Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again

Chapter 439 - Chapter 439: Is There a Conspiracy

Chapter 439: Is There a Conspiracy

Translator: End less Fantasy Translation                    Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Although there was a bit of a hiccup at the Fusheng Pavilion, its early promotional efforts had been effective. Furthermore, her impressive display at the main entrance had earned her some recognition in the Imperial Capital.

In the realm of medicine, everyone had heard about Liu Shimei being the apprentice of the mysterious Qi Yang, a legendary figure in the field of medicine.

Now, Qi Yang was a milestone in the medical world!

If Liu Shimei was not just bragging, then her medical skills were not that surprising.

Moreover, on the day of Fusheng Pavilion’s grand opening, the Imperial Pharmacist, the Medicine Lord, had come to congratulate her. This was not a secret within the medical community.

All in all, Fusheng Pavilion had made a big splash!

Liu Shimei contracting leprosy was not something she hid. She had allowed Liang Yi to discreetly spread the news: Eldest Young Miss Liu isn’t afraid of contagious diseases. On the day the clinic opened, she saved a leprosy patient. While she succeeded in saving the patient, she herself contracted leprosy. She has since isolated herself and hasn’t returned to the Grand Chancellor’s Residence for many days!”

Leaving aside whether her medical skills were truly remarkable, her compassion spoke for itself!

Everyone was eagerly waiting: Had the leprosy patient been cured? Had Eldest Young Miss Liu recovered?

As discussions reached an unprecedented high, Fusheng Pavilion launched another publicity campaign. On May 16th, they offered free porridge!

On that long-awaited day of May 16th—

Liu Shimei appeared at the entrance of Fusheng Pavilion, personally standing outside the main door, giving alms to the people waiting in line for porridge.

Dressed in plain attire with just a single pearl flower adorning her hair bun, she was the dignified daughter of the Grand Chancellor’s Residence and the future Princess. Her appearance was simple, yet captivating.

There was a small blemish on her face, a faint scar beneath her left earlobe. Though the woman herself remained as beautiful as ever, that scar on her cheekbone hinted at a story.

Someone, with courage, dared to ask, “Eldest Young Miss Liu, is this scar… the mark left by leprosy?”

Eldest Young Miss Liu responded with a faint smile.

They say a single smile can conquer a city, and it certainly applied to Eldest Young Miss Liu. Even with the scar, her beauty was undeniable.

With that smile, the previously noisy crowd hushed, all turning their attention to her, eager to hear her explanation.

Eldest Young Miss Liu gently spoke, “The frightening aspect of leprosy lies in its ability to infect, but that doesn’t mean it cannot be treated. Thanks to effective isolation, I was the only one who came into contact with the patient, A’Fu. Fortunately, no one else was infected.”

She paused for a moment and continued, “Outside the Fusheng Pavilion, I am Eldest Young Miss Liu. But within these walls, I am a physician! You may all call me Doctor Liu.”

Another person inquired, “Doctor Liu, how is the patient? Has he been cured?”

Doctor Liu smiled and explained, “Isn’t the person sitting there and enjoying his porridge the patient in question?”

The crowd turned their gaze toward the man sitting on the doorstep, sipping his porridge heartily. Wasn’t this the patient who had been brought in ten days ago?

Not only the patient but even the two stretcher bearers who had carried him were present.

Three of them, sitting in a row, all having porridge!

This scene was undeniably peculiar.

“Isn’t that A’fu, the one suffering from liver disease in the southern part of the city?” Someone recognized the patient.

Immediately, someone else chimed in, “Yes, I heard some time ago that A’fu was at death’s door. No medical institution would accept him, and his family couldn’t afford his medication. They sent him to the charity house outside the city to await his death!”

Someone else asked, “If he was left to die at the charity house, why is he now standing at the entrance of the Fusheng Pavilion? And how did he contract leprosy?”

The questions kept coming, and it seemed that everyone’s thoughts were converging on one possibility—was there a conspiracy at play here?

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