Medical Master

Chapter 652 - Inside Story Digressed…

Chapter 652 Inside Story Digressed…

The shady inside story of the World Medical Exchange Conference!

Seeing this piece of news, Zhang Zhiming’s expression altered dramatically in an instant.

Upon a closer look, he found that this report actually wrote with certainty that Fang Qiu, a Chinese Medicine doctor in Huaxia, could cure diabetes.

And that was not the end.

The man who posted this report openly admitted that he stalked Fang Qiu last night. He also publicized all the details of the stalking. He even claimed that he had obtained very reliable inside information, which proved that Fang Qiu had cured a diabetes patient in a couple of minutes.

Then he said that based on a reliable source, the secretary-general of the medical exchange conference was a diabetes patient himself, and the supervisor who had accompanied the diabetes patient that was cured yesterday was actually one of the secretary-general’s men!

At the end of the report, the person who released the news disclosed one more shocking piece of information— after the diabetes patient was cured last night, the World Medical Exchange Conference held a meeting this morning and adopted the suggestion of temporarily adding a theme speech on traditional medicine, and the speaker of this speech was no other man but Fang Qiu!

“Could there be some shady deal behind this?”

The news ended with this question.

Undeniably, the writing skill used in this piece of news was exceedingly sophisticated. At the beginning, the reporter wrote what he had seen from his own point of view, and then added a few pieces of his own conjecture about the whole matter so as to lead the public opinion to the dark side.

Of course, the whole news report was punctured by many pictures.

There were pictures of Fang Qiu treating a patient, as well as the patient going to the hospital for examination.

Everything seemed to be logical and reasonable.

This kind of report was like the one a paparazzi in the entertainment industry would write. It was not a formal reporter’s work at all!

After reading this news, Zhang Zhiming, the representative of Huaxia, immediately knitted his brows.

Seeing Zhang Zhiming’s strange expression, Fang Qiu was a little taken aback. So he asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Bad news.”

Zhang Zhiming held up his mobile phone with a rather dark look on his face.

Fang Qiu hurried forward.

He took the phone from Zhang Zhiming and read the news earnestly.

After a while, Fang Qiu finished reading the whole report. With a calm face, he handed the phone back to Zhang Zhiming and said blandly, “Let’s go back to the hotel. We don’t need to do anything yet.”


Zhang Zhiming was stunned.

He really didn’t expect that Fang Qiu could remain so calm in the face of such an incident!

This kind of composure was not something a college student could maintain at all.

“Aren’t you worried?”

Gazing at Fang Qiu while frowning, Zhang Zhiming asked, “Don’t you fear that your speech will be canceled because of this report? Don’t you worry that the appearance of this report will affect the reputation of Huaxia and Chinese Medicine? How can you be all indifferent to this?”

“Do we need to worry?”

Fang Qiu shook his head gently and said, “It’s not us that have to worry about these issues, but the secretary-general.”


Zhang Zhiming was dazed.

“If he cancels my speech, wouldn’t it be telling the world that what this report says is true and that there is indeed a shady deal behind the World Medical Exchange Conference?”

Getting in the car with Zhang Zhiming, Fang Qiu continued, “The World Medical Exchange Conference is to be held by the WHO, and the secretary-general is also the secretary-general of the WHO. Once the news is confirmed, it will inevitably become a breaking international scandal. Therefore, the secretary-general will definitely not allow this to happen. Instead, he might take this opportunity to praise us.”

“Will he?”

Zhang Zhiming understood what Fang Qiu meant, but he was still a little concerned.

Just as he had said before, people in high positions like him must appear to be just and honest, and they could afford the slightest bit of hypocrisy being exposed. Although Fang Qiu was right, the future was hard to predict. No one could know exactly how this thing would develop.

“I think so.”

Fang Qiu smiled and added, “I even believe that he will let the news spread for a while, because in this way, it may even attract more attention to this medical exchange conference.”

“You know, although the medical exchange conference is an important international conference, the people who would pay attention to it are only those related to the medical community as well as some media and politicians of various countries. Ordinary people don’t care much about it. Maybe this news will draw more ordinary people to take a look at the medical exchange conference. It’s a great thing for both the medical community and this medical exchange conference.”

Hearing his remark, Zhang Zhiming’s furrowed brows relaxed a little.

In this way, the sudden appearance of this piece of news was not so bad.

With that in mind, Zhang Zhiming nodded gently and drove back to the hotel.

Sitting on the passenger seat, Fang Qiu immediately thought of the foreign reporter who stealthily took photos of him back in the hotel lobby.

It seemed that this report was probably published by that reporter.

At that time, though Fang Qiu had already noticed his trick, he didn’t point it out but let him take stealthies.

Now it seemed that he had done the right thing!

Without suspense, this piece of news soon went viral on the Internet.

After all, nowadays, what everyone loved to see the most were all kinds of so-called inside stories.

What was more, this time, it was the inside story of the World Medical Exchange Conference to be held by the WHO. It was exciting enough just to imagine it!

As expected, when the news spread, an uproar had been stirred up on the Internet, and all kinds of arguments began to surface wildly.

“What the hell? There’s even a shady deal behind the World Medical Exchange Conference?”

“Is there anything free from shady deals in the world?”

“Oh my, such a solemn meeting turns out to be so dirty.”

“There is a sordid deal hidden in every seemingly decent event that no one could imagine. I just didn’t expect that even the World Medical Exchange Conference could fall to that level as well!”

In just a few minutes, all kinds of hostile attacks flooded in like a tsunami.

However, just as everyone was crazily bashing the shady deal, another kind of voice appeared.

“I don’t care whether there is a shady deal behind the World Medical Exchange Conference. What I do care about is that it says Chinese Medicine can cure diabetes? This is an incurable disease! I’d like to know if this is true. If it is, then it will undoubtedly be a great piece of good news for diabetes patients across the world!”

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted many people’s attention.

Now, everyone’s attention was shifted from the shady deal to the cure of diabetes.

“Oh my god, I didn’t find it. This news report is actually very firm on the point that Chinese Medicine has cured a diabetes patient!”

“I wish it’s true. If it is, I’m willing to support Fang Qiu even if he made a shady deal. As a doctor who can cure diabetes, is he eligible to make a speech at the medical exchange conference?”

“Great point. If Fang Qiu can really cure diabetes, I will give him my full support!”

“Huaxia’s medical skill is amazing! This is the first time I’ve heard of Huaxia’s magic-working medicine!”

In a hotel room in Switzerland—


Albert, the one who released the news on the shady deal of the medical exchange conference, was sitting on the sofa and staring at a webpage on the screen of his laptop. When he saw the news he released have aroused the curiosity of the masses, he felt extremely excited and proud. But as he browsed through the webpage, he suddenly saw that the comments started to be veered in another direction.

The hostile attack at the beginning gradually turned into a genuine curiosity about whether Fang Qiu had really found a cure for diabetes! Now, no one was concerned about the shady deal anymore.

“Aren’t they supposed to be focusing on the shady deal?”

Albert raised one eyebrow.


It had to be about the shady deal!

Because only when the shady deal was the focal point could he be seen as a big hero who exposed the dark inside story. Perhaps he could even win the Pulitzer Prize with this work.

This was his chance, his exclusive chance to reach the top of the pyramid in one single stride!

“It’s a shady deal. There must be a shady deal!”

He mumbled the same remark again and again.

Albert hurriedly logged into his alt account and made comments under his Twitter and Facebook posts.

“It’s terrible. This is the World Medical Exchange Conference we’re talking about. This inside story shocked the whole world!”

He released many comments like that one.

However, despite all the comments he sent by the name of his alt account, no one paid any attention to him.

All the people were still madly discussing whether Fang Qiu could really cure diabetes!

On the other side.

The WHO and the preparation team of the medical conference burst into an uproar as well.

Who could have thought that there was such a dirty trick behind this medical exchange conference?

It was a heavy blow to both the WHO and the World Medical Exchange Conference.

The members of the preparation team began to quarrel with each other. Everyone had their own opinions. Some sided with the secretary-general, some shouted that they must find the truth, and some were not willing to discuss it at all. Some even wanted to confront the secretary-general right away.

In the office building of the WHO.

The secretary-general, who had just returned to his office, was sitting behind his desk, looking at the result of his examination in his hand with a big smile on his face.

“Secretary-general, there is a huge racket outside. Now everyone is saying that there’s a shady deal behind our medical exchange conference. Won’t you go out and clarify it?” Asked one of his subordinates.


The secretary-general laughed and said, “They like to quarrel, so just let them. This matter is still under my control.”

At that, his subordinate shut his mouth.

Yet, the smile on the secretary-general’s face did not diminish.

For him, he had overcome the most difficult challenge. Now that his illness had been completely cured, all the problems he would face next were no problems at all.

What’s more, the incidents in this news report were not necessarily in conflict with one another in the first place.

For those who were capable, why could they seize the chance?

Just as the western network was in chaos, it was just the beginning of a new day for Huaxia.

At eight o’clock in the morning.

Some people who habitually read western websites soon learned about the situation of the western world. At the same time, they also learned that Fang Qiu had gotten himself in serious trouble again, and this time it had something do with a shady deal.

Then, many people started translating and reposting the western reports and comments, and so spread all the western news reports they could read to the domestic!

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