Manaless Mage

Chapter 118 Fruitful

Chapter 118 Fruitful

‘A chance!’ He exclaimed inwardly and immediately swung one of his arm, launching another wind slash.

The wind slash cut through the air with great speed and within the blink of an eye, it landed cleanly on the bear’s neck, leaving a deep cut.

Blood gushed out of the cut and the huge bear choked on its own blood before falling to the ground, dead.


‘This one was a lot easier compared to the cobra.’ Harry thought.

If he had fought this beast a few minutes ago when he still hadn’t leveled up his skills, it would have definitely been a lot more difficult to defeat it.

He then removed the beast core and absorbed it, getting another round of EXP.


This time, he didn’t absorb the bear’s body, but stored it in his storage device instead.

A light smile appeared on his face and he started moving deeper into the forest to hunt more beasts.


A slight smile appeared on Harry’s face as he placed his feet on top of a large tiger-like beast.

After killing the bear, he hunted down three more beasts, including this one, bringing the total number of stage two beasts he hunted today to five.

The tiger-like beast had black stripes and orange skin just likes normal tiger, but its whiskers were thrice longer and the fangs in its mouth were also twice thicker and sharper.

It was a beast known for its speed and tenacity, defeating this mana beast wasn’t easy for Harry and the number of times he came close to death when fighting it was more than one.

He was only able to defeat it through the optimal utilization of his skills and his high stats.

It was why he also felt happy when he finally defeated it, it showed that he had indeed improved.

The smile on his face grew bigger when he saw the notification that flashed across his eyes.


[Level up!]

Today’s adventure into the beast forest was nothing less than fruitful for him.

Not only did he level up twice, but most of his skills had also gone up a level and became more powerful.

Apart from that, he felt that he had improved personally, putting himself in life or death fights had definitely improved his fighting senses and that made him glad.

‘That’s it for today…’ He mumbled with a slight smile on his face. Though he said this, it wasn’t because he was tired or exhausted.

Leveling up had already replenished all his stamina and energy and it felt like he hadn’t even been in any fight.

But he was already quite drained mentally from constant fights with mana beasts, and even the system couldn’t really help with that.

After removing the beast core, he absorbed it, causing another notification to flash through his eyes.


While he could have easily sold the beast core for a large amount of money, he didn’t since he still had to keep a low profile and keep his real capabilities hidden.

He had also absorbed the bodies of the two other beast’s he hunted after the bear, along with their beast cores, which was why he was able to level up.

‘Mana steal.’ He mumbled, as he placed his hands on the beast body, and started absorbing the remaining mana that was left in it. .π™˜π’π’Ž

The tiger’s body slowly dried up and its furs started thinning out as Harry absorbed its remaining mana.


After that, he stored the beast’s body in his storage device, feeling that he had done enough for today.

Those clothes made with beast’s skin and more durable materials were very 00:18

expensive, since he had already exhausted most of his money on the storage device, His clothes were already roughened and even a little tattered, and his current appearance was like that of a homeless beggar.

The only reason his clothes were roughened to this extent was because he used normal clothes made with the usual textile materials, instead of getting those more resistant and durable.

Those clothes made with beast’s skin and more durable materials were very expensive, since he had already exhausted most of his money on the storage device, he couldn’t even get a single shirt made with mana beast skin.

He planned on getting into an hotel after selling the bodies of the beast’s in his storage device.

Taking one last look towards the zone that was located some distance away from him, he smirked and then, turned and started leaving the forest.


After walking for a few minutes, Harry finally came out of the forest. He paused his steps for a second as he stared at the hub which was as vibrant as usual.

His eyes squinted slightly as he started walking forward, awkwardly looking to the side while hoping that he would find somewhere he could trade beast bodies.

His appearance attracted a few stares from those in the stalls, most of them only glanced at him for a second before taking their eyes away.

Due to his appearance, they felt that he was probably someone weak who ventured into the beast forest without proper preparation and got seriously injured.

He felt a little awkward just staring around.

Since this was his first time hunting mana beasts, he didn’t know anyone here and he couldn’t approach just anyone to sell the beasts.

‘Ahh yes, the map.’ Harry thought. The map in the watch given to him didn’t just contain information about the zones but also information on the hub, he felt stupid for even forgetting that.

The information on the ‘hub’ was a little confusing but he was able to understand it.

According to the map, the area where beast core dealers and beast bodies traders were located was quite deep in hub.

Following the map, he took a turn to the right and after walking for a few minutes, he arrived at an area that was quite sophisticated.

Each of the shops in this area were nicely decorated and the surroundings looked more advanced.

After looking around for a few more seconds, he walked to the shop closest to him.

At the counter, a young boy who looked to be no more than 14 years was resting his head the surface, he had a bored expression on his face and kept tapping his hands on the surface.

But the moment he noticed Harry, his face brightened a little and he hurriedly stood upright.

“Hello sir, what can I do for you?”


New chapter! Another one coming up in a few hours!

Don’t forget to check out my new novel “Dark Monarch: Battle Necromancer”. Check it out and leave a review if you like it! Thanks for your support!

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