Manaless Mage

Chapter 78 Earth Against Lightning[2]


A loud cracking sound rang out as the fist squarely hit the face of the blonde haired student.

The hands of some of the second years subconsciously moved to their nose, they could only imagine how much pain he must have felt from that hit.

The force behind the punch bent his nose to the side and he didn’t need a soothsayer to tell him that his nose was now broken.

A huge amount of pain shot up from his face as he staggered backwards by a few steps while holding his bleeding nose. “Arrg…” A low groan left his lips.

The Lightning around him flickered rapidly and slowly dimmed as he lost control of his mana flow.

The earth elementalists didn’t give him any breathing space as he rushed forwards and prepared to throw another punch. .

Fortunately for the Lightning elementalist, he was able to regain control of his elemental mana flow and lightning blitzed around his body again.

He jumped back by a few centimeters, using his superior speed to his advantage and successfully dodging the punch.

However, unlike the last time, the movements of the Lightning Elementalist were quite disoriented.

Every part of his face kept stinging in pain—most especially his nose, and it was only by sheer willpower that he hadn’t lost consciousness.

The black haired student eyes widened slightly as he hadn’t expected his attack to miss; his opponent’s element was unsurprisingly superior to his when it came to speed.

The Lightning Elementalist didn’t waste any time as he quickly ran behind his opponent.

The earth elementalist gritted his teeth as he quickly turned around in a bid to follow the blonde haired student’s speed.

However, he failed as the speed of the opponent was just too fast for him to trace.

“Lightning Ball!” The blonde haired student shouted as a medium sized ball formed just above his palm.

Just before he casted the new spell, he had canceled the old one so Lightning had stopped blitzing and snaking around his body and his speed was no longer as fast as before.

Stage one Elementalists couldn’t handle the pressure and strain of simultaneously casting or holding two spells at once, they would simply cancel the former in other to cast a new one.

He immediately launched the blue ball blitzing with lightning towards Nash—the earth Elementalist, the ball travelled in the air with astonishing speed, leaving a short trail of lightning behind it.

Nash’s eyes couldn’t properly follow the speed of the ball and could only watch as it closed in on him.

He instinctively raised his fists and used it to block his face in order to reduce the damage.

However to his surprise, the ball didn’t move to his face but rather to his chest. It hit his chest with full force, slightly raising his figure and making him stagger backwards by a few steps.

He felt a stinging pain in his chest and his body felt like it had been electrocuted. He couldn’t move his arms or any other part of his body for a few seconds.

This was the stunning effect of the lightning element and Nash was currently being affected by it.

Since lightning was quite similar to electricity, each and every lightning attack sent a slight shock or jolt throughout the body, only people with high physical quantities could resist this ‘stunning effect’.

Hart—the Lightning Elementalist didn’t waste any time and he immediately launched another Lightning ball.

This time, the blue ball made purely of lightning flew towards Nash’s face with speed.

Nash was unable to react to its speed as it was simply too fast for him, he suffered another hit as the ‘ball’ hit him on the face with full force.

A low grunt left his lips as his hands instinctively moved to his face, his face was itchy and stinging with pain.

Unfortunately for him, the stunning effect of the attack hit him once more and he found it hard to move his body.

A smirk appeared on Hart’s face as he watched Nash shudder and struggle, in his eyes, he had already won the battle.

He didn’t believe there was anything the earth Elementalist, he had already landed two successful attacks and that was enough to guarantee his victory.

The smirk on his face widened as he mockingly stared at Nash. Since he only casted the [Lightning ball] spell a few seconds ago, his speed boost spell—Lightning dash, had already been dispelled.

The cheers from the Lightning Elementalists among the crowd of students increased, they also had the same thought process as Hart—victory was guaranteed for the Lightning Elementalist.

They kept bragging to the other Elementalist; telling them how great and versatile their element was.

Others simply ignored them and were more focused on the fight, although they didn’t want to admit it, it truly seemed like the Lightning elementalist would win the fight.

Surprisingly, the Instructors did nothing to stop the loud noise, their eyes simply remained on the two Elementalists on the stage.

Compared to the last fight, this one was a lot more interesting and thrilling to watch, and the attention of the students were captured by it.

Unlike the rest of the students, the thought going through Harry’s mind were quite different.

When the lightning elementalist first cast his spell, Harry had compared it to his own [Lightning Dash].

Since this was the first time he saw a ‘real’ Lightning elementalist using spells and engaging in a fight, he was quite curious to see the differences between their elements.

While he had only activated [Lightning Dash] a few times, he was still able to notice that his skill was a lot more powerful than the spell version.

The amount and density of Lightning that moved around Hart’s body was a lot lesser than the one that danced around his body.

The colour of his own Lightning was also a lot brighter while Hart’s appeared dimmer.

He didn’t need to question the talent of the Lightning elementalist on the stage as the colour of Hart’s Lightning—Light blue, already said a lot about his talent.

It was well known that Elementalist with light blue lightning were talented as that was the more powerful version of the Lightning element.

It wander just with [Lightning Dash] but with all the spells the elementalist had casted since he beginning of the fight.

Harry placed his attention back on the stage as he thought: ‘The system was truly right when it said my skills were more powerful than their spell versions…’

He was also quite impressed by both Nash and Hart, from the way they fought and exchanged spells, it was obvious that they had some experiences in fighting against other Elementalists.

However, he was more impressed by the earth elementalist, he was quick witted and clearly had more experience than his opponent.

Though Hart was twice faster than he was, he didn’t give up, neither did he fret.

On the stage, the Lightning elementalist was still acting cocky. He casually walked to the edge of the stage while staring at the earth Elementalist with a smug smile.

In his pride and cockiness, he didn’t notice that the thick brown colour on Nash’s fists was gradually receding.

After rubbing his ‘victory’ in the face of Nash, he finally decided that it was time to end the fight.

“Lightning Dash!” He shouted, Lightning blitzed around his body from head to toe as he bursted forward with high speed.

However, just when he had almost close in on Nash, a loud shout suddenly came out of the mouth of the earth elementalist.

“Earth hold!” Nash shouted as he ran forward.

He pulled his fists back and casted another spell almost immediately: “Rock fists!”

He felt a little strain on his mind as the pressure of casting the spells weighed down on his mind, however, he didn’t let that disrupt his actions.

Hart’s eyes widened as he immediately tried to dodge the punch, but just as he was able to move away from the punch’s trajectory, he noticed that he couldn’t move; he was stuck!

His eyes instinctively drifted to his leg, and that was when he noticed; a thick brown ‘substance’ had glued his feet to the floor.

‘Shit!’ He exclaimed inwardly as he raised his gaze back up.

His eyes met with the figure of Nash, who had a smug grin on his face as he ran towards him with an outstretched ‘brown fist’.

As Nash closed in on him, he immediately tried to dodge by moving to the side while also applying pressure on the ‘earth’ holding his feet to break free.

However, it was easier said than done as the moment he tried to move his upper body, Nash suddenly pulled back his fist and threw another punch to him using his other hand—the first punch was a feint!

He could only watch as the thick brown fist ‘approached’ him, since he had already moved, it was hard to change his momentum and he had no way of escaping the attack.


A loud bone cracking sound rang out as Nash’s fists collided squarely with his jaw.


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