Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1418 : Anything Else To Do

“Why aren’t they coming down yet?”

Hyson looked at Xiang Wai who was impatiently waiting for Raelle and Shui Xian to come down. When he went to see his group members, she was waiting right here and when he came back, she was still right there waiting for them.

“Don’t you have anything else to do?” questioned Hyson but then he answered his own question. “Right. You really have nothing better to do right now. Even your fiancé ran away early in the morning. Poor you!”

Xiang Wai scratched the tip of her nose and turned her face toward Hyson. Glaring at him, she gritted out, “Are you looking for a fight?”

“Why would I be looking for a fight?” retorted Hyson as spread his hands. “I’m just stating facts here. Now, the facts seemed to sting you than there is nothing I can do about that, right?” Taking a movement to appreciate the distorted face of Xiang Wai, he added, “But on a serious note, find something else to do. If nothing else, go to sleep. You stayed up all night just so you can have more time with your fiancé. Now that you have sent him away, it’s time for you to get some rest too.” Explore more at m,v l’e-m|p| y r

Xiang Wai waved her hand, “I’m not sleepy.”

“Then do something else.”


“I don’t know. There is so much to do. But waiting here for Raelle and Xian Ge is the most pointless thing to do.”

Xiang Wai got mad when she heard this. “Why not? They should have come down early in the morning. Didn’t they decide on the traditional wedding? The bride is supposed to serve tea to her in-laws on the next morning. Where is she? Where is our bride? Oh, that’s right. She is still lazing around in her room at noon. Tsk. Tsk.”

Hyson pursed his lips and rolled his eyes at her, “You are expecting too much from your sister as always. Keep your expectations in check. I’d like to see how early you’d come out of your room after your wedding night.”

Xiang Wai touched her cheeks saying, “My wedding night is still far away.”

“Of course, it is! So, be nice! If you pissed off your sister, you’d lose a bridesmaid.”

Xiang Wai shut up when she heard this and said, “I’m definitely not gonna have the Chinese style wedding. I wanna wear a white gown.”

“Discuss this with your fiancé,” said Hyson. “Oh, that’s right. He is not here.”

Xiang Wai growled at him with a fierce gaze directed toward him. Hyson shrugged and didn’t take her seriously at all. He was always the fearless one. How could he take her gaze seriously right now?

“I heard you aren’t staying for long,” asked Xiang Wai in a serious tone.

Hyson was checking his watch which seemed to be not working when he heard that question. He leisurely took off the watch from his wrist and held it in his hand as he answered her, “Yeah. I’m leaving tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? Isn’t that too soon?”

“Not really,” replied Hyson. “I’ve been here for days. I came a day earlier than you. Ellie and Xian Ge will be leaving for their honeymoon tonight. What am I gonna do here then?”

“You can do what you were suggesting to me just now,” reminded Xiang Wai. “Have fun.”

“Aren’t I staying one more day for that ‘fun’?” questioned Hyson as he tapped his watch as if by doing so, it would start working again. “I have been here too many times in life. When I was studying in this country, I spent all of my weekends coming here to annoy Ellie. I have been to all the fun places here and have had my share of the fun too. I’m only staying until tomorrow because I want to take my friends with me to show them around a little. After that, I’m flying back home since I have a lot of work waiting for me.”

“Right. I always forget that you even came to study here on full scholarship,” Xiang Wai sighed. “I hate to admit it but you seem to be a talented guy. You have achieved all your success on your own. You did well. No, I should say you grew up well.”

“Why are you suddenly becoming sentimental now?”

“No reason. It’s just that I think I should be more considerate of you. You are also my brother-in-law now.”

“No!” Hyson raised his hand to stop her. “Not your brother-in-law. I have said this before and I’d say it again, I have nothing to do with Zhai Yanjun.”

“Do you have to dislike him so much?”

“I liked him quite a bit until I learned whose son he is.”

Xiang Wai pursed her lips, “It’s not his fault that he shares the same father with you. How can you blame him for that?”

“I don’t blame him for it,” replied Hyson. “And I don’t care that we have the same father too. But how am I supposed to forget about his mother? It’s not like you don’t know what his mother did to my mother. I am a very petty and vengeful person. And I have no problem in accepting that I’m unreasonable too. Yes, Zhai Yanjun is great and all but I hate his mother. That’s something irreconcilable between us. The only reason I don’t take out my anger on him is that my mother seems to love him very much.”

“Tsk, I hate that I can’t even argue with you about this.” Xiang Wai went silent and continued to look at Hyson’s troubled look as he kept staring at his watch that stopped working. She didn’t even know what he was so tangled about right now. But thinking about Zhai Yanjun, she felt a headache coming on.

She understood how much Zhai Yanjun liked having a brother but this brother of his was such a difficult person. However, she couldn’t say that Hyson was wrong either. No one knew about Yue Yue’s troubles more than Hyson who grew up watching it all. It’d be wrong to ask him to forget it all, right?

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