alice, the ghost maid and guardian of the Guild House.

"Evie! You're still here?" Alice exclaimed, surprised to encounter her.

Evie nodded, offering a small smile. "I'll just take a quick breather outside."

Alice grinned, pleased to see Evie after a long time of her absence. "Ah, I see! I just went out and took care of some rats, so it should be clean and peaceful outside right now."

With a hum and a giggle, Alice expressed satisfaction with her task, though Evie couldn't quite comprehend what she was referring to.

There were rats outside?

Nevertheless, Evie ventured outside into the chilly embrace of the night. The cool air brushed against her skin, sending shivers down her spine as she stepped into the darkness.

Above, the moon and stars cast their ethereal glow upon the landscape, illuminating the world with a soft, silvery light.

In the stillness of the night, Evie's senses heightened, attuned to the subtle sounds and movements of the nocturnal creatures around her.

She could hear the faint rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze and the distant chirping of crickets in the underbrush.

Every now and then, a small creature would scurry by, its presence announced by the soft patter of footsteps on the forest floor.

Despite the tranquility of the scene, Evie couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. There was an eerie sense of mystery and foreboding that permeated the night, casting shadows upon the otherwise peaceful landscape.

Suddenly, a white light materialized before Evie.

At first, she mistook it for a mere firefly, its soft glow dancing in the darkness. But as it drew nearer, the light grew larger and more intense, until Evie found herself engulfed by its brilliance.

When the blinding light subsided, Evie blinked in confusion, finding herself in a strange room. The space was vast, with pristine white walls and polished floors stretching out before her eyes.

"What . . . what's going on?" Evie murmured, her voice echoing faintly in the empty room as she scanned her surroundings for any sign of familiarity.

Had she triggered some sort of event? The thought lingered in her mind as she tried to make sense of her sudden displacement.

"Evie . . ."

The sound of her name being spoken caused Evie to startle, her heart skipping a beat at the familiar voice.

She turned around and saw a tall figure standing several meters away. Clad in a white lab coat and sporting his characteristic kind smile.

Evie's voice wavered with disbelief as she took in the sight before her, her mind reeling with questions and uncertainty.

"Uncle . . . Larcus . . . ?"

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