Major League System

Chapter 767 Fallout & Summer Break (1)

The news hit the media the next day, drumming up a ton of backlash for the NCAA. Prominent Yanks players Masaru Tanaka and Alex Cole both made announcements on their social media denouncing the decision made.

Columbia University had made their own announcement, making their intent to appeal the decision known to everyone. This had gained much support and many eyes were focused on the issue.

But it was the outcry from the Japanese people which made the most noise. For weeks, Ken’s situation had been broadcast within the country, to the point where some of his old friends in the NPB spoke out for him.

Hiroki, Riku, Masayuki and his brother Daichi used their following to organize a boycott of American sports in Japan while Ken remained on the sideline. This was surprisingly effective, tanking the viewership of both the Major League and College baseball in the country.

Of course Ken had not asked for any of this, but nonetheless it had warmed his heart greatly. Unfortunately this had no impact on the decision in the short term and Ken was forced to sit on the sideline and watch his team play.

The Bobcats lost the final series game to Penn, robbing them of their Ivy League Championship trophy despite their historical season. Despite this, Columbia were still awarded a spot in the post season thanks to their win/loss record.

But having lost the momentum and missing a key player in Ken, they struggled against Virginia Tech after defeating Gonzaga, thus putting an end to the season once and for all.

With the final game done, the Senior players like Tristan, Jackson and Ethan were done with college. They had already graduated at the beginning of May and the only reason they stayed was for the post season.

There was a small party held for the end of season, hosted by the coaching staff. While the atmosphere was a little glum, there was at least some good news.

Ethan and Tristan were invited to some private workouts prior to the MLB draft in July. Their stellar season was likely a contributing factor towards their success this year round.

After some heartfelt goodbyes, the team disbanded, set to return when classes resumed in fall. With almost 3 months left of Summer break, Ai and Ken decided to head to Japan for some time.

As always, the flight was torturous, especially for Ken who was approaching closer to 6’6 every day. He had learned his lesson and paid extra for economy plus tickets, but the almost 15 hour flight had nearly killed him.

Only when they arrived on solid ground and he could stretch his limbs did he breathe a sigh of relief.

“We’re home…” Ai said, gripping Ken’s arm in her own.

“Mmm.” Ken replied with a smile.

Once they left the airport, a gust of wind blew against his face, tousling his hair. The air smelled fresh, unlike New York City, giving him a sense of nostalgia.

They caught the train back to Yokohama and left the station, beginning the familiar walk back to Ai’s parent’s house.

It had been so long since they walked here together and so much had changed. They were no longer those kids in High School, tiptoeing around their relationship.

As Ken’s eyes drifted around the familiar street where he used to run every day, he remembered just how simple everything had once been. It might have felt challenging back then, but now that things had changed, he missed it.

He missed when his family lived together, his Yokohama teammates. With the nostalgia came a tinge of sadness. He would never get to experience the joys of his childhood again.

“Do you remember when I hit you on my bike over there?” Ai asked, nudging him slightly. Find your next adventure on empire

Ken let out a small laugh, “Yeah… Then we went to deliver bread to the turbo granny.”

Ai giggled, “Then you took me back to your house to get patched up.” She recalled, reminiscing fondly.

“Yeah… Mom was already trying to matchmake us back then.”

“Haha, my mom too. No wonder they got along so well.”

The two walked in silence for a while and could soon see her parents house from the end of the street. Instead of continuing forward, Ai stopped in place and tugged Ken’s arm.

“Do you remember what happened here?” She asked shyly.

“No?” Ken replied with a confused expression.

Ai frowned and was about to admonish him, however before she could, Ken’s finger lifted her chin and he planted a deep kiss onto her lips. Whatever complaints she had soon melted away.

Only after a few moments did Ken relinquish his lips giving a wicked grin. “Just kidding~”

Ai puffed her cheeks, sending a playful punch to his gut. “You almost made me angry.” She stated, but there was humor in her tone.

“Come on, let’s go. Apparently Dad’s been waiting by the window all day for us to come home.”

“Eh?” Ken was a little surprised, but he still followed along.

As they got to the end of the driveway, Ken saw the shutters move briefly, as if someone had just closed them in a hurry. Yet even as they approached the door, no one came out of the house.

Knock Knock

The moment Ken’s knuckles rapt on the door it swung open, revealing Tetsu in his navy blue singlet. The guy had flour sprinkled on him as usual and his arms were as thick as ever.

He eyed Ken, starting from his feet all the way up to his head. Since Ken had grown much taller since he’d last seen him, Tetsu had to crane his neck in order to see his face.

“Hey Dad, I missed you.” Ai said, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him into a big hug. The guy mumbled a few words, his face turning slightly red.

When they had finished the hug, Ken moved forward and held out his hand. “Mr. Koyama, it’s nice to see you again.”

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