Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again

Chapter 431 - Chapter 431:1 Get Nervous When You’re Anxious

Chapter 431:1 Get Nervous When You’re Anxious

Translator: End less Fantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After spending so much time together, how could Huangfu Lingyao not know her temperament?

This was one of those moments when you couldn’t touch her limits; she would really get angry!

With this attitude keeping him outside, he reluctantly withdrew his long legs from the windowsill and said, “Alright then, I’ll stay here with you. If you’re uncomfortable anywhere, just tell me. If you want something to eat, I’ll go get it for you!”

When he said he would stay, he meant it.

He even brought a narrow little pallet and placed it in the corridor. He sat on it during the day, accompanying his ailing wife in isolation, and slept outside at night.

When he heard a slight cough from inside the room, he became extremely anxious. “Wife, how are you feeling? Is it getting worse?”

At first, she did not respond, which made Huangfu Lingyao even more anxious. “Wife, please answer me. Don’t scare me!”

He was truly afraid she might scare him to death!

This young lady was obviously a very organized and reliable person.

But she worried him too much, like the time when she made a big fuss about the injuries on his back after a whipping, or the time she insisted on tarnishing the reputation of the Liu family even if it meant enduring 30 whips…

When it came to treating someone’s illness, she didn’t care about getting dirty, didn’t fear hardship, and didn’t mind the risk of infection!

How could he possibly feel at ease?

From this side of the window came these nervous words, and Liu Shimi sighed helplessly, “No, you don’t have to be so anxious. This is a normal condition. I’m taking medicine three times a day and applying ointment. The recovery from this illness takes time, but it will get better sooner or later.”

“Oh,” the silly fellow seemed to be a bit more at ease and lay back down.

But every time there was a sound from inside the room, he would immediately sit up and lean on the windowsill to ask questions.

Over time, it evolved into him asking from the bedside, “Wife, are you feeling uncomfortable now? Do you want some water? Anything to eat?”

Liu Shimei could not help but feel helpless, and her heart warmed even more!

What an affectionate pup he was!

He knew that this illness could be overwhelming. Even if someone witnessed a perfectly healthy person like Liu Shimei getting infected, they might run away in fear.

But not her puppy.

He not only did not run away but wished he could stay by her side, if she hadn’t firmly forbidden it, she was sure he would have glued himself to her.

She tried to reassure him, “Lingyao, don’t worry. I feel much better after taking the medicine. You don’t need to be anxious. With this illness, the more anxious you are, the more likely there will be problems, you know?”

Thinking about it, she had an excellent mindset. It was the pup who was nervous. She continued, “You don’t need to be in such a hurry. When you’re in a hurry, I get nervous, and when I’m nervous, it’s harder to treat this illness. Do you understand?”

Of course, this was a statement to persuade a child!

Did Huangfu Lingyao believe her?

He did not believe it in his heart, but on the surface, he had to pretend he did!

“Oh,” he responded gloomily, leaning on the window and watching the room.

He couldn’t see her when she lay in bed. He couldn’t even see her shadow. Was he worried?


But what was even more serious than worry was that he was getting a bit angry!

Liu Shimei was doing what she liked, and there was nothing wrong with wanting to progress in the field of medicine. However, Huangfu Lingyao had never thought that she would be so determined!

Knowing that she might get infected, she still plunged right in!

Huangfu Lingyao was a forward-thinking person. Since he had realized that his future path would not be easy many years ago, he had chosen this path, determined to seek the answers he wanted during this period of lurking.

Therefore, with Liu Shimei’s situation and after going through this experience, he had thought about many things….

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