Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 2530 - Wolfish Schemes

Chapter 2530 Wolfish Schemes

Of course, do you think this isn’t his handwriting?” Gray Wolf grinned. “Yi Xiuran clearly approached Ghost Doctor with a wolfish design. Say, if Master does not teach him a lesson, who will?”

Ren Xiang took a look at the note in his hand before putting it away. “I’ve got it.” He stood and asked, “When are you going back?” “I’ll return after having a look at Yi Xiuran.”

Gray Wolf spoke again. “By the way, Master will return home with Ghost Doctor in a few days. Feng Ye and Zhao Yang, those two kids, are still alive, and she planned to bring them home. And it appears that Guan Xilin is set to marry Ye Jing. I don’t think she’ll be back anytime soon after this trip.” “Mm hmm, I see. Come with me!” he replied, looking at Gray Wolf.

Gray Wolf followed with a grin. In fact, when he arrived here, he was curious as to what had become of Yi Xiuran.

He followed Ren Xiang to the second floor of the Qingfeng Inn, then stepped to the top floor and pushed the door open. Gray Wolf couldn’t help but smile when he saw the figure reclining on the chair, drinking wine while covered with a transparent cloth.

However, shortly after cracking a grin, he scowled at the sight and yelled. “Why is he not tied up? How can you just leave him here like this? Aren’t you afraid that he will run away?”

Yi Xiuran was not tied up, but his spirit energy was sealed, turning him into an ordinary mortal. However, his good looks and imposing demeanour, as well as his dignified bearing, made people overlook him wearing that kind of clothing.

He was drinking wine in the room, and his natural and unrestrained posture appeared to be as leisurely as the master rather than being held captive here.

It’s no surprise Gray Wolf yelled when he saw it. After all, he was tied up at that time. Yi Xiuran took a sip of wine and glanced coldly at Gray Wolf. “Did Feng Jiu send you?”

“You think too highly of yourself. Ghost Doctor can’t even remember who you are, so why would she let me come over?” Gray Wolf snorted softly as he walked in. “I’ll tell you the truth! I came here today on my master’s orders. It’s best not to provoke Ghost Doctor, I tell you. She’s not someone you can provoke!” Hearing this, Yi Xiuran’s eyes narrowed. He stared at Gray Wolf and asked, “Xuanyuan Mo Ze? He’s back?”

“That’s right.”

Gray Wolf smiled as he wrapped his hands across his chest. “Didn’t you hear the news over here? The Demon Clan attacked the Nebula Immortal Sect some time ago and Ghost Doctor fought the Demon Lord. In the end, my master just happened to rush back. Even the Demon Lord was gravely wounded by him and fled, so you should consider your strength and identity.”

Yi Xiuran did not respond to his words but simply closed his eyes. It was unknown what he was contemplating.

“Alright, I’m leaving.” Gray Wolf said, looking at Ren Xiang.

Ren Xiang smiled. “Why do you look at me if you want me to see you off?” After saying this, he stepped out of the room and told him. “Let’s go! i’ll send you on your way.”

“That sounds more like it.” Gray Wolf smiled. “In fact, I still want to have a few cups of wine with you, but I’m concerned about spending too much time on the road. Forget it,i’ll treat you when I get a chance later!”

They conversed as they strolled out of the Qingfeng Inn’s attic. They heard the guards hurrying to report shortly after they walked to the rear courtyard.

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