Madam Is A Sensational Figure In The City

Chapter 805 - Controversial News About Leng Yuxi

Chapter 805: Controversial News About Leng Yuxi

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

When they returned to the crew in the afternoon, everyone was discussing two matters.

One was about her and who the man who held her hand was. The other was about Huo Xishen and just how beautiful his wife was to have won Huo Xishen’s heart!

Yan Jinyi remained silent before continuing to walk forward. In fact, both the people in question were her.

“Sister Jinyi is here, Sister Jinyi is here!”

Someone exclaimed and everyone flocked to Yan Jinyi. Even the crew from next door came over.

“Who is that man, Sister Jinyi? Did you realize everyone’s dream of having multiple boyfriends at the same time?”

“In fact, I support Mr. Tang. He’s the CEO of a company and he’s handsome too. I bet Zhao Xinchen and Zhuang Heng aren’t as rich as him!”

“In fact, I think Zhuang Heng is not bad. Since he’s the Best Actor, he’s definitely not short of money! Most importantly, think about it, Sister Jinyi, Mr. Tang was born into a family of hooligans. His family must be very sordid, and they are a wealthy family. Zhuang Heng is different.”

Everyone started trying to set her up with various men.

Yan Jinyi glanced at the person who was speaking. “How is it different?”

“Zhuang Heng is so cheerful and silly all the time. His parents must be very loving and humorous. Otherwise, how can they possibly give birth to such a son!?!”

“That’s right.”

“…” The corners of Yan Jinyi’s mouth twitched. ‘Hah, how did Zhuang Lijuan even give birth to such a funny child?’

‘Forget it, I’m not going to bother stooping low to the level of these people.’

However, she ought to be thankful to both Tang Qing and Zhuang Heng. If not for their intervention, God knows what those marketing accounts would write about her.

There was also Huo Xishen who shockingly drew away the attention of everyone else on Weibo.

“Sister Jinyi, thanks to you, our crew has made it to the hot search list again. Maybe, our viewer ratings…”

Yan Jinyi suddenly hollered, “What viewership ratings? We’re not out to earn ratings. Since they’re forcing me to agree, what can I do? Do you think a mere actress like me can defeat her?”

At this point, she sighed and said, “Do you not know how pragmatic society is now? If my body is found one day, you will understand who killed me.”

She knew there were reporters there so she deliberately said those things in front of them.

‘That little bitch Leng Yuxi tried to smear me?’

‘What a joke. You really think I don’t dare to retaliate, huh?’

Fang Ting, who had been abroad for several years, was very experienced in socializing and understood society well.

Tao Wei told her that Yan Jinyi was not an ordinary person and coupled with the events that occurred recently, she could more or less guess something.

She could tell that Yan Jinyi had a grudge against Leng Yuxi, and they knew each other.

Since her current boss wants to deal with Leng Yuxi, how could she not help?

“In fact, the common truth about normal citizens being unable to fight the rich, is common in all countries. Our crew is full of people who work hard for their dreams, and to support themselves and their families. Just because we don’t make trouble, it doesn’t mean we are afraid of trouble!”

“Director Fang is right. In the future, don’t compare us with any drama crew. We can’t compare with a wealthy man’s daughter.” After saying that, Yan Jinyi began to drive people away. “Hurry up and leave. I’ll teach whoever affects my shooting, a hard lesson!”

Everyone knew that many of the netizens hated the rich and Yan Jinyi’s words had caught their attention. Many began to guess if Leng Yuxi had used her identity and status to suppress Yan Jinyi.

Such public opinion increased and there were some fearless media outlets that published some controversial news about Leng Yuxi.

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