Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 549

Chapter 549: 549

Bamhagra Stone is simple to process . Just a Moonlight Warlock rank Alchemist is necessary to refine a secret treasure that can control Glorious Sun Warlock rank and Bright World Warlock rank Transcendents . As such, it was mined wildly in the 3rd Warlock Dynasty .

Starting with the 3rd Warlock Dynasty, Bamhagra Stone has become a wildly mined strategic resource . Now it’s rare to see the ore in the Cangzhi Plane .

The Battle Demon Sect has obtained some Bamhagra Stone in the past, but it immediately used it to forge various powerful secret treasures .

Although Yang Feng has sent many of his men to gather traces of Bamhagra Stone, but there is very little information . The only place where Bamhagra Stone clearly exists is in the Great Cloud Dynasty’s royal treasury .

However, the Great Cloud Dynasty’s royal treasury has extremely strict defenses . Even Infinity Warlocks will be throwing their life away if they force their way in . Only if you render enough meritorious deeds to the royal family might you be able get some Bamhagra Stone .

Yang Feng already has a plan . If there’s really no other way, then he will join the Great Cloud Dynasty’s court, and then find a way to get some Bamhagra Stone .

Katrina revealed a lovely thoughtful expression, and then clapped her lily-white hands and showed a smile: “Bamhagra Stone? Oh, that’s right, among the planes I have traveled to, there is a grade 6 plane, the Andrak Plane, which produces Bamhagra Stone . In addition to this, the 36 primary material planes all produce Bamhagra Stone . ”

Yang Feng asked: “Grade 6 plane? What’s the situation in this plane?”

“The upper limit of strength in the Andrak Plane is weak divine force rank, aka Glorious Sun Warlock rank . We Warlocks receive suppression of the plane when we enter the plane . The stronger you are, the greater the suppression . Moonlight Warlocks will be suppressed to the Starry Sky Warlock realm . But with a virtual world, you can have a burst of your true power for a short period of time . ”

“The Andrak Plane can accommodate nine gods . At present, the plane has seven gods in total . Four are feeble divine force rank gods and three are weak divine force rank gods . The seven gods control seven states . ”

“The seven states are the Bramble Sparrow Kingdom, the Ice Blue State, the Narcissus Federation, the Guttamar Kingdom, the Scarlet Flame State, the Glun State, and the Norton State . ”

“The seven gods are the Goddess of Ice, the God of Fire, the God of War, the God of Death, the Goddess of Love, the God of Justice, and the God of Murder . Among the seven gods, the God of War, the God of Death, and the God of Justice are weak divine force gods, while the other four are feeble divine force rank gods . ”

“The God of Fire, the Goddess of Ice, the God of Death, and the God of War aren’t gods of humans, but gods of other races . The seven gods are locked in endless struggle . ” Katrina introduced .

A peculiar glint swept past Yang Feng’s eyes: “What are the coordinates of this grade 6 plane, and who else knows of it?”

Katrina revealed a sweet smile and replied: “I got the plane coordinates from an ancient relic site during my travels . Only I know of it . ”

Every plane, even if it is only a grade 9 plane, is a huge asset . Although grade 9 planes cannot bear experts above the legend rank and lacks resources, but the souls of a grade 9 plane’s intelligent life forms are very precious .

Some a bit more conscientious Warlock groups generally use grade 9 planes as talent training bases .

Cruel Warlocks, on the other hand, will use wicked secret methods to refine the intelligent life forms of grade 9 planes into soul stones to trade with abyssal fiends and infernal devils for various treasures .

Every Warlock who knows the coordinates of a plane won’t share them with other people lightly .

Yang Feng also has a grade 9 plane he seized from the Shadow Prince Mecca, but he didn’t disclose the plane’s coordinates to anyone in the Battle Demon Sect .

A crafty rabbit has three burrows . Perhaps one day Yang Feng will have to fall back to the grade 9 plane and use it as a footing to rise again .

Once they reach feeble divine force rank or Moonlight Warlock rank, gods and Warlocks become difficult to kill . Even if they are killed on the spot, they may still be resurrected by various strange means .

Yang Feng knows that there are several methods for the resurrection of Moonlight Warlocks recorded in the Battle Demon Sect . As for gods, even if they die on the spot, but so long as there are believers constantly praying and calling their god name, then they may resurrect .

The reason why there are so many treasure-troves and relic sites in the various primary material planes is because they are fallback plans of gods, archgods, Warlocks, and other powerful existences . Only after the erosion of time will the spell restrictions collapse, and those treasure-troves and relic sites will appear in the world .

For her not to tell the Hall of Eternity the coordinates of the grade 6 plane, Katrina naturally had her own considerations . If he was in her shoes, Yang Feng also wouldn’t tell the Battle Demon Sect the coordinate of the grade 6 plane .

Katrina’s beautiful eyes sparkled with anticipation, and she smiled sweetly and uttered: “Dear, why don’t we conquer that grade 6 plane together?”

Yang Feng responded with a gentle smile: “Okay! After you return to the Hall of Eternity, let’s meet up in the Andrak Plane . ”

Katrina stared at Yang Feng’s face with eyes full of affection: “Okay!”

Yang Feng looked at the lovely and beautiful Katrina who is the number one beauty of the Western World’s young generation in his arms with regret in his eyes: “Unfortunately, I can’t eat this delicacy right now . What a pity . ”

Katrina is the holy daughter of the Hall of Eternity . Of course, Yang Feng cannot reveal his relationship with her, or he will put Katrina in grave danger . Once Katrina loses her virginity to him, Yang Feng must be ready to cast aside all consideration of face with the Hall of Eternity .

The Hall of Eternity is a powerful Warlock group comparable to the Tai Yi Sect . Before Yang Feng has fully matured, he doesn’t want to offend this huge behemoth if not necessary .

The next day, the huge flying vessel of the Battle Demon Sect left the City of Time and flew towards the Battle Demon Sect .

In this trip to the Time Sky City, the Battle Demon Sect has obtained four Moonlight Warlock rank powerhouses . This is a great harvest . Now they must go back as soon as possible to hold a Moonlight Ceremony and raise peoples’ spirits .

“Who’s there? Come out!” On the huge flying vessel, one of the three Glorious Sun Warlock Elders Zhao Hong suddenly opened his eyes . His eyes flashed with dazzling light, and he barked .

The huge flying vessel flying at a fearsome speed stopped abruptly and shone with seals, and a level-7 barrier opened .

The other two Glorious Sun Warlocks Lin Yiquan and Mo Hengxing stared at empty space .

“Mwahaha, as expected of the Battle Demon Sect’s Elders, you have keen senses!” A sickening stench was suddenly blown by the wind, and a disgusting person with a tall figure, a withered face, and tumors growing on his body flew out and revealed a sinister smile .

There are countless secret methods in the world of Warlocks . Some bloodline secret methods can make Warlocks good-looking and full of charm, while some weird secret methods can make Warlocks look disgusting and ugly .

For the sake of strength and longevity, many Warlocks don’t mind their appearance, nor even their form nor race .

Zhao Hong spoke coldly: “Old Monster Corpse Poison, to dare to block our way, do you want to die?”

The Old Monster Corpse Poison is a Glorious Sun Warlock rank monster covered in corpse poison . 300 years ago, he massacred a city with a population of more than 10 million people to collect corpse poison . He is in the top 100 monsters on the Great Cloud Dynasty wanted list .

Although the Old Monster Corpse Poison is tyrannically strong, far stronger than ordinary Glorious Sun Warlocks, but he isn’t the opponent of either of the three Glorious Sun Warlock Elders from the Battle Demon Sect .

The eyes of the Old Monster Copse Poison flashed fiercely, and he uttered with a crazed smile: “Mwahaha, those who are going to die today are you, damn lackeys of the court!”

A black hurricane blew over, and a bald handsome young man wearing a secret treasure made from human skulls, enveloped by a wicked breath stepped out of the hurricane, a smile on his face .

Zhao Hong’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Bones Demon Monk!”

Reportedly, Bones Demon Monk is a Monk from another plane who was captured by a human Warlock . After being transformed by several inhumane spells, he turned on his master . Following several fortuitous encounters, he eventually became a Glorious Sun Warlock rank monster . The number of humans from the Cangzhi Plane who died in his hands has exceeded 10 million .

A mirror suddenly flew out of the void, and a bewitching woman with a sexy figure enveloped by a transparent gauze flew out of the mirror . The women looked at Yang Feng in the crowd, an enigmatic smile on her face .

Zhao Hong’s eyes constricted: “Mirror Witch!”

The Mirror Witch is of mysterious origin . When she debuted, she appeared as mirror incarnations in different places . She has incurred the hatred of many small sects in the Great Cloud Dynasty and slaughtered two small sects whose strongest experts were Moonlight Warlocks . She is a Glorious Sun Warlock with unfathomable strength, and is most difficult to kill . She has been defeated more than a dozen times, but every time she escaped easily . She is a most troublesome Glorious Sun Warlock .

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