Manaless Mage

Chapter 86 Walking With Sam

‘So I guess that’s how I’ll also end up if my energy also gets exhausted.’ He mumbled inwardly while making a mental note to avoid such situation.

[Yes Host]

The system replied even though his words was more of a rhetorical question.

Harry simply nodded his head and then focused his attention back on the stage.

Sam’s expression didn’t seem too happy though he had won the fight, Harry wasn’t sure but he could more or less guess why; the Lightning Elementalist probably felt like the win wasn’t deserved.

Harry chuckled lightly as he stared at the boy with ruffled brown hair climbing down from the stage.

No matter how he looked at him, Sam’s glasses would always seem funny to him. He didn’t even know how it managed to not fall off when he was fighting.

He couldn’t help but become curious and then ‘scanned’ the pair of glasses using [Probe]. Though he mainly used the skill to check the stats of other students, it could also be used to ‘scan’ an object or artefact.


[Common Object]

Name: Sam’s glass pair

Durability: 85%

Power: 0 bo𝚟𝚕.

Defence: 0


Harry’s eyes squinted slightly as he read through the tab that was flashing across his eyes.

The stats of the glasses showed it was rather ordinary and not an artefact, except for its durability that was quite high, nothing else was special about the pair of glasses.

The fights went on with two more Elementalists getting called onto the stage, however, Harry was no longer that interested in it.

He was more hyped up about the training that would take place after this.


A few hours had passed and the academy activities were finally over. Harry sighed lightly, his gaze moving back and forth between the different students chattering around the school grounds.

This training event took much of his time so he didn’t have the time to head to the training hall and practise his skills a little or else he would be late to work.

He had to admit it, while most of the training event was boring, he did learn a few things.

Though most of them would have benefited him more if he was truly an Elementalist, the training lessons still weren’t completely useless.

He couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if he had registered as a combat mage, instead of an elementalist.

A slight smirk appeared on his lips as today’s occurrences replayed in his mind.

“Harry!” A loud voice that sounded rather tiny suddenly rang out from behind him, breaking him out of his thoughts.

Harry’s eyes squinted slightly as he paused his steps and then turned around, his gaze met with that of a short boy with ruffled brown hair jogging towards him.

‘Sam?’ He said inwardly in surprise. He didn’t think he had anything to discuss or settle with Sam so he was quite surprised to see him approaching him.

After running for a few seconds, Sam finally got to where Harry stood.

The brown haired boy bent slightly with his hands on his knees as he panted heavily.

“I’ve… been… running after you… for some time now…’ He said while in between pants. He raised his gaze up as he stared at Harry.

“Uhh…” Harry’s voice trailed for a second, his brows were raised slightly as he stared into the eyes of the student.

“why were you calling for me…?” Harry asked. He honestly didn’t know how to reply to what Sam said earlier, so he simply said what came to his mind.

Sam stared at him weirdly for a few seconds before straightening his posture. “I just noticed we were going the same way so I felt like we could perhaps walk together.”

Sam didn’t know why but he felt really weird conversing with Harry, the way Harry was staring at him and the expression on the taller student’s face made the whole conversation seem awkward.

“Ohh…” Harry muttered as nodded his head slightly. He had never really walked with anyone ever since the day he registered in the academy so it felt weird to do so now.

Though he wasn’t really a type of person to socialise with people, he wasn’t rude also. As long as one didn’t get on his nerves or try to walk over him, he wouldn’t annoy the person either.

His rule was simple: Good for good; evil for more evil.

Suddenly, Sam’s eyes brightened as he said: “Your fight with Nash, that was awesome! I really have no idea how you were able to cast your spells that fast!”

“Really?” Harry said in surprise. To him, his fight with the earth Elementalist was anything but cool or awesome. It wasn’t as if he did anything too flashy, he had even held back more than half of his strength during that fight.

“Yeah… almost everyone was taking about it. It was cool, I really wish I could cast my spells at half of that speed… but I guess I’m not just that talented…” Sam said with a dreamy look in his eyes. “But one day…”

Harry chuckled slightly when he heard the Elementalist’s words. From Sam’s appearance, one wouldn’t guess that he could actually talk that much.

“I don’t… see it as that impressive, the only fight I saw as impressive was yours actually.” Harry said.

He wasn’t just saying it for the sake of saying it alone but it was what he actually thought, out of all the Elementalists that fought in the combined class, Sam’s was definitely the most impressive and it was what got his attention the most.

“Nah… you’re just pulling my legs, I know I didn’t perform too well against Annie…” A disappointed glint flashed through the boy’s eyes as he reminisced about his ‘battle’ with the light elementalist.

Even though Harry said his fight was okay, for him, it wasn’t. There were a lot of things he could have done better that he didn’t—a lot of mistakes he had made.

Harry didn’t reply to that, it was more like he didn’t know how to reply.

“Can we perhaps… spar someday?” Sam’s expression suddenly brightened as he stared at Harry. “Maybe, you could give me a few pointers.”

Harry was silent for a few seconds when he heard the request, if he was being honest, he considered the Lightning Elementalist as weak and didn’t think he was worthy to spar against.

“Yeah,” He replied. Though Sam’s overall strength was very weak when compared to his, he could still train with him and develop his skills.

Besides, it would also be good for him as he would gain more experience on how to fight with Elementalists. “Why not?” Harry continued.

Sam’s eyes shone even more to the extent that they reflected through the lenses of his glasses.

“Thanks Harry.” He said. “So whenever you’re free?”


The two student kept talking together as they walked down the road, their conversations were mainly about the academy and how to get stronger.

For some reason they connected quite well and the conversation became less awkward as time went on, making it seem like they had known each other for years, rather than mere days.

Harry still needed to take a cab back home but he still hadn’t approached the bus stop where he would board one so he kept on walking with Sam.

Though Sam was younger than Harry with about three years, nothing felt awkward or weird.

After a few minutes, they finally reached the point where they needed to part, Sam house wasn’t that far from the academy and his house was at the other end of the street, while Harry still had to walk a few steps before getting a cab.

“See you tomorrow Harry!” Sam waved as he crossed the road and headed into his house.

Harry waved back awkwardly before turning around.

He had to admit that he had actually enjoyed his conversation with Sam. A slight smile appeared on his lips as he remembered the boy’s offer to spar with him.

After walking for a few seconds, he finally found a taxi and then boarded it home. After all, he still couldn’t waste time as he had to go to work.

A few minutes later, Harry exhaled as he stood in front of a beautiful white building on top which was boldly written “Jade restaurant”.

As A few minutes later, Harry exhaled as he stood in front of a beautiful white building on top which was boldly written “Jade restaurant”.

This was the same restaurant he visited when he first moved to his present house and it was the same place he worked now.

He spent a few seconds staring at the beautiful interior of the building through the sleek transparent windows at the sides of the restaurant before walking in.


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