Manaless Mage

Chapter 168 Healing and regeneration level up!

Chapter 168 Healing and regeneration level up!

‘So it’s a mana beast with a kind of enhancement trait, just great…’ Harry thought, with a wry smile.

All parts of his body stung with pain, especially the deep claw marks on his chest, and injury on his back. With how hard his back hit the tree, he wouldn’t be too surprised if his spinal cord was shattered on impact.

Mana beasts with traits that could enhance their overall ability like this bear were very rare, especially among those below stage five.

He hadn’t actually expected the bear to use its trait that soon, but it seemed like it considered him that much of a threat.

Beasts below stage five activated their traits based on instincts alone, if they sensed that an opponent was strong enough to endanger their lives, they would instinctively activate their traits either to fight back of defend.

Harry’s eyes drifted to the small horns glowing above the bear’s head, and a slight frown appeared on his face.

It was clear that the huge amount of mana fueling the bear’s strength was being channeled from those horns, and by breaking them, he should be able to cancel out the beast’s trait. That should give? him a better chance of winning.

However… there was one problem, he couldn’t properly move any part of his body right now!

The injury he sustained from the hit, in addition to his brutal collision against the thick trunk, were quite serious, and even though they were already healing, it would still take a few seconds before he was able to move properly.

And of course, the angry bear wouldn’t wait for him to be fully healed before pouncing back on him.


With another loud roar, the mana beast charged at him once more, with both its hands raised above its head, aiming to smash Harry’s body to a pulp.

‘Shit it’s so fast!!’ Harry exclaimed inwardly, his eyes barely able to follow the beast’s speed.

Since he still couldn’t move, he would surely be smashed into paste if that attack landed on him!

With the fear of death looming upon him, his brain and mind worked faster than they had ever done throughout his life, rapidly thinking of a solution.

And immediately, an idea popped into head! His eyes, he should redirect his energy into his eyes so he’ll be able to follow the beast’s movements!

Without wasting anytime, Harry hurriedly channeled some of his energy into his eyes, and just like he had expected, the bear’s speed seemed to slow down a little.

[-40 Energy Points]

A notification appeared at the corner of his eye, but Harry ignored it, focusing more on how he would survive this situation.

Taking that split second when the bear’s speed slowed down in his eyes, Harry placed his hand on the ground, hurriedly activating a skill!

‘Earth Hold!’ He shouted inwardly, subconsciously harnessing some of his energy into the skill.

Instantly, two thick lumps of earth rose up from the ground just as the bear’s legs was about to connect to it, covering them up to its knees, and trapping the bear.

‘Yes! It worked!’ Harry thought in joy. Earth hold was a skill he learnt during one of his classes in the earth hall, and he was more than glad right now that he did.

He actually had low hopes that the skill would successfully trap the bear, especially since he still couldn’t properly follow its speed despite already enhancing his eyes by channeling energy into them.? However, he was glad it did.

Suddenly, a system notification appeared in front of him, and with that, the speed of his healing increased even more.

[Healing and Regeneration level up!]

[Skill “Healing and regeneration” now level 3!]

A slight smile appeared on Harry’s face, and finally, he was able to move his body again.

Though the injuries were still there, and the pain still kept assaulting his body, he was still able to move, and that he was grateful for.

Immediately, he channeled energy into his legs to boost his speed, and the rest of his body to hasten his healing, before hurriedly standing up.



Suddenly, the huge, black bear let out a deafening roar to the skies. The small yellow horns on its head briefly glowed brighter, boosting its power even more, before it charged forward, shattering the lumps of earth beneath it into pieces.

‘Damn it!’ Harry thought, shocked at how the mana beast broke away from his trap skill so easily. But then, with how strong the bear was, it shouldn’t be too surprising.

The only good thing about this situation, was that the bear was using its trait continuously, which meant it should run out of mana quicker, and then it would become a lot easier for Harry to finish it off. .𝘤𝘰

However… that wouldn’t matter if Harry gets squashed by its arms before then! 𝑖𝘦𝑎.𝗇t

‘Accelerate!’ Harry hurriedly harnessed more energy into his eyes and legs, boosting his speed even more.

[+100 Points temporarily allocated to agility!]

[-80 Energy points]

Though this took a good chunk of his energy, Harry didn’t care since he knew it would regenerate eventually.

Unknown to Harry, his eyes started glowing with a dim blue colour, and his pupil was filled with tiny golden and white particles.

However, since he was too focused on? defeating the huge bear, he wasn’t able to notice this.

Seeing as the bear was rapidly closing in on him, Harry quickly slid to the side, before stretching one of his hands towards? the beast.

‘Shattering Rocks!’ He exclaimed inwardly, and instantly, six medium sized rocks appeared in front of him before shooting towards the bear at rapid speed.



Just before the rocks hit the bear, they suddenly exploded into small stones that shot into its face and neck at rapid speed. A few of the stones managed to pierce its eye, and the dust from them stung its nose, causing its speed to slow down.

Blood bled from the injuries on its eyes and face, and the mana beast grunted in pain, before rubbing its face with its hands, in hopes of reducing the pain.


[A/N: I edited chapter 137, I added a few things to his skill tab that I forgot to add the last time. Like probe and the two skills he learnt from the academy. ]

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