Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 2525 - They’re Here

Chapter 2525 They’re Here

He was a little worried when he saw him and not the Ghost Doctor Feng Jiu.

“Don’t worry, she’ll be here later.” Guan Xilin smiled, then he patted his shoulder and asked: “Is your Grandfather here too?”

“Yes, I brought my Grandfather with me.” He was worried about being delayed on the road, hence, he had rushed to Hundred Rivers City almost non-stop, for fear that he wouldn’t be able to meet them had he been late.

“Where are you staying now?” Guan Xilin asked.

Upon hearing this, Qiao Yi Nuo replied quickly: “We have family business in Hundred Rivers City, as well as a house around West Street. My Grandfather and the others are staying at the house on West Street.”

“Oh? West Street? That’s very near.” Heavenly Pill Tower is located on West Street. Which house is it? Tell me and when Feng Jiu comes later, I will take her there.”

“It’s a house on the end of West Street, it’s very easy to find. Just follow this road right to the end, then turn the corner and you will see the Manor with the Qiao Manor sign hanging in front of it.”

He smiled and said: “Alright, I will note it down. Go back first! I’ll take her there when she comes over.”

“Alright, thank you Brother Guan.” He bowed gratefully to him, then turned and left for the Qiao Manor.

Because she had slept late the night before, Feng Jiu woke up late today. After she had breakfast with Xuanyuan Mo Ze in the Feng Manor, she told them that she was going out, then left with Leng Hua and went to Heavenly Pill Tower.

“Little Jiu, you’re here!” Guan Xilin who was chatting with the others on the first floor walked forward with a smile when he saw her come in: “I thought you were going to wake up in the afternoon!”

“I’ve been up for a while, I played with Little Hao’er for a while before I came out.” She said with a smile and asked: “You said that person is here?”

“Oh, Qiao Yi Nuo is here. He came early this morning and said that he lives at the corner on the end of West Street. I thought I would wait for you to come and go there with you.”

Upon hearing this, she nodded: “Alright, I’ll come with you.” She instructed Leng Hua to go out with them, and the three of them went to the Qiao Manor at the end of West Street.

At this time, in the Qiao Manor.

Qiao Yi Nuo was sitting beside the bed in the wing-room of the courtyard. He frowned as he looked at his unconscious Grandfather on the bed, a little worried. On the way here, his Grandfather had fallen into a coma again. His Grandfather’s complexion looked even worse than before.

“Third Elder, how is Grandfather’s health?” He asked one of the old men standing by the bed. This was the Third Elder of the Qiao Family, he was proficient in medicine. He had been taking care of his Grandfather ever since he had slipped into a coma.

“His colour is a little worse, after all, he has suffered along the way. But don’t worry, he will gradually recover in a few days.” The Third Elder said. Then he looked at Qiao Yi Nuo and hesitated: “I’m more worried about whether the Ghost Doctor can really wake the Senior Patriarch up.”

Upon hearing this, Qiao Yi Nuo said with certainty: “She will definitely be able to do so. You don’t know this, but this morning I went to Heavenly Pill Tower and saw the medicinal pills on display. Our treasures in the Qiao Family are not even as good as just the medicinal pills on the first floor alone. I believe that as long as the Ghost Doctor is willing to help, my Grandfather will wake up.”

“I hope so!” The Third Elder sighed and glanced at the other two elders beside him.

At this time, a guard hurried in and reported with a look of surprise and excitement: “Eldest Young Master, Eldest Young Master, they’re here, the Ghost Doctor is here!”

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