Manaless Mage

Chapter 134 Nathan’s Background

Chapter 134 Nathan’s Background

During the last few days, he made some research on the Lane family using the internet, and what he saw was actually quite surprising.

From what he saw on the internet, Nathan used to be a student of Zenith academy, before he suddenly transferred to Vane academy a few months ago.

This raised some questions in Harry’s mind, and he couldn’t help but find the combat mage’s character to be even more weird.

Out of all the academies in the world, Zenith magical academy was regarded as one of the three best magical academies.

So they had more talented students, and could offer more quality resources and equipments, it was quite odd for someone to move from such a top-rated academy to one that was just a little above average.

Apart from that, Nathan was also quite popular in Zenith even before transferring to Vane academy.

He was one of the elite students in Zenith academy, with his academy rank being fifth, and also the top combat mage of the academy.

This only made his transfer more strange to Harry.

However, what he found surprising the most was Nathan’s background. While he wasn’t able to find out much, he discovered Nathan’s father was actually Titus Lane, the owner of the popular artifact manufacturing company known as “Lane Tech.”

Well, it was obvious since Nathan’s surname was “Lane”, however, Harry didn’t realize this before.

He wasn’t the most “current” student as he had never really bothered to learn more about talented Elementalists and other magical academies.

The only reason he even bothered to look up Nathan’s name on the internet was because he was surprised at how much hype his duel caused in the academy.

Thinking about it now, it also explained why he was quite popular in the academy and why his a lot of students knew his name.


A few minutes later, the ruckus caused by Han’s duel with Dan had finally died down.

And now, standing in the middle of the stage were two different students.

The audience kept cheering just like before, except this time, their cheers were a lot louder than it was during Han’s duel.

It was as if everyone had forgotten what recently happened during Han and Dan’s duel, and more completely absorbed in the fight that would soon take place.

At the left side of the large stage was Nathan, and in his hands was a thin-bladed bastard sword with black handle.

He had a slight smile on his face, however, his eyes were still rocked on his opponent.

The sword wasn’t an artifact, but a weapon. Artifacts were forbidden in duels and events, however, weapons were allowed.

Combat mages mainly relied on their weapons to fight and utilize their mana, and even a few Elementalists preferred to fight with actual weapons.

Weapons were also graded from rank 1 to rank 8, and the sword in Nathan’s hands was a rank four weapon.

At the right side of the stage was an average-height boy with thick black hair cut neatly into a low-cut.

He had a handsome face and his eyes were dark brown.

He was Farhen, the fourteenth ranked elite student, and also the one Nathan chose to challenge to a duel. He was a late stage two water Elementalist, and one that was quite skilled at that.

A few days ago, Nathan suddenly challenged him to a duel. At first, he wanted to refuse, after all, he didn’t really have anything to gain even if he won the duel.

However, his pride didn’t let him refuse the duel. Among the elite students, he was ranked twelfth.

Backing out from the duel seemed like cowardice to him, and remembering the tone in which Nathan spoke to him angered him further.

It didn’t matter whether Nathan came from a top academy or not, that didn’t make him an easy opponent to prey on.

Besides, even he also wanted to see the strength of one of those from the so-called golden academies. He wanted to know if they were really worth the hype.

Even if he lost the duel, he wouldn’t be too disappointed, since he still had a chance to regain it at the upcoming ranking event.

A slight frown was on his face as he stared at Nathan. He got into a simple stance, while also not taking his eyes off his opponent.

Surprisingly, there was a short sword hung at his side.

Usually, he wasn’t one to use weapons, because it affected his spell-casting, however, he brought a weapon this time, as a precaution.

An instructor stood at the side, his eyes on the participants to see if they were ready.

Harry’s eyes squinted slightly as he stared at the two students on the stage.

He wasn’t just looking at them though, he was actually using [Probe] to gauge their stats.

During the last two days, he leveled up [Probe] using the skill points he got from hunting mana beasts. Fortunately, it didn’t cost much and he only had to spend three skill points to level it up.

So currently, [Probe] was level 3.

The first person he scanned with the skill was Farhen, and his stats were actually quite interesting.


[Name: Farhen Tumbler]

[Race: Human]

[H/P: 100/100]

[Mana core: 2nd Stage]

[Mana: 930/930]

[Strength: 38]

[Agility: 45]

[Stamina: 31]

[Perception: 40]

[Endurance: 30]

[Intelligence: 65]

[Mental: 38]

[Charm: 40]


One thing Harry had noticed about Elementalist was that their intelligence was usually a lot higher than their other stats, it was probably related to their elemental mana, and spell-casting.

However, Harry didn’t ponder on it too much. Despite Farhen’s stats being high,

It still didn’t compare to his in anyway.

He scanned Nathan’s stats after, feeling quite curious about how a combat mage’s stats would look.

But when he saw it, he couldn’t help but gasp slightly in surprise.


Thanks for the support everyone. I’m sorry the update hasn’t been stable for a while now, it is because I have been quite busy and I don’t have much time to write anymore. But don’t worry, this is only temporary, and the book will get back to its normal update rate very soon..

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