Manaless Mage

Chapter 76 Combined Second Year Training

“Just ignore them.” A rather tiny voice suddenly drifted into Harry’s ears.

Harry’s brows furrowed slightly as he turned around. His gaze met with that of a short boy with ruffled brown hair, his cheeks were quite puffy and his eyes were covered by glasses twice their size.

A small black bag hung from his back and the straps were held with his small hands. His appearance, coupled with the huge glasses that hung on his nose, made him look like a nerd that was bullied frequently.

The brown haired boy’s face flustered due to Harry’s sudden stare. “I… mean, you shouldn’t worry about them.”

Harry nodded his head slightly, he turned his head again and stared at the place where those three students stood earlier.

“Who are they?” He asked without looking at the student face. Though he didn’t take what they said serous, he was still curious about their identity.

Since he would be getting promoted to their elemental class, it wouldn’t hurt to know about a few Elementalists in the second year.

“Ohh… that is Noel. He is one of the rather talented ones in that class… he’s also proud so he probably sees you as some kind of competition… or threat.” The boy said while rolling his eyes. “The other two are Min and Jon, they are rather weak and all they do is follow Noel everywhere.”

One of Harry’s brows raised slightly when he heard the other student’s words.

When the short boy spoke, Harry noticed something, the brown haired student addressed the other two as “Rather weak”.

This either meant that the scrawny and weak looking boy was one of the more powerful ones in the class… or he was at least stronger than those students that approached him with Noel.

“What about you… what’s your name?” Harry asked. Now his interest was piqued, at first he had judged the boy to be someone who was bullied constantly, however, that just might not be the case.

“Sam Hopper… I’m also a second year Elementalist.” He said with a slight smile.

Harry nodded his head slightly, he wasn’t that surprised that the student was also a Lightning Elementalist.

After all, they were still in the Lightning hall and regular students or Elementalists with elements other than Lightning weren’t allowed into the Lightning hall.

“So are you heading to the class now… maybe we should go together?” The Elementalist asked while staring at Harry.

“I can’t go with you… I’m going to the training hall.” Harry said. He raised the scroll he was holding using his right hand and then continued: “I still need to learn and master this spell.”

“Ohh…” The brown haired student muttered in understanding. Unlike Harry, he had something to do in his class so he couldn’t waste anytime and had to go back to his class. “Okay, maybe next time then.”

Without waiting for a reply, he turned around and started walking to his class.

Harry stared at his back for a few seconds before chuckling lightly. Within those few seconds that they conversed, Harry had already scanned the Elementalist’s stats using probe and to say he wasn’t impressed would be a lie.


[Name: Sam Hopper]

[Race: Human]

[H/P: 50/50]

[Mana Core: 1st Stage]

[Mana: 70/73]

[Strength: 19]

[Agility: 25]

[Stamina: 17]

[Perception: 21]

[Endurance: 16]

[Intelligence: 30]

[Mental: 28]

[Charm: 5]


Apart from Sam’s charm stat which was very low, the rest were actually quite impressive for an Elementalist.

According to the system stat unit, a stage one Elementalist had at least 10 mana points while a stage two Elementalist had at least 100.

Sam’s mana was already more than halfway towards the 100 mark, which meant he might breakthrough to the second mana core stage within months.

As for the three students from earlier, Harry didn’t take their words seriously. He wasn’t mad or anything; he simply saw them as kids who were envious of him.

He only became an Elementalist a few weeks ago and yet he had already passed most—no, all of the first year students, it was only natural that most of them envied him.

It took them months and the less talented ones a year to reach the class he was currently advancing to, so their jealously towards him was expected.

Besides, they were only children between the ages of twelve to fourteen, their mind and thought process was still immature.

There would definitely be a few of them that would take childish routes like this to bully him, it would only become embarrassing if Harry indulged in their childish antics. 𝒆𝙣𝒐𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝙚𝙩

‘I’ll just spend the rest of my time in the academy training… at least learning three spells within one day is a lot more ‘believable’ than learning it within hours.’ Harry mumbled inwardly.

He still had to head to the Earth spell library, however, he would only be able to learn at most one tier two spell or two tier one spells.

He had learnt [Lightning Coat] for eight skill points and he only had twelve left.

The other skill he wanted to learn in the Lightning library was [Lightning Arrow], unfortunately, he had to drop it since learning it would mean he wouldn’t learn any new earth skill.

He already had a tier one earth skill that he planned on showing to his earth instructors—[Shattering Rocks], but he couldn’t just stop there. His earth element had the fewest skills and he also wanted to learn at least one tier two earth ‘spell’.

‘I really need skill points.’ Harry thought with a wry smile.


A day had passed and Harry was currently standing in a wide hall, he wasn’t the only one though as all the other second year Elementalists were also standing orderly around the hall.

There were also a few instructors standing between the students to regulate them.

Though Harry stuck out like a sore thumb due to the obvious difference between the ages of him and the other students in the ‘room’, he wasn’t bothered in the least.

A few of the Elementalists around him kept giving him weird gazes, however, he just ignored them all.

They were on the third floor of the training hall, as for what they were currently doing in the hall—it was a Combined Second year Elemental Training!

Just as the name suggested, it was basically a training that involved all the second year Elementalists in the academy; regardless of their element or respective element halls.

It was conducted monthly to train students in how to fight better when battling against Elementalists with different affinities.

Usually, Harry wouldn’t be joining the training this early. However, since he wasn’t promoted with the others and joined the class rather late, he had no choice but to start with this as his first combat training.

At the middle of the hall was a circular stage that was about half the size as a basketball pitch.

A dim yellow barrier covered the entire stage in a semi-circular shape, the barrier was there to protect the students around the stage from stray attacks and shockwaves—if there were any.

It looked similar to the barrier that was erected the last time Harry dueled with Justin. Though the barrier was covering the stage, it didn’t stop or inconvenience those around it from viewing what was going on the stage.

On the stage were two Elementalists standing opposite each other. One of them was a boy with short black hair and a lanky build, while the other was a girl with blonde hair tied into a bun.

They were both putting on the standard silver and blue academy uniform.

A tall instructor with dark blue hair and a stoic face stood at the edge and then stared at the two students to see if they were ready.

Sparks basically flew between the Elementalists as they faced off with each other while waiting for the instructor’s signal to start the fight.

Harry’s eyes shone brightly as he watched the ongoing battle, since this was the first time he would be watching two Elementalist battle with each other, he was quite curious to see how the fight would go.

He had already checked their stats using [Probe] and the power gap between them wasn’t much so he couldn’t guess the outcome.

Since the level of [Probe] wasn’t high enough to show affinities, he was clueless as to what their elements were.


“Fireball!” The instructor’s words were followed by a loud shout from the girl.

She stretched her hand forwards as a small fireball formed above it, without wasting any time, she threw the blazing fireball towards the boy.

The boy was rather calm even though the fireball was closing in on him, while the speed of the fireball was fast, it wasn’t so fast that he couldn’t follow it.

He quickly circulated his mana as he hurriedly launched a counter spell.

“Wind steps!” He shouted as he sidestepped, successfully dodging the fireball by a hair breath.

He didn’t relax even though he escaped the fireball, he advanced forward with his left hand pulled to the back, preparing another attack.

The fireball kept going in the same trajectory until it hit the yellow barrier and evaporated as if it never existed.


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