Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 2523 - Coquettish Girl

Chapter 2523 Coquettish Girl

Her hands were taking advantage of him in the water, she touched his whole body and Xuanyuan Mo Ze was leaning back in the bathtub and letting her do what she wanted.


She didn’t know whether he was comfortable or not, she only heard the light snort from his mouth, and his eyes opened and looked at Feng Jiu who was leaning over and said: “Ah Jiu, don’t make trouble.”

“I didn’t make trouble!” Her eyes squinted as she replied with a smile. A jug of wine had appeared in her hand at some point and she said: “Shall I feed you some wine to drink?” As she spoke, she raised her head slightly and opened her delicate red lips, then she poured the jug of wine in her hand into her mouth.

The wine overflowed from the corners of her mouth and splashed down her graceful neck until it sank into the folds of her clothes and disappeared. This scene where the beautiful woman drank wine and it spilled out of her lips and ran down her snow-white neck was agitating him. Upon seeing this, Xuanyuan Mo Ze, who was leaning back against the bathtub with his head slightly raised, his eyes deepend, his eyes fell on her snow-white neck as the wine fell, his throat moved up and down as he swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

He didn’t know that his Ah Jiu could do such a seductive and charming posture. Just this little movement had caused a fire to surge in his body that rushed to below his abdomen, and he couldn’t find anywhere to let it out.

At this moment, he finally knew why she wanted to guard against him. It turned out this was why!

And just at this moment, he saw her leaning down, her beautiful face with blushing cheeks like peach blossoms drew closer until her delicate red lips landed on his thin lips.

The warm, spicy, mellow wine came out from her mouth into his mouth, the coquettish girl teased him so, he tasted the wine and her sweetness. When he was gradually lost in her tenderness and enthusiasm, she withdrew suddenly.

“How is the wine?” She smiled like a sly fox and looked at him smugly and slyly. “This wine is sweet and mellow, it makes one try to stop but can’t.” His voice was low and hoarse, and his gaze fell on her red lips.

“Since you like it, have some more.” Her eyes moved slightly, full of charm.

As he looked at her, sometimes like that of a cunning fox, sometimes pure like a lotus, sometimes charming and seductive, sometimes enchanting and agitating, he couldn’t help but feel a wave in his heart. His deep eyes looked at her with a burning flame and his hoarse voice called softly: “Ah Jiu, don’t tease me anymore, when are you going to come in and bathe with


He had intended to bathe with her in the first place, but who would have known that he had taken off all his clothes and she was still standing by the bathtub with her clothes on. Inexplicably, he had a hunch that tonight she would stir his fire once again and irresponsibly put it out.

“Bathe with you? I didn’t intend to share a bath with you!” She said with a smile, a little shyly: “Ah Ze, I haven’t told you but I’m on my period so I can’t take a bath!”

He was stunned when he heard this, and was unable to react for a while.

When she saw his stunned appearance, she couldn’t help but chuckle. She stretched her arms out around his body and drew a circle on his chest with one hand. She bit his ear gently and whispered: “But it doesn’t matter, I’m not taking a bath but I will definitely not let you put the fire out.”

When his sensitive ears were bitten, Xuanyuan Mo Ze trembled and a hint of helplessness appeared on his lips. This coquettish girl clearly wanted to drive him crazy…

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